Greatest of all time thread GO

Greatest of all time thread GO

>Done more in 6 weeks than Obama in 8 years
>Prevented 5 domestic terrorist attacks
>Cracking down on pedophilia around the globe
>Dow higher than it ever was under Obama
>Unemployment at historic lows
>Car companies bringing factories back to US
>Traditional family values being put at front and center
>Progress towards privatizing education
>Getting rid of obamacare

I literally can't understand why the libcucks are so upset. We're more respected as a country now than we've ever been... and all the cucks can do is whine and cry. It's like they hate winning.

Other urls found in this thread:


>prevented 5 terrorist attacks

Lol, because Hillary is a blue-collar champion



How is this surprising? When you stop importing terrorism, you get less terrorism. It's not hard to understand.

>If I don't like Trump I must love Hillary

Retard detected

You literally posted a pro-Hillary meme. You are retarded.

>unemployment historic low
thanks to obama

I'm a retard because this is clearly bait.

Where do you get the number 5?

Confirmed for mouth breathing inbred Whiskey Tango trailer park resident InfoWars consumer 21st chromosome failure imbecile.

I know you are illiterate, so I'll tell you there's no mention of Hillary on that pic. It's anti-Trump, because Trump is a faggot snowflake.

found the libcuck


>no mention of Hillary in the pic

nice b8 m8 i r8 8/8

You can literally just google this shit. It takes 30 seconds. But I know how libcucks hate doing research for themselves.

>We're more respected as a country now than we've ever been

Most of the world hates us more than ever


You're making the case, present evidence mogoloid. I'm not gonna back you up on your insanity

[Citation needed]

i wonder why....

>should i even bother wondering why....
>would i gain such dignity and perspective in knowing something trivial as to why....

Privatizing education is never a good thing.


yeah lets have the government control everything like a communist country

liberals make the WORST damn memes

So, in 1 month how much data can be harvested to come to that amazing conclusion that unemployement is at lowest numbers? This information usually has a strong data pattern at quarter year periods.

Pic related: Yer mum and paw.

You realize the Federal Reserve, the company that funds schools, is a privately owned corporation.

Lol, shill detected

Competition produces the best results. Government-subsidized education will inevitably lead to inefficiency and wasteful spending, just like everything the gov touches


Yeah but they're all part time jobs so the corporations could avoid having to offer Healthcare benefits. Ever tried to run a household on a part time?

uhhh, but she lost?

Yeh, but seriously, why are his hands so SMALL ??

>Yaaayyy lets have more uneducated poor and this time take away any opportunity for them to improve

Half of that are baseless claims with no actual proof. Love the circlejerking of you Trumpets. All about those alternative facts.

For slight of hand


Competition produces the best results when the consumer has multiple options. This is not what that is.


fucking this
there goes that unemployment rate you keep bragging about

You Retards are the ones say people shouldn't try and do that or be helped doing it, you just contradict yourselves left and right.

Then tell me, dingus, why does all these private colleges go under? Why do their degrees become worth less than that of a state run college? Oh, that's because their business model is only about making profits over decent education. But then again, you dingleberries think profit motives solve everything, just like healthcare over the past 50+ years. Can't argue with stupid, tho, because you won't ever accept reality.

How is that not what this is? If the consumer has choice when it comes to education, obviously they're going to choose the best school for themselves. Thus, only the best schools will come out on top. Let the free market do its job, libcuck.

So, you want the people, townsfolk, community and every day Joe to control sanitation, hospitals, police, firefighters, military, justice, etc? If you decentralize those kinds of gears that make a town, a city, a state and a country a functional entity, then you are asking to live in Haiti.

none of this is true

You're legit fucking retarded if you actually believe that.
America is already ranked quite low in terms of quality of education, this is going to make it even worse.



Obama just changed the way unemployment was counted in 2010 from 299 days to 699 days. Of course the numbers would look better even though more people would be unemployed.

>Why do private schools go under
Because government funds public schools ruining any chance for competition

>degree is worth less from a private school
Says who? Lets see some evidence for that claim

The best schools will only be an option for the upper class. The majority of towns will only still only have 1 school system.

you may have responded to wrong post idk what you're talking about

Shh, don't break OP's wet dream bubble. Everything is fine. Nothing is wrong.



I don't think you understand how things actually work.

