You guys are fucking pathetic. Crying about girls and shit and none of you really know anything, do you? I'm handsome...

You guys are fucking pathetic. Crying about girls and shit and none of you really know anything, do you? I'm handsome, great shape and don't need to shit post on this gay site. Do you know that facebook meme pagers are better than you guys?

Welcome to the new age, fuckers - we are on a rock and roll hillbilly mayhem and you dumb cucks are stuck in digital anarchy. Stupid HOMOS haha

Stop complaining about women who don't engage your intelligent all. Be smart like me, pursue engineering, a trade, art, musical things - you're a cuck if you think a woman will make anything better.


>I'm handsome, great shape and don't need to shit post on this gay site.

I don't take advice from people who wear caterpillars on their fiveheads. Ever

I'm a hard ass cop motherfucker. Think your tough? You are sitting behind a computer desk jerking off like some asshole whiler I'm out protecting and serving. I was BORN and BRED to be a SNIPER, you little shit

Grow up kid, I bet you can't even grow hair like a real man. Little punk ass kid haha, little dick.

Come to my department, knock on my office glass door and see what happens. I'm a hard ass with 10 years of TAE KWAN DOE under my belt, I've studied combat tactics extensively and I'm an avid reader of Rommel's "Infantry Attacks". If I wanted to, I could hold off a SEAL team by myself

"Handsome" god help us

You look like Johnny Knoxville and Bruce Willis had a fat, Turkish baby.

>I'm a monobrowed motherfucker. Think your tough? You are sitting behind a computer desk jerking off some asshole whiler I'm some asshole. I was BORN and BRED to be an ASSHOLE, you little shit


i'm just addressing your claim that you're "handsome". i have fucking eyes. nah, I don't think i'm tough. idk why you're baiting.

>I'm handsome

Guaranteed I can kick all of your asses, just try me. I'm fucking at the apex of my fitness, I. AM. an aPEX human being.

Do right by your ancestors and grow up. Get tough and kick butts

Thanks but I already had some nice pasta for dinner

I guess you're packing an angry worm on that thar fivehead matey?

Also, you may have "Hold off" confused with "Jerk off"

Hey Faggots,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

pretty much op

>doesn't need to shit post
>shit posts

are we the losers? or are u -the man who feels compelled to rant about how great he is on an anonymous message board- the loser?

Me and my brothers have my back. Nothing personal cuckold, but we could make your face look like melted butter smashed against a graham cracker

ur right, i've never gotten any pussy, I'm a straight girl. all ur arguments are fucking invalid. good for u about ur fake girlfriend tho

anyone else think OP's nose looks alittle big? either jew or too many cocks up it

sick posts, man


Is that the SEAL team you could jerk off by yourself monobrow?

What other mementos do you collect from the groups of men you sexually interact with?

Salty ass virgins

lmao fucking receding hairline ass bitch

>not recognizing the shitty outdated copypasta
not surprising coming from a woman


>in shape

Pleb dyel

kek this faggot isn't even a cop yet. Sick blue training gun mate 10/10

at first I thought this was bait, but no
this is an actual person riding on such an ego that he needs pictures of him around other men to prove it

Keep talking knuckle dragger and window lickers, I'm better trained than most guys in the military

I think he is a security guard

ur ass lookin like a 20 something year old who visits his mom on a weekly basis and has a job at the local shop rite bc the manager thinks u have some sort of growth/mental disability and pities u too much to fire u

Better trained in faggotry maybe.

>Trying to prove your masculinity on Sup Forums
You're more insecure than anyone here.


american police and military are a joke, the whole shoot at everything because they dont know any other alternative

femanon here, this guy is right. all of you fags with your "nice guy" complexes should really just get good at something or kill yourselves.

Sorry monobrow, but one eyebrow and a fivehead do not a man make.

I'd say get to my level but 5ft seems to be where you're stuck. But that's okay, you're in luck, most homosexual men aren't too picky about body hair, lack of hair and height

Lucky for you yes?

Or act like a total douchebag instead overly and overly compensating in order to impress someone?

>I'm a girl so my opinion matters
nice b8

femanon my ass. an iont have a "nice guy" complex, i admit im an asshole, but im not as much of an asshole as this guy is.

so OP posts on this after claiming;
>I'm handsome, great shape and don't need to shit post on this gay site

it's ironic that you need the approval of the shitty meme fags to get by


obvious bait is obvious

Found his facebook
His name is Mark Anthony. Cant link tho


Nigga you look like forrest gump fucked a cavewoman.

Talkin about handsome, look like someone smacked your face with an ugly stick from an ugly tree that was grown by a man who planted the tree with his asshole.

Look at this dudes hairline, shits pushed so far back might as well be partin the seas.

Fuckin handsome lmao, if your ears were any fuckin lower you'd be fuckin Ed from ed edd and eddy, talkin bout 'BUTTERED TOAST'.

Fuckin ape nose ass lookin motherfucker tryna say "handsome". Look like you should be pickin fleas off a monkeys dick.

Like shit dude you went past 5 head and went to a 6pack. Fuckin "handsome"lmfaooooooo


It has always surprised me that you OC's who have great lifes with good jobs, beautiful wife or girlfriends, and so much social skills come here to be degraded and talked to like a faggot. Please come again.

Your 20 and balding badly. I see it as a metaphor for of you future

closet cuck syndrome

Maybe this guy is posting with someone else's photos

just scout out the alleged FB and see if this guys posts are as self obsessed and cancerous

Says the black guy, come on man you wouldn't say that to my face fat motherfucker

my point is, just like we now teach women not to do things for men but for themselves, y'all should be doing that too. shut the fuck up about not being able to get a girl and invest in yourself, become a respectable human being and maybe someone will like you.

Do you really think women are anything more to us than pussy? Ever wonder why this place has become PornHub 2.0?


I bet that caterpillar on his face ate the hair

> or he pulls it out while getting boofed

STFU pussy. Go home and count the wrinkles on your mother's asshole with your tongue.

obvious bait, but i'll humor you

got the wrong board, m8, you're looking for /r9k/

Muh feelers. You sure told me.


check em