Damn I never knew Lavren had this nice of a body. What's some music for this discovery?

Damn I never knew Lavren had this nice of a body. What's some music for this discovery?

Where to buy that Pulse Demon shirt?

DAT fluffy thiccamel warm pussy

no boobs

tit size doesn't matter

chvrches, i guess

no ass

>t. low test cuck

built for bbc

she is too fragile for that

Built for my 5 inch cock

uh yes it does

subpar armpits

she looks like that kid from Stranger Things

She'll do fine. Here's the tearful aftermath of a sesh

Proportion matters, not necessarily size.

she has shit proportions then

> brandon has a chance with this then fucked it all up by still being fat and talking shit
just fucked his own shit up
seems to do that a lot

she is an extremely attractive celebrity, brandon never had a chance with her

This is what Lauren fans look like IRL

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