A couple of Drumpf supporters confronted my girlfriend and I in the parking lot at dinner...

A couple of Drumpf supporters confronted my girlfriend and I in the parking lot at dinner. Tonight I went out to dinner at Ruby Tuesdays with my girlfriend. As we are getting into the car a black truck with two white guys around late 20s to early 30s pulls up behind my car in the parking lot and yelled "Fuck you commie" and "We won" which I'm guessing is because I have a PROUD DEMOCRAT and HILLARY bumper sticker on my car.

As they took off in a plume of black smoke, screeching tires, and yelling to stop race mixing (I'm indian, gf is white) I noticed he had a Trump sticker and one of those "my family" gun nut stickers like this one in the picture.I was shocked and saddened that someone would harass me like this, especially in front of my girlfriend, and ruin our nice night out. On the drive home I was tearing up thinking that this is what our country has become. My amazing girlfriend consoled me before I really broke down but I tried to hold it together in front of my BAE. I am scared of the world that she and our kids will grow up in. A world of hate. A world that will be defined by a vile, racist, sexist, Islamophobic woman groper. Unless we can impeach him soon.

I hope there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I really do.

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lol... sad how sensitive people have become


Lol I don't believe you faggot. Too many false flag hate crimes going on right now.

Oh you must be so scared.....you should immediately locate the nearest safe space and cry like a bitch

Well, mybe you should stop race mixing.

Its all good man shes breeding them out

yea who would have thought that racism is a hot button issue for these people.

Just being half white will make any race 100% more attractive.....i cringe every time i see a full blood nigger or sand nigger.........btw Indian qualifies you as a sand nigger there punjab

congrats on being a piece of shit. Name one proven false flag hate crime.... and i dont mean one you are "pretty sure" was fake.


Your post has triggered me.

I'm going to protest and cry like a little bitch, surely this will work in getting the elected president impeached.

Better yet, I'm going to go to Reddit which is my safe space so I can be surrounded by other cucks.

1/10 for making me reply


The girl in Michigan who claimed hate crime and now admits it wasn't. Another case in Alabama of a claimed hate crime, also false.


I suggest you move to your country of heritage India. A beautiful country where people shit on the street wherever and whenever they want and where woman are held in such high regard that they're gangraped constantly.

shill detected

This pasta is at least a little fresh.

>I'm Indian, gf is white

I suggest some violent rioting and attacking people who don't agree with our views?


Whoa lad.


Do you poo in a loo pajeet?

B-boo-hoo! Some meanie said some mean words to my girlfriend and me! I-I cannot stand this anymore, this is TERRIBLE!

Congratu-fucking-lations OP, you finally faced the real world for once! Now, how about you go change your diaper, and go cry in your safe space ?

>talking to Sup Forums about Trump supporter confrontation
>expects to be told good words

That sounds perfect.

As soon as my wife has finished fucking her boyfriend, I'll get my Hillary and Obama picket signs ready and protest these drumpf supporters.

That'll show em!

he doesn't use diapers - he's an indian he shits on the street



If you think the OP is serious, there's a hook in your mouth.

Yeah! Let's show those meanies who's boss!

Everyone, gather up and start protesting about Black Lives Matter when killed by cops! But when a black does it to another one, who cares!? It's just nature! GO!!



did she change your tampon and wipe your ass after you got home for ya?

>implying mines bait

I'm being 100% honest.

Fuck, disregard mine. Good bait, OP. Got me

>implying you took the bait

Fuck you nigger get out of my country.

This copypasta is currently over on Sup Forums right now, too. I'm sure we'll be seeing it reposted here over and over and over again in the future right along with the posts about Andy Sixx's shit log.

Nice Facebook Copypasta OP.

Pussy, grow a fucking pair and stand up for your family. Show your kids that insults like these are just words.

If you show your wife how weak you are she'll realize she made a mistake and chose a weak piece of shit to marry then will probably lose all respect for you prompting her to cheat on you with your best friend.... so suck it up buttercup you got more hate coming

You cried because of that?

Bait or you must be a newfag.

I have a feeling this never happened and you are a lying sack of curry and why the fuck would any women let alone a white women date an Indian ?

So you decided to be an asshole and advertise your political beliefs on your car that people are forced to look at and then got upset when a racist car of hicks decides to do exactly what you asked for? confront you?

lel fuck off faggot

succ my dicc

you aren't indian. indians arent that big of sensitive pussies. most I know would have laughed it off

Are you fucking retarded I know of about 50 plus all the people drawing swatiskas are Jews


trips and dubs