What's Sup Forums's favourite cigarette?

What's Sup Forums's favourite cigarette?

New to smoking and wanted to see what are good ones to try since i don't wanna go out and try every single pack to find out what i like most.

Carnival... Hard to find but worth it

Don't smoke, man, its a shitty addiction and goddamn impossible to quit for good. Buuuut, marlboro red are my brand of choice. I don't like menthols.

found some for you user

The One I will not smoke

Lucky Strike if I have the money for a whole pack, slightly hard to find in the UK in my experience.

If I'm on a budget, which I usually am, I'll buy some rollies, usually go for Golden Virginia.

Camel 99s

Only cigarette you'll need

I started on camel crush though, but now menthol makes me feel sick

try smoking only socially, that way you'll be able to go weeks at a time without them if you have to


yeah i'm sticking to social smoking, don't wanna be a 20 a day type person

Marijuana cigarettes?

Good man. Best of luck. I'm lucky I've been able to smoke on and off without addiction my whole life

>the good shit

That's a good plan. Get all of the benefits of the smoking area, but without an of the habits.

>impossible to quit for good
You're giving great advice man, but it's not impossible. Chantix did it for me. Haven't touched a cigarette since 2012 and the thought absolutely repulses me now.

I roll my own with American Spirit Tobacco, if not i smoke Chesterfield's (but i don't think you have those).

For anyone that tries to quit that can't, no matter how gay it's perceived to be on Sup Forums, vaping worked miracles for me

I'm now completely nicotine free

The bright Lime Green colored american spirits are the only ones that satisfy me whatsoever, if they didn't exist I wouldn't smoke. Kinda wish they didn't for that reason, oh well. (says mellow menthol but it isn't actual menthol, either)

camel blue is good smoke.

used to smoke Reds all the time. Got sent to rehab and this heroin addict with a nice ass got me hooked on Blacks.
>>She sucked my dick
>>Probably where i got herpes from
>>ONce you go black you never go back
Got sick as fuck from smoking blacks for some reason and never went back to smoking. The end

turquoise spirits give me the best buzz

I like marlboro smooth

You sound like a massive faggot that probably has epilepsy

Are you a girl?

gonna hijack OPs thread for a moment, anyone roll your own smokes?

It's 10 dollars a pack for marlboros here so i decided to buy a Powermatic 2 and some Zen tubes but i havent decided on a tobacco yet.

Is there anything that is similar to a marlboro?

Herbal nigga


they are good, but those cause some nasty ass buzzes.

Cancer is so cool dude.

American Spirit (Light Blue is my go-to), Turkish Royal (obligatory circlejerk starts now), Pall Mall original unfiltered.

also cigaretkretek.com has some good duty free indonesian kreteks and shit.


and wot

You think i could find those in Germany?

>New to smoking
Don't do it, idiot.

I love the new Camel Jade Silver turkish blend

Those packs should just say SMOKING IS FOR FAGGOTS.

Marlboro smooth 100s

That's good smokin


As in they have more nicotine than a normal cigarette. It's very high quality tobacco. More expensive, but I end up putting them out half way and saving them for later sometimes and the packs last me 3 days instead of 1.

nah man, but a girl got me into them. i usually go with Marlboro Reds, but the golds are nice. i prefer weed to cigarettes any day though

Marlboro smooths or american spirit greens.

2017. Smoking cigs.


that is an expensive hobby OP

ahaa what a retarded faggot

hope you enjoy a slow painful death from lung cancer shitlord


fun fact:

cavities aren't caused by sugar

they're caused by a poor diet - your body ends up taking vitamins it needs from your teeth because it's not getting them from food


>learn how to green text

I second this

Pretty average, nothing special, also overpriced as fuck.

>current year

Marlboro Smooths.
Best menthol.
Gtfo Newport fags.

Parliaments. 100%

This. Why do people still start this gay shit?

