Marines United thread

Marines United thread


lol at the jap sad face

anyone have the wins from that marine facebook page in the news?

poor azn :(

LMAO it exposes 3 men in addition to the woman.

>Marines United thread
>posts army

look closer it's a latino

is this from the fb group?

cant tell the difference

it's debatable, we need more proof

Was it leaked? I think it was only admitted, not leaked.

How can you tell the difference? Enlighten non-military fags.

The gayest thing in this picture is that Batman vs Superman tattoo


happy women day to me

it's absolutely not debateable.

Pretend you can't see his obviously non-asian facial features.
The thick, curly hair and facial hair is not something asians are known for. Seriously look at the fucking hair on his head.

My aunt and uncle have that picture on the wall.


pretty gay you knew what it was too user.

Those are marine corps cammies you fucking idiot. Source: in the goddamn army.

Just look up marine corps uniform vs army uniform m8


Thats definitely marine cammies you fucking retard.
>am marin

Jesus Christ.


they have different cammies (camo uniforms) marines have sand color, and also darker forest. army is this shitty washed grass color. also sleeves are rolled to elbow (army being lazy ass) instead of halfway up bicep, and also marines arent allowed to wear their cammies off base doing civilian shit, aka, this picture.

I did. I'm not military, but I know the difference in patterns. I thought knew something I didn't.

she's a marine, she's wearing marpat.


Marines blows?

they were re-upped to a google drive today, anyone got a link?

is op gonna be a tease or deliver the goods?



lol look at this boot ass bitch

>left is army, right is marines


Ohhhh, all good mang. Yeah I don't know how he mistook those. Matter of fact I'm lost as to how any of the different branchs uniforms could be confused as different as they all are.

I have the old link, but that's shut down now

Uhmmm. Yeah? That's literally what I said?


The color is everything faggot.

Fucken civilian doesn't understand USMC colors

I like how this switched from a blow job to naming uniforms.

Fuck that looks horrible. They need to bring that shit to a tailor to get it fitted

Did you not download any of them while you had it?

>Marines United
Kill yourself


she's wearing the standard army combat uniform, the camo is different for the navy, army, marines, and air force. the coast guard also has a specialized uniform for their "combat" i believe but they're cucks.

pre-military fag here: got accepted into boston university's army rotc program early in the year

All 2500 of them? Of course


so in conclusion, marine or army in the photo?

my god

Stock photos like that always look like shit, and I don't know what that dude is doing with his collar flipped like that. Doesn't help that army uniforms fit like shit anyways.

Marines are all faggots

The female marine is wearing desert cammies and yiu can see her fucking 8 point cover. Her rolled sleeves don't have that stupid velcro patch that the army soldiers have.
>am marin

>Diagonal Pockets
>un-ironed collar
>shitty shave
>dick sucking lips

God, that army faggot is nasty.

>few and proud here


Holy shit you are going to be a great LT



i'm a mechanic.

Quintups. Good lord.

shes a marine, in the army you are not authorized to roll up the sleeves, where i believe there are authorizations for the marines to do so.

holy no, hes completely wrong on the pattern. He'd make a shitty officer. Or maybe thats the joke?

she's also sucking cock on cam, so i don't think rules mean much to the gal

>in the army you are not authorized to roll up the sleeves
Literally fucking retarded

can you guys please stfu about the stupid uniform and focus on what's important here

She's wearing a marine uniform. Army has the Velcro segments on each sleeve with unit patch and combat patch.

She doesn't have a patch on her sleeve in the area where it should be if it was army, nor does she have the Velcro. Also wrong color uniform to be army.

You guys are idiots, arguing over this. It's fake. It's from a porno.

The guy getting blown has a SvB tattoo on his arm.

>this triggers \tv\ Marv fags

You mean the homoerotic circle-jerk?

well played


Pretty sure u guys are trollin. She is in the air force seals.

Yeah they changed that, army can roll sleeves now.

Fuck off faggot. Why the fuck would you want to beat meat to marine corps bull dykes anyways?

You are a retard, sir.

Is Private Bladen wearing lipstick? If so, is it GI?


i'm probably half colorblind so what do i know, marine uniforms are lighter in color then what she was wearing, that's what it looks like to me tho

ITT: typical military fucks arguing over a uniform.

Thanks for serving the United States BTW

Don't call me "sir"! I post on Sup Forums for a living!

youre welcum.

here ya go, let's see if you will dl them and put them to mega, I'm not OP


Actually new reg its at unit discretion to roll up sleeves in the army now.

poor asian dude


It's marine corps. Photo quality is shit too.

No Velcro on sides of sleeves fam.

Is this a mega link?


I'm a professional memer and have 2 facebook pages with millions of followers and another one with just over half a million. I'm pretty much decide what gets memed and what doesn't. And fuck you for trying to force an unapproved meme. I will never share it. Ever.

Story of this.
Moar marines bj
Military porn

well i can't see shit if i zoom in lmao it looks like michael j foxx got photographer privileges for the annual marine orgy



>pre-military fag here: got accepted into boston university's army rotc program early in the year

So you are a filthy civilian.

Let me correct you.

Look at he sleeves, army doesn't roll sleeves like that. The famouse quote from a nigger warlord is "When you see the white sleeves, run. They hunt and kill you".


Shoulder pockets in the rolls


The fucken color of the cammies


The more i think about it, the more i want you to die.

>Not even in ROTC yet

god fucken damnit. You know nothing of the military.

She might be a sailor anyway, they are allowed to wear Marine cammies under some rule. I can't cite it because i don't even care.

btw, the hair cuts on those 3 guys is literally not USMC, 0-3 evenly granulated, and the mexican dude has a earing which isn't allowed.

The Female 'Marines' bun is poorly kept and her sleeves look like ass.

Do the world a favor and kill yourself.


what is this a link to?

why are these marines so out of shape?

what's db?

marines sure do like 'seamen.'

seriously? Dropbox retard.


Those arn't Marines to my knowledge.

The Haircuts arn't in regs, one of them has a earing.

a google image search helps, beards and curly hair on asians... wait is this a trump thing?


lol ty my bad