ITT we start a get thread

>ITT we start a get thread

if dubs then op is fag


yes, get





Silly little newfag - OP is always a faggot!

That said, what the fuck is up with these damn get threads? We're not anywhere near a big round number. Dubs are in every thread, so why dedicate a thread just to them?

I mean, I could say the same for no-excuse porn threads (we have boards for all that except furries) and for the Trump threads (which should go to Sup Forums), but that's more a case of 'this shit doesn't belong here but it's here anyway'. Get threads BELONG here, sure - but they don't seem to have a damn punchline to the joke.




Singles get!




Inb4 Quints

if dubs OP has to rape a kike




the post 4 below mine will be doubles

you too







Fucking hate newfags who don't lurk

kill frogs
kill plastic suits
kill green men
dump boxxy
kill fedoras
kill hitlers

Lucky number 7


Check Em!

Quads and i fap to traps

Trips get

Trips I post my cock

thanks for the trips cunt

Why do we do this

Candydolls get


Huge lack of dubs in this thread

But not a lack in trips, apparently

Observe them.


Single get




nice meme op



Cp get

This is a shitty get thread


