Dubs decide what I say

Dubs decide what I say..


"I'm a total tool and a fag, if I gave you a can of monster would you shove it up my ass"

>March 4th

Are you a time traveler?

I love you



OP here, keep them coming.....loving what i'm seeing so far

I will tickle your bolthole and give you a slimey pewy pewy. It's slime with poop mixed with vanilla

Who is she? OP

you're the most important person in my life, and I love you



You have a man?


kys m8

wanna see my cock?

rolling stones


you're white trash radioactive waste

Roll! Sorry dabsoft

No we did it reddit

this next pl0x

Taxation is theft, nigger!

just some girl i met off of HOT OR NOT, i got her number but i don't think it will go anywhere....soo fuck it, also shes a big fan of migos and the song"bad and boujee" terrible fucking song, make something related to that maybe?



OP here, fuck this is gonna be funny and suck


Send nudes


Op won't deliver.

will OP deliver though?



I would destroy dat ass like a Palestinian Village. Get me a pic of your bootyhole so I can pregame.

Op back done and done,tried to save myself a bit but oh well Fuck it do it for the lulz

Sorry, user. Op abandoned ship

Dubs decide again??

Your name sounds autistic

Fuck it. Post her pic.

OP here see my post i did it

user, this is the time where you place your phone down and you make a noose

look moniqwa, I want that monkey puss

OP you have to deliver faster, or people will leave.

if dubs say ''im a huge fucking faggot''

no nudes from here but can post fb photos



Anothe settlement needs your help


Rolling for this

Who am I? I'm about to go balls deep! That's who I am!

In truth, I despise niggers


Hey I'm lit.

Lol wede

You should visit

Keep saying "you drunk yet" every 5 minutes

Just me and my daddy, hanging out I got pretty hungry so I started to pout He asked if I was down ⬇for something yummy and I asked what and he said he'd give me his cummies! Yeah! Yeah! I drink them! I slurp them! I swallow them whole It makes daddy happy so it's my only goal... Harder daddy! Harder daddy! 1 cummy, 2 cummy, 3 cummy, 4 I'm daddy's princess but I'm also a whore! He makes me feel squishy!He makes me feel good! He makes me feel everything a little should!~ Wa-What!

fb photo of girl, if you find her fb profile, give yourself a golden star

I voted for Trump

roll again

"Will you marry me?"

OP here still waiting on moniqwa to respond, hasn't opened it yet

"Moniqwa sounds like a nigger name"

fug, 1 off

I hope you're older than 15. Don't want to make that mistake again

She's white or maybe has some Asian mix in her not to sure though

I identify as a Sup Forums shitposter

The concept of consent is feminist propaganda to emasculate males


"I had a great time utilizing you last night, though you wouldn't remember it. Was wondering if you might want to add some consenuality to it this time. I'll be over tonight regardless"

More update on what she's saying

I sent the line to her but it didn't save now she blocked me lulz


holy shit beautiful

woah bitch be crazy

man fuck that 7


Trying to save myself here Sup Forums


Have some pride faggot

he can get lucky in the long run

he can. But not with this chick anymore

OP here, exactly man i gatta try and get that

I used to fuck animals

Bitch might be dumb??

Dude why you act like such a little bitch. You sound pathetic.

this girl now know that OP might want to se nudes . this might trigger something in her mind when she is drunk or the thought of sending nudes might be exiting. we don't know these things we can only guess. OP has now redemed himself more or less in the girls eyes aswell..


Agreed, don't be a spineless bitch OP she clearly doesn't care about your sorrows but she is replying so she is interested in the convo so just keep being an ass or somitting for the lulz

Yeah your last two messages were painful to read.

Fuck everyone else, you saved it man.

Never say sorry to a woman and especially not for trivial shit, dumb ass beta bitch

OP here, specially with a girl you kinda know its hard, but gonna keep on talking to her and see where it goes... yeah those messages were pretty cringe worthy i know......might work out fags

You know you'll end up alone if you keep that shit up with women. If you act like a pussy you will get treated like one. Man up and tell her you eat ass

OP here I'm a faggot.

OP here, I am pathetic. I also love to suck cock. So maybe she'll get Tyrone to come over and fuck my boi pucci

hey your'e not real OP i am.....maybe i'll tell her that later, thread can die out now

Op here. I'm a beta fag and I actually prefer cock. I put my fingers in my ass while I fap over pictures of the Hoff. Sorry to waste your time now. I'm a fag