Keep trying to CUCK us Lefties and Globalist scum. ANTIFA is a bunch of brainwashed stupid millennials. Prove me wrong

Keep trying to CUCK us Lefties and Globalist scum. ANTIFA is a bunch of brainwashed stupid millennials. Prove me wrong.


Different classes of disgusting globalist one world gov't cucks

oh noes its mikey P

We're cucking the shit out of you.

The whole world is, though.

And ANTIFA aren't bitchmade keyboard warriors like the MAGA basement demons and old farts. We've been training for this shit. Not like in the mountains shooting airsoft guns like you regressive pussies. The war has been on for years.

Prepare the get rolled up.

fite me irl

Those keyboard warriors came out in droves and the shit in out of Trump. You racist piece of shit.

Pepe Is Love

That's nice. Maybe you guys should vote next time.

>Those keyboard warriors came out in droves and the shit in out of Trump. You racist piece of shit.
I literally have no idea what you're talking about. Reread my post and explain yourself.

You got me there. Everyone I know did vote but there's no doubt MAGAfags were a better organized grass roots movement.

The left is a fucking joke at this point. Why even bother talking about them?The most important things right now are deporting illegals, travel ban, build the wall and get Le Pen elected.

>We've been training for this shit.

lol, trained real hard to break windows, huh? Seriously, kill yourself you pathetic little cuck. The left gets it's shit pushed in every time....

God speed, alt right knight...

Sure about that ?

>prepare the get rolled up
>too scared to cross the mason Dixon line


Fam, I'm a southerner. Come get some.

In stickman we trust. PRAISE KEK

I'm sure you will be lynched with your pet niggers soon enough gommie

>We've been training for this shit

We noticed.


Once you support your position I will prove you wrong

Calm down, Alan. You really need to address your mental health.

Lol step out of line, boy.

>trained real hard to break windows
No, nigga. Just kicking bigots' asses every chance we get since we were kids. That shit has always been my pleasure.

See, this is your problem, alt-right cuck. You seem to think everyone operates from your myopic frame of reference. No. We're not a bunch of soft ass faggots who had to wait until some thin-skinned lunatic took office to embolden us enough to speak up - and even when you do, you still manage to pussy out.

Screaming like possessed demons on college campuses isn't cucking people


Is this a cringe thread?

Any American that physically attacks another American is a piece of shit. Other then self defense their is no excuse.

Sand Nigger apologist detected


Except for you did. If Trump hadn't beaten Hillary you'd be happily sucking muslim cock and screaming for gun control when your fellow faggots were gunned down by "refugees".

Because you cowards target the elderly because you know they can't fight for themselves



His parents are cousins though.

Don't you liberals not like judging people because of the color of their skin or their beliefs?


That guy is in his early 50's.


If you can't take the heat, don't show up.

This just in…

I made that one. Nice that someone saved it.

Point out da left hipocrizy like a true SJW, arn't ya?

>au, au
fuck off Merkel

You Trumptards are really something, talking big in this shithole while your elders get beat in the street. Faggots

lol now thats ylyl material

go cry on /pol


I like how the old guy was just screaming "Do something then" and then they did

its pretty funny imo



lmao I love everyone. I feel bad for those who are brainwashed enough or even stupid and misinformed. People literally dont put any research and work in and they just parrot shit while going around and assaulting random people. Being actual bigots.


If you actually believe this, then you should be open to the rest of the conspiracies. Often people just want to stick to a side and be a part of something without putting actual work in. Look its some racists.

When faggot leftists think one person speaks for an entire movement.

Those curves.. I would stick my face in that crack and smother myself.

grandpa needs to go back to yelling at kids playing on his lawn

Can't prove you wrong when you are factually correct.


That guy got suckerpunched and gangraped by like 10 people. If anything, it only proves (again) that leftists are coward fags. Anyone can beat another person up when theyre in a group.

