Is it possible to read thoughts with technology?

Is it possible to read thoughts with technology?

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Yes if there's a sufficiently large dataset pairing certain types of thoughts with observable behavior on which to train. Difficulty I imagine would be classifying types of thoughts, and the result will be probabilistic.

Wouldn't each person, even though the thoughts would be similar, have a different code for each thought than the next? What if my code for blue, for example, was different than your code for blue? Wouldn't they need a database for each human they try to read?

As long as there exist patterns of thought then a training set can be built. Any differences that exit below the surface patterns don't matter at all. They might be interesting for neuroscience or psychology but not for algorithms.

Do you think the government does this?
I'm aware I may sound paranoid, but really honestly just curious.

The NSA is able to profile people online solely based on their manners (typing, choice of words, etc.) so in a sort of way, yes.

The government and private industry have been doing this for years. Just look at advertising. Google relies on ad revenue so they collect insane amounts of data on everything to be able to predict your thoughts so the perfect product appears everytime. Also now people are trying to predict criminal behaviour. Like minority report.

With rapid development of machine learning you will see more refined and accurate results in the near future.

But there can only be so many combinations, right? There are only so many words, and people adopt behaviors of others to fit in. That whole mob mentality thing. So how exact is it?

Behavioral science and psychology is one thing. I'm talking about literally picking up the waves of an individual's thoughts and decoding them.

You should read this:
It's scary to know the government is actually going full 1984 onto us.

I definitely will. Thanks. (I just started reading that book. Chap 2) coincidence?

That sounds difficult and unnecessary really. We don't need to understand how things inherently work, e.g decoding brainwaves. We only need to understand their functional significance in causing observable behavior. This is a science of probability and correlation, not of cause and effect.

So you think all behaviors and actions can be predicted by a person's past? At least well enough not to need anything more advanced?

By a person's past and by creating an average behavioral pattern from a large dataset. For example, if the guy was 20 and from NY, then the set might be young male adults from NY. Assuming there exist thought patterns that largely hold up even with some real differences.

I say this because no matter how unique we think we are, our thoughts are largely molded by context especially when we aren't conscious of it. And our actions are largely formed by habit, in that we are actively and consciously thinking everything through.

Fuck. Aren't**

Doesn't seem as scary now. I guess if you're planning on making a difference, you just have to be different than the person you're expected to be. If that makes sense.

I agree. I guess I hadn't thought about the necessity of having an actual mind reading computer.

Or lack of

>Feed faggots with legal meth aka amphetamine
>Allow slow psychosis induced damage
>Feed with more meth and CP
>Your thoughts will literally be read because you won't be able to shut the fuck up and will lose IQ points

Yeah, that too. :(