Be as much of a newfag as possible

Be as much of a newfag as possible


Hi. Is this the darknet?

I came here from Reddit after hearin that these have more maymays than 9gag XDDD

Hey, you have to follow the rules

hey, Sup Forumsro army amiright?

Hey guys
When does the narwhal bacon

what is Sup Forums?

▲ ╓▲

I'm browsing Sup Forums in incognito just in case

How to I pick a profile picture??

. hey guys be me at college bein bad

teacher tells me off
mfw: :(

what does the b in Sup Forums stands for?
real question here

barnacles xDDD

>be me green wttteexttt4t

guys how do i change my profile name?

So I do greentext like this?


LOL what does newfag mean

I don't want to be named anonymous.



Am I doing it right?

Where do I buy my gold pass?

How to get laid?
Is this like google .-------.

How do I join anonynous? I want to learn to hack my friends

how do i post anonymously?


Who is this Sup Forums?


Moot still owns this place right?

Does dubs count if I get it in the middle of my numbers? Does my double numbers have to be at the end?
>green maybe?

Seriously though, I've been on this board for awhile and it's really gone downhill.

Whats a dub?

I think you got dubs!! 44!!

Why do i have to type the whole number to reply?

Wow I got dubs !!!! 55

traps arent gay

it took me ten minutes to find the reply button

Can someone post cp please.

I hope I roll a dubs on this one xd

Also here is my rarest pepe if anyone wants to see lmao xddd

it's banana actually

I a memester

how do you get dubs on here? wont let me chose my number

That's so funny I love that meme yayayaya°°

Where's the Sup Forums convention? Someone told me about it.

I think it's just random but as long as you get 2 numbers in a row anywhere in your numbers it's dubs. Keep trying!!

I've been here all summer, so i'm not a newfag anymore


How do i green text?

Whats a newfag?

>im not a newfag, ive been here 3 weeks now XDD

Wow that doesn't even look like pepe

>Le banana is kek

how do I make the trainglez? :3

Banana peel meme man

moot is a faggot. i know this cause im an oldfag

Hai guyyyyyssssss, I'm nuw hear so how do I sing in XD

Why are you guys stealing tumblr memes?

How can I hire a hitman to kill my English teacher? I can pay in Dogecoin! Lololol

This place it's just like the deep web right?

Ahh okay hahha! Thanks friend!

Whot is a finger box??¿??

sup Sup Forums, rate me pls

Can you hack this guy for me?

Don't post porn, Sup Forums isn't about porn

0-4 sleep
5-9 fap

i like mudflips xDD dasu dasu LOL
this is original comment dont copypizza ;)

anyone has any "CP" as i like to call it LOL (child porn heh)


Trips tell me what to do, i will definitely deliver

you guys are a bunch of faggots


lol! this picture is so LOL!


hey, check em!

How do i sign in?

Amazing dubbs bro

Fuck off you cancerous clowns

LIKE i heard this place was like SSOOOO random and I was like OwO OMG IM RANDOMS TOO so like lets be random together XXDDDD


oh my gawd many numerical duplicates now

Actually kek'd over this one

Don't say nigger, it's offensive

so many repeating digits

444 wow bro

dude you got tripple!

thank you i feel so cool now

Is this now a got string?

>cool greentext story
>at school
>see grill
>am beta male
>too beta to approach

idk why i kek'd at this

am 16


How do I change my username?

Nice dubs dude.

Hey what's a trap

Uh.... I am one

>be me alpha male LOL


this isn't fucking funny. Some people really commit suicide and this can be offensive to some people. You should really be more sensitive before you post things like this.

how do I start a greentext?

Just found out about this website today actually...

Anyone wanna play habbo with me? I saw a youtube video where they dressed up as afroamericans xD

Does the fbi watch Sup Forums?

is it okay to say bad words here? will i get banned?