Thread 404d before I could respond, so I made a new one with your pic.

The lack of outfits doesn't bother me tbh. I think you have an amazing figure and I'd love to see more of you in any setting. Your hair is also really nice, so the two combined with lewd/cute poses and occasional underwear or socks is perfectly enough

if official trap thread
why not start thread with a trap? hm?
how about that?

Any traps in London? I just want one to sit on my lap. That's all.

I was talking to a qt user in the previous thread and it 404d before I could type a response, so I started this one with their pic to make them notice hopefully


I'm into traps but the ones posted on here have gone to hell. I don't even click the threads anymore

>gone to hell
How do you know? Maybe they were christians and went to heaven

>dont even click the threads anymore

Yeah apparently not.

is this more to your liking?

can headless trap even give good head?




I can almost guarantee this one gives amazing head


I can drop you some of my recent pics before I go to sleep





I'm not gay but i could prob work with that


im not gay but i would tenderly make out with her while rubbing that cute little cock


is this actually you?
10/10 grade a trap



seriously hot



Yes and thank you, though mind the filename - camera360 filters lol



Any qt3.14 t-grills in Seattle area?

Best trap in thread.

youre a babe

filters might make your skin look smoother, but you have a great body and a very pretty face either way
how long have you been on mones for?
also post legs please

Best trap thread

Finishing up with a webm

Also than you :3

I'm already following that thread too lol

Mones for 9mo now, also to lazy to take more pics right now

no way that thing has a dick

how come I haven't seen you before? you're really cute and should post more often
also good luck with your transition, you already have a cute face which I guess is the most important thing

Thank you, I am pretty happy with my face and what I've gotten so far in my transition too.
I have posted a bit before here to but I guess nothing has gone viral lol

That's literally an ugly ass dude with a wig and lipstick on. Way better traps out there.

Hi Sup Forums

Half-related to thread, but question: if one were to become a trap, could they keep their natural breast size while losing weight, and, if so, how?

well I've saved all your pics, they're all very sexy
god knows this boards needs more qt traps who actually show face too

do you have manboobs?


Yes. Not gonna sugarcoat it, I'm borderline overweight. Is there any way I can keep the breasts but lose the rest?




hot show today, luved the pole dace

Nikki You randy minx

If you're serious about being a trap go for it. Boy titties can turn out really nice from hormones. You shouldn't worry about "keeping" your manboobs, your hrt boobs will be much better and perkier if you lose weight

Start hormones before you lose weight. That's the only thing I can think of.


Save and spread all you want, I guess that's what most who post pics of themselves here want though x)

Thank you, should have recorded that.. maybe someone else did haha

Also old pic related

This picture is perfection

actually lose weight before you start hormones
Manboobs are very different from hrt boobs, you're gonna look the best if you lose all the weight first, because if you start consuming fewer calories than you intake while you're transitioning, your body won't be able to build your new hormone titties

wait is there a show? I wanna watch

Thanks for the input.


It's time to come out to Sup Forums I guess, think someone recognised me in an older thread too but I didn't see it till it 404d

Amaliestar @ CB

Will be on tomorrow too but not as long as today, got doctor appointment the next morning


no problem m8







no way thats a fucking trap


Looks like arin from goomegramps

disgusting tits, shemales are gross.

Sweet baby jesus!! Instant diamond dick

It sure is, one of the more well known ones at that, how have you not ever seen an image of them and their penis already?

Do you meet?


i wish :3



What site do you cam on and what username?


>Topkek friendo, mind if I save it?

shes gettin pretty chubz from the 1st time i saw her...any bigger and no more posting.


wish i had this person's name, would totally date


Sorry, not at the moment at least




user please let me breed you

Haven't gotten it, unfortunately.