Antifa support whats happening in this picture.
Leftist scum support whats happening in this picture.
Feminists support whats happening in this picture.
Entitled pansexual celebrity shitlords REALLY support whats going on in this picture.
Muslims support whats going on in this picture.

Its a clear cut case Ladies and Gentlemen. Be very aware, the corruption of our society is headed this way. Sharia Law openly allows this.

Once again, suckerpunch. Leftist fags NEVER fight one on one or fair fight. I can't wait for a civil war so I can kill liberal scum. MAGA.

They are openly bigoted on TV and Radio. They do it nonstop on youtube. Then they call anyone fighting for an actual baseline of preserving rights a bigot. They are brainwashed by their handlers weather they are paid or not.


so "based stick guy" was fighting fair with his giant stick?

Liberals and the AntiFA are the people who refuse to see a situation from a logical point of view. They would rather watch CNN and then immediately freak out and act on emotions instead of sitting down and thinking for 5 minutes. Thats why you see so many effeminate leftists. ""men"" who act on emotion and not logical thinking are faggots.

This just in, All Clinton supporters are spineless pieces of shit just like the entire leftist party. They are the real racists and regressive. How dont you recognize this? Do you have deep-seeded daddy issues or do you just like gay shit that much that you have to openly take it up the shitter and scream about how much you love it?

>"Don't try anything Nazis! Look what we did that last time you met us irl!"
>Same two pictures every time
>John Goodman
>Some man in his 80s

That doesn't even make sense. Trump Wing Peace Squads are a Christian movement. Communists are atheist, which is what antifa associate with. It's like they're too enlightened to realise that Marx is literally supposed to be worshiped as a god. Obviously they've never read the Communist Manifesto and aren't actually capable of thinking for themselves because if they were they wouldn't be leftists.

>mfw that puncher is an unironic shit eating cuck

Pic related.

Honestly, if I were a leftist I would kill myself out of shame. Then again shame is an emotion brought about by self awareness and that's something leftists wouldn't know if someone drew them a picture.
What an absolutely tragic bunch of "people". I'm literally and unironically LMAOing at what you embarrassingly call your "life".

WRONG - This is the evolution.

Show me one clip where a trump supporter doesn't get suckerpunched/gangraped/cheap shot. An actual fair fight. Yeah didn't think so kek. Liberals are pussies. If you associate as a liberal and you are a ""male"" then I got some bad news for you. You're a numale.

Original ylyl for you

fake and gay and even more embarrassing for Richard Spencer if it was real. An old cuck made him cry.

you're brain washed and so are the lefties.

Good thing that I'm still here and still capable of using my brain

sure nancy


this guy is such a loser. he goes in to a fight against a bunch of skinny wimpy hippies with a weapon! Not just a weapon but one that clearly he did not battle test. after his weapon broke, his faggot ass ran away from hippies.


That sounds alt-right to me.

Not numale bro. Its called assfucked cuck. they stay dry and asshole lubed up 24/7 peggings by that animal you posted.


you losers will whine about anything.


hahaha! so true





I love that air hug


strikingly accurate.

"Sounds" You cant even distinguish what is real and what isnt you fucking degenerate. Thats ok, while you get diseased. Ill be fucking and making a family. Raising my kids. Owning a home. Making a life. While you get pegged in a rented square by a japanese shemale on cam for tokens.


Aren't we supposed to help the poor people?


The majority wins fagboi. Counterculture eats up the dictionary in fractions of a second.

the point here is that its The PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES that did it and not some thugs from Chicago

I honestly think you might have Down syndrome.

Neets larping as revolutionairies...

sneak peak of the new president statue

hey buddy, the election is over. time to move on.

more like 8 months of trump then 3 years of pence

guess who gave those out. A huffpost shill that was being racist by trying to pretend and be Russian with a fake Russian accent. LMAO I thought leftists like the idea of a communist regime, why so mad about Russia being involved anyways? Confused faggots being used by something bigger than a shit eating welfare party.

we know


Wow Michelle thats a mighty strong hug you have there.. whats poking me down there. Shiyyeeettt das a big dick.