How much money do you currently have in your bank account? $3.78

How much money do you currently have in your bank account? $3.78



$283. Payday is Friday though and then there'll be $1586.

Do you mean my main checking? Alternate checking? All checking, savings, money market, retirement accounts? Just all liquid currency?

What are you asking here?

Not sure about my savings. Also I'm expecting my year bonus in the next week or so that should be close to 2k so roughly 3500 in checking

Why would anyone only have one bank account?

79.83 until next friday. Eating cup noodles for lunch at work.

Wife gets paid tomorrow tho.


60¢ aud.
don't fuck with centerlink bureaucrats.

Anyone want to share their money with me lol

the government doesn't need to know what i have and neither do you.

1 million dollars

Just checked, savings is 8944


You have $62,800 cash squirreled away.


$1400k in checking
$28700 in savings

Have fun living in an apartment building the rest of your life. Can't buy shit without credit, can't have credit without actual money to show for it

$50 in checking and $60 in savings after bills paid.

Post proof

i don't see anything wrong with living in an apartment tbh. I don't need a big house to go to when I'm never even home anyway.



Comfortable, but not too crazy.

Not that much. Maybe $1.500 I have most of my money in different assets (mainly stocks/my house).

£2,212 or $2,691.56

- $380

then why are you even on here?.


Tree fiddy

She's fat.

roughly $68k

> -$823.41

this is much more realistic.


Beautiful snake though

>implying I have exactly one account

>not buying Ether with your currency

Oh my sweet summer children.

8k on checking
39k on savings

senior coder, boring, dont see any reason to spend money for shit i dont need, also no whores who claim to be my gf and then want to spend $100 a week for shite

I agree with the bullshit on the GPB guys that put the symbol before the value. Why ?

0,12 $

Combined in accounts and funds?
12.8 Million Swedish Kronor. (1 dollar is about 9 kronor, you do the math)
But in my spendable accounts I have around 70 000 Kronor.


R 101 2678 (Rands)

358.30 €

About 4000$ checking
About 100k savings

i was this close [ --- ] to posting screenshot of a screenshot of my account with all identifying information deleted, all website data deleted, any thing that could possibly identify my bank removed and all it ended up being was a white background png with numbers on it because im paranoid about you crazy Sup Forums hackers stealing it

but thats not proof so sorry

Lost my job and rent autopay hit. Kid's birthday is in 5 days. Sucks, man.


Bindi's a cutie, but she looks 30 years old-ish while she just turned 18.

Definition of "aging like milk".

-$3500 I'm in debt.
By the end of the month I'll be homeless!

21 years old

>How much money do you currently have in your bank account?
Not sure. In total, probably about £100k

$22,365 checking
$201,684 saving


Proves money doesn't bring happiness, since you 2 are here.

£7355 in current account
£1018 is savings account
I know, the figures should be the other way around but I've been lazy recently

Counting what I owe?

$4288.16 in checking
$12731.94 in savings

Meanwhile my home needs 10k in upgrades and repairs.

Oh and just over 70k in my 401k

I was wrong. Taking off CC outstanding it's £140807.17

And I'm very happy, thanks

238,000 Swiss francs

Which to earthly currencies translates to roughly a knife and a cheese (380 grams).

owe about 500K

what do you do for a living? I'm buzzing being only a couple grand away from £10k, let alone £100k+

No one with that much money leaves it in an account. They have diverse portfolios of short and long term investments. They have equity in real estate. They set up trust funds for themselves and family members. They sock away the maximums into IRAs, HSAs, and 401Ks.


Yeah but it's a lot of cheese and a big fucking knife.

Not bad

Like 450 lol, just bought some crap and paid my mortgage.


>>post your age; 22
>>credit score; 704
>>debt to income ratio; 3:1

i meant 1:3





Around $20k

Engineer and project manager. Wife is in IT - they are joint accounts.

Pensions and savings are on top. No mortgage.


£480 in main, not sure about savings but a couple of grand

$7,439 checking
$50,001 savings

tree fiddy

I know exactly how that goes. Christmas is the worst..I sold all of my collectibles and blowmolds just to stay in our apartment to avoid eviction.

$10000 or so in checking
$20,000 in savings

I'm 22, a student and a horrible spender. I just hate spending money.

close to $100k. I make less then 50k a year too. I'm just a cheap bastard.

Checking $1335.78
Savings $66,470.23

Bout tree fiddy

In checkings


In savings

>be me
>be 25
>suck it You fucks

13000 CAD

You should by some gold user to be on the safe side.

Ausfag FTW

I dunno but i'd spend all of it to fuck Bindi Irwin's big fat titties

Just checked, and the bank closed it lol

I was pretty sure I had a little less than a dollar in it. Hadn't even checked in a few years.

shes that stacked???

>about $1000 as of payday tomorrow, havent really checked
>after i pay my bills tomorrow, about $4

i hate my life

about 5k
>not having most of your money invested in the stock market

Are you seeing the numbers here?

Everyone's a poorfag

Yeah, I'm flipping the fuck out. Avoided eviction for a month, but I don't know how the fuck I'm going to pay utilities, food, gas, etc., much less give my daughter some semblance of a birthday. I don't have anything worth selling.

-168.04, although last time I checked a week ago I had like 5 dollars...and I haven't used my card for anything, I think I need to talk to my bank


About $100. The rest is in gold, buried in an undisclosed location.