That's the fault of the individual, not the private education system. Can't afford quality education? Work for it. You aren't entitled to ANYTHING, dipshit.

So you are saying the Democrats are fascists as well as lairs and corrupt criminals that strive to destroy the American way of life.

There is no such thing as american way of life you dumb redneck.

Throwing at least 10 million people off their health insurance with the new junk American Health Care Act. It even includes a tax cut for the rich.

Trump is a cocksuker

Did more? If by doing more you mean fuck things up, then yes, he has.
Not that Obama was great, I had plenty of issues with him. But I despise Trump.

Typical libcuck "argument"

>cant disprove any points made
>"You don't understand!!!!!!!!!"

ok, sorry

Haiti would be getting better if they would have gotten the money they were promised, instead of it being blown on a wedding

Only snowflakes think you're entitled to healthcare. If you can't afford healthcare, you get darwin'd. That's how the strong are weeded out from the weak.

Yeah, I wonder why he's attempting to boost the auto industry. No agenda there. You're right, you fucking retarded sheep nigger.

Degrees are worth less from any school that is non accredited. Also when you have a flooded market with people with degrees and no jobs to fill people with those degrees they also become worthless. How many openings have you ever seen wanting someone with a gender studies degree? Many degrees are worthless degrees. The only degrees that are actually worth something to society are STEM fields and a few of the liberal arts degrees.

>implying cuckservatives don't pull the same bullshit

Like I seriously only thought people were this retarded on reddit.

Uhhh, because his agenda is to empower the American worker? God, you're fucking retarded


lmao, yep, you're retarded. Okay carry on, I'm done.

Yes their is your just to retarded to understand it you liberal Muslim dick sucking, gender studies faggot.

I have a job and insurance you inbred twat

But it's pretty cool that OP likes socialism.

What did I say that's so retarded? Why are you so against a strong auto industry? Why do liberals hate jobs?

lolwut can you read snowflake?

>Industry that's investing heavily in automation is empowering the American worker.
Do you understand how retarded you sound?

I like a free market, not socialism, like you clearly do.

>Why do liberals hate jobs?
Because they might be forced to go to work instead of leaching off the government.

So now that the socialist OP who likes regulated markets based on tax dollars, I can go about my day, wishing upon that special day that we have a non socialist president. One who actually lets the market handle itself.

Who do you think maintains the automation? People with degrees that the US is flooded with you Berkley dipshit.

OP, what's your favorite part of your beloved socialism?

Point is, if you voted for Trump because you think he has a better idea than H. Clinton about life as an 'average Joe', you are deluded. Neither has any clue, but that goes double for Trump.

Then how come liberal leaning states have less people leaching off the government? It's literally a fact, look it up.

Care to explain how boosting the auto industry and creating thousands of jobs in the process is socialism?

Glad the cunt has to own his healthcare trainwreck.

Democrats will run shit in 2018.

it's not pro-hillary. It's not an either-or situation ffs

>Done more in 6 weeks than Obama in 8 years
I always found Funny how americans say that every election about the previous one... you underage fags wouldn't remember that anyway...

Everyone knows those "studies" are just Soros-funded propaganda pieces.

Not, just poir fitting suits make them look small

So you are fine with bringing your country down to a 3rd world standard? That is what will happen with a free market. I'm not going to sit and try and explain why it would happen because it would clearly be wasted time.

But first I'll have to call a buddy of mine who's an expert on this stuff, just to make sure it's real.

>Trump isn't relatable to blue-collar workers and Hillary is

>not a pro-hillary pic

I don't understand user

Sure... ''Fake news''

Are you sucking retarded? Automation means that less and less actual workers are needed. A fully automated plant can be operated by just a handful of people.
Your average uneducated redneck trump supporter is still out of a job.

The government controlling the economy. You know, that thing you enjoy so much (socialism).

(You're a socialist)

It's okay, OP. Let it sink in. You'll be fine.

In Australia we call him trumpy, go Mr trumpy, remove the filth

It's also a fact that the reason the other stated with higher unemployment are because liberals made it better for industry to leave the US and leave people unemployed.

Jesus christ you must be retarded.
How will this work over generations? How is someone supposed to work for it if they only have education from a shitty school, and therefore, can't get a job good enough to pay for higher education?

The Russia shit isn't going away either.

He'lll have to resign like Nixon.
