UK Slags

UK Slags

Other urls found in this thread:

Bump. West mids?



>says UK
>posts flag of Great Britain





South Wales.
Want more?

Newcastle tarts.

Like your fat stankin mutha?

where abouts she from in Liverpool?

say. i am a danish lad. if i were to pop in. how many slags could i pull in one weekend?


non uk is really racist since brexit.

Ours, Wales here standing by, more specific area?


Lots, you're Danish not Turkish



lovely to hear. so do women in england prefer white cock too?


Leanne from London

who was the guy who had holly from weston?



bristol chick

Yeeeah Bristol represent#!


He's right, ya know



i havent posted on here for ages, no idea wtf im doing. i cant remember how to quote or reference a previous post. whos the newport one? i live in newport lol liswerry way... though im english myself... fucking hate this place.

dunno her but got other weston chicks tho?


Sophie from Newport. Don't know where there sorry

i will be keeping my eye out :P



This is her

carry on

awesome cheers man

With what

Want 2 see her cousin?

They both used to cam together n fuck each other

Lana from Manchester

Yes except chavs which are the bonderøv's of the UK.

yeah link it




you got a name for the cousin? im trying to find them on facebook lol wanna know how local they are

fucking chavs.

U got kik?

bristol- works in a hospital

holy shit those tits are godly


Any from exeter??

no mate, im not even too sure wtf kik actually is :/


Its an app, download it lol

OH, then no, i dont have a phone lol

Holy shit, first time I've ever seen Exeter on Sup Forums. Represent!



Cousins name is Jess

Oh my dayyyss. Dont stop please say there more lol


Altho I don't know if she's also from Newport, but probably as they used to cam together

You know her?


Lol been on Sup Forums for years first time I've seen someone from exeter too


No but im from cwmbran and will be keeoing a look out lmao. So fit.



Pretty sure I matched with this girl on tinder

I dont have it right now no but if you post you name ill get it tomorrow and message you?


oh yes, im hunting now. ive always been proper obsessed with like "who i went to school with has done porn of some kind". im kinda wierd like that, i would never stalk anyone but that would be the first time ever that "local sluts in your area" came true lol


Come be a fag too lame ass

Lol you went to school with J?

Jennie ?



moar of this

no no didnt go school with her, but obviously would be in that age range and who knows, it's a small world, someone i know could know her too i guess


Would you rather fuck her or the cousin?

oh the sophie one for sure, im not mega into blondes and the more "alternative" look is my cuppa tea :P


Know her?

lol theyd prolly fuck together if they used to cam together. Just a thought.


not yet

i just got kik


Local to her?

Boi, I got you