Can someone explain

Can someone explain

Too soon, user, too soon..

she killed herself any questions?

too soon man wtf

Op wtf is wrong with you. Too soon man

What happened to the girl?

Too soon for what

I hate this shit. It is nothing, literally a picture of a chick on a bed.

Jesus, OP, too soon.

OP what's your deal? have some compassion

Too soon

Everyone trolling you op

Happened many years ago

Op... Not a lot of things to unspoken of on Sup Forums. This is one of those rare things.

Too soon.

She's cute, did she really an hero?

OP what the fuck is wrong with you

Too fucking soon, man

Bump because whut?

too soon

tits too small, would still fuck/10

too soon

What the fuck newfag?! you could just lurk more you fucking faggot, its too soon to just post this like its nothing

literally nothing to explain. Too soon? more like too late.

Have you no fucking compassion user? Too goddamn soon.

I do not. An I'm damn proud of that. Feelings/compassion is for fags

Everyone of you that says to soon is an idiot. If she was dead how come her eyes follow the camera. This girl is still alive and well. Google the fake ass story

A very fappable corpse


cold corpse/10 ;)


Seeing as how you don't get the joke, it looks like you're the newfag here...

Her eyes don't follow the camera, you absolute fucking leech

Yea i think u maybe are seeing how 99% of these fools probably actually believe this girl is dead

oh boy is it summer already?

Look at the different pictures idiot

tell us the joke then friend. I'm sure im not alone remembering this picture from pre 2010 Sup Forums.

I did. Her eyes stay the same place, cuckold

so who in the fuck is this broad?

The joke is that anons were fapping to the pic, and once they found out she ded, they act shocked with faux grieving n'shit

They really dont tou just want to believe to hard

Dude, comon. Have some decency.

Holy fuck is she dead?

Complain all you want, but they do

actually its the other way around. Sup Forumstards were fapping because they thought it was a corpse. Joke is shes alive doing corpse roleplay.


And if she would have died there she wouldnt have perfectly tan looking skin still either. I saw my friend almost die in the same manner they describe her and he turned blue from lack of oxygen before he was saved by emts.

Finally someone else who agrees she is perfectly fine ugh

I've been here almost a decade now and that was one of the few threads I was in that really fucked me up.

I've seen children being raped, dogs having fireworks shoved up their assholes, penguins forming swastikas on kids websites, and baby cartoon ponies getting their balls ripped off.

But that thread man. Jesus Christ. I woke up the next morning and just started crying.

Fucking degenerate

True, once circulation stops they go almost grey-green. Post-mortem lucidity sets in as blood pools in the lower portions of the body. And her eyes would look altogether more fucked up, not aligned of clear looking. Corpses suck.

Have some decency you fucking degenerate

Okay, here's the story of the girl, she's was in Canada, and she died from drinking antifreeze.
Her name was Mary-Ann Rialeb, and she was at a party. It was at a college senior's apartment in Vancouver. His little brother had apparently spiked some drinks with antifreeze to try to get all the girls drunk really fast, but didn't realize it was poison and could kill them.
The only one who actually drank any was Mary-Ann, and she had already had some drinks before then. She got really weird drunk and started complaining about not being able to see anything. She the guy (the senior's little bro, not the senior) convinced her to strip down and pose for some pictures. He left to get his camera and then when he came back he asked if it would be alright to snap some pictures. She didn't say anything so he assumed it was okay, and he took one or two pics. He then asked if she would change her position and pose but she still didn't say anything, so he moved her around.
As he took the pictures, he was uploading them on the computer. It wasn't until he had snapped 4 pictures that he realized she wasn't breathing. The fourth picture, he had pulled her bra off. That one is very rare.
But anyway, after that, he found she was dead and panicked and called an ambulance (after doing what he does best,) but the pictures were already up on the internet. When her mom found out, she got scared and was quoted as saying "I'm your dream, mind astray, I'm your eyes while youre away, I'm your pain while you repay. You know its SAD BUT TRUE!!!!"

Yup some people know absolutely nothing and believe everything they read. Shows how smart Sup Forums tards are


No more smart ass answers?


It was nerve gas.

What a disrespectful fuck you are