I roll my own works out cheaper and more cost effective, just need baccy, filters and some skins

If you're gonna smoke, you might as well go all out.
>pic related

New to smoking?
Yeah, I had my first cig at 12-13. Ended up stealing cigs until 18. Just quit smoking 2 years ago. Now im 36 with asthma.
To be young and dumb again. Dont worry tho, your 18 and know it all. Just wait until your 45 and still smoking. Blew decades worth of potential retirement money on a fucking cigarette addiction.

But stay cool!

These are good, but I can never get through a whole pack before I'm kinda sick of them.

how about just dont

There's nothing wrong with vaping to kick the nicotine habit. They faggotry kicks in when somebody identities with it.

Marlboro sells rolling tobacco.

>What's Sup Forums's favourite cigarette?

I've never understood why cigarette smokers stick with one brand. As a pot smoker, variety is where it's at.

Is American Spirit as good as everyone says it is? Seems all the rage right now but is it just because it's trendy?

Winston 100's long blue (gold not white, cant find the pic)
Pic semi related

i'm sick of this anti smoking bullshit

Cigarettes (with all the shit packed in them) are fucking CARCINOGENIC.
It's not like I really care though, good luck with chemo man.

Roll your own. Cigarette companies can't be fucked to give a shit about the customers that sue them so tobacco used is of a lower quality nowadays and they put glue in the paper to slow the burn and make them "fire safe". Also if you dont have the willpower to not smoke every day say goodbye to your skin and vigor.



You are not funny.

Faggot: I smoke
Non faggot: Hey man, I'd advise you not to do that because of the health risks it imposes on your body and others
Faggot: *autistic screeching* *reeeeeeee's as he runs of into the distance*

10 fucking years. now I have one blunt and it fucks my head up.

cigarettes are great if you work.
help keep you awake if you're running on low sleep and numb muscle aches but yeah, it's still a hole in my pocket and stupid if you have no need for them.

Samo domace :^)

Me too! hory shit user

Pic related

Cowboy Killers are based

Sames started smoking to look cool enough to a girl. We moved in together and then we started buying cartons. One time they didn't have enough menthols for a carton so they gave us one pack of lights. hooked for life..

Winnie Blues Mate

>Go all out
Will nicotine-free cigs.
Yea american spirits are all dangerous.

Winnie Blues

smoked lucky strike and marlboro medium. after a few month you dont even care what you smoke. everything tastes same. the only difference you feel is the heaviness of your tobacco. for example you will inhale deeper when smoking some light cigarettes.

Life's short smoke a port

Marlboro Reds....classics and available everywhere

Camel wides or camel filters never dissapoints.

You mad white boi?

Those are hipster smokes...of course they are good and give you many liberal powers!

Will it get me laid?

Tastes like crispy bacon and maple waffles

Tastes great.

i want to try american spirits. ive had the black pack a few years back but did not like it much. i currently smoke Marboro reds mainly because i like strong non menthol cigarettes but lately they are not satisfying my nicotine need. what color american spirits should i try? i dont like menthol and i need a strong one to satisfy me.

Marlboro black menthols. Plenty strong enough to hold you over for a few hours.

And no matter how much of a fag it makes you look like, it's always nice to have a vape handy for when a smoke break isn't an option.

>Still not RYO

you mad white boi?

This is how it starts, you will be there before you know it trust me. You'll tell yourself I'm not addicted, I just enjoy it... which for a while may be true... until it isn't, and you're still doing it

You're a fucking moron if you start smoking. Statistics are not in your favor to be a social smoker. And who the fuck smokes socially anymore anyways? If you're going to smoke socially, smoke something that tastes good and makes you feel good. Cigarettes are built for addiction.

If you get up to a pack a day, that's 9 dollars a day. 270 a month. For a habit that does nothing for you. DO NOT START. I have been smoking for 21 years and I'm 37. I could have my house paid off with all the money i threw into smoking. Do not be a moron like me.

>who the fuck smokes socially anymore anyways?
Have you ever been to an actual bar or party?

Of course. And the only people I see and know that are out smoking at bars and parties are habituals just like me. They smoke "socially" because they're addicted, not because they're out drinking or partying.