Loli treahd continue

Loli treahd continue

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i was talking to the weird girl :(

that's a nice image.

Yep, i use it too munch




Anyone make it from the last thread?


trauma user here, lurking p much.

I am here waiting for dolls user

I was telling u that loli is not even illegal, so you can tell it to your therapist. Also talking with your dad seems logical. Maybe not right now, but in a not-so-remote future


Gonna have to talk to him eventually, so I'll probably get it out of the way within the next 5 years.
>realization that my therapist has probably heard of people coping with this sort of thing through sexual means before


I hate that a little girl's innocence was taken in such a way. It's downright theft of love and happiness that they didn't earn, and you have to pay for.
There might be local/state laws against loli where you live, but it might not be seen as pedophilia by a therapist if it isn't allowed.
You could be a dude RPing, but I hope things work out.







Like I said, it is what it is. I do wish nobody would have to deal with it, but in my case it's happened already.
>Deffo not RPing, so that's worse and better at the same time.

Can you summarize the context for this?



Can I ask to you what's the thing that did hurt you the most? The fact that they were doing that stuff when you were asleep?


>21 y/o gril
>various sexual assaults and the like from age 8/9 to 11
>someone trolling was like "so you're all pedos, yeah?"
>"nah b, some weird part of my trauma brain makes me think this is interesting/hot"
>gave an overview about my experiences, which are all somewhat vague because memory loss.

I guess that they were people I was supposed to look up to, that I was struggling with knowing about sexuality really young, and that they effectively used both of these things against me.

that's exactly what i think, who wrote that? a random user?

What the fuck

What I mean by this, it's natural to try and figure out your body as a kid. They made this exploration into, almost like, a punishment. I dealt with shame because of that for a long time. The physical aspect of sexual assault is never the worst, in my eyes, it's the lasting psychological and emotional harm.



Why do you say "almost like a punishment"? You were supposed to sleep, they didn't try to humiliate you, did they?

Isadora Finnsdottir from "Astarotte no Omocha!"

Sauce ~Erwin

Oh, I mean, everything started after someone found me exploring. I had questions when I was really little, because I found out, y'know, people could masturbate. But nobody really understood what I was asking, and then around 8/9 someone saw me, it clicked, & thats when things started happening.


That makes sense now. Thanx for your story, sometimes even talking with a random user on Sup Forums can help. Hope you get better soon, and that you find the courage to talk to your dad. Best wishes!

No, yeah, it helps sort things out, definitely. Thanks for asking questions! You too.

What's your favorite loli?

The game

>asking me to choose

Post western stuff

It popped out another question: when you post in a loli thread, you're basically talking with other pedos. Don't you hate them (us)? Aren't we the same as your dad?


only if you're chill with forreal fucking little girls, lmao.

I'm pretty sure everyone here is no matter what they say...


Are you homosexual?


Idk user, people fantasize about weird shit when they're horny. I tend not to take it seriously.
Often people fantasize or imagine murder. Does that make them as bad as an actual murderer? Nah. Will they ever actually murder? Statistically, probably not.
I'd say I'm bi with a slight preference for men. I usually have higher standards for dudes though. Also have said before, prefer masturbation over sex, not even because trauma, more because it's.... just. better orgasms.


Well i licked a little girl pussy once. I'm not proud, I wanted to see if she liked it or not. I now have a big sense of guilt and I pass my days hoping that this won't affect her future life in a bad way. Worse of it all: I did it bc I love her. Love can lead wrong ways :-/
Pedos lives a sad life.



Could you elaborate?




Did she like it?

What relation did you have to her? How old were both of you? Has it ever been brought up again?


I masturbated her 3 or 4 times. I found that inside the panties she was too sensitive: she liked it only outside. When I licked her pussy she made a weird face, like "wtf are you doing?", so I stopped.


Well she's 8 and i'm in my late twentys.
It happened few months ago.
She was one of my pupils, i'm a homeroom teacher.
Mother told me she didn't need to be homeroomed anymore, so I don't see her so often now.
She likes me a lot, i'm in love with her.
Now I'm scared that She could have told something to her mom.

wow dude, that's bad

I don't really care for myself tho, I only hope she'll be ok


>she didn't need to be homeroomed anymore
Where are you that homeroom is a choice, and what is homeroom for you?

Interesting. I doubt she's traumatized if she seemed to enjoy it and likes you. However there is a real danger of going to jail, perhaps you want to ask her not to tell? 8 year olds are pretty aware.

that's what i mean. never do that again.

i don't understand what are you asking..

What did it taste like? Like an adult or something else?

When did loli threads become PA?
Is Trauma-Chan still here, what does she think?

What country are you in?

I really hope so, but I feel bad both for betrayng the trust of her parent, and even for having done to the girl I love the most something that can harm her. Feels bad

That's even worse, I don't wanna scare her. Better go to jail. I even deserve it, so..

Never tasted an adult one. Her pussy was pratically tasteless.... very soft skin tho. And super cute ^^

not usa lol

>what does she think?
If he gets arrested, I'll do a couple shots in the thread's honor.
If he doesn't, it's fake.
win/win imo

If I could lock up everybody in this thread I would

well it's not going to happen today lol

Eat shit, you edgy fuck. Artistic works of fiction and falsehood.

at least the pedo teacher isn't a dick

>So you're telling me I do the shots anyway
sounds good

and I started going to a therapist now, i don't wanna be pedo forever. I'm trying to change

i don't understand what the shots are, sorry but english is not my native language

that's 100% true, sorry

Are you gonna love this girl when she becomes a saggy old granny at 16 or so?
Don't admit that shit. FBI will tattle to whatever shithole you live in.

thanx dude.

alcohol, user.
Truth is what the truth is, user. It's either fake or you took advantage of a young girl. You get to live with that the rest of your life & if it makes you miserable, or makes you want to die, or gets you arrested, remember you're the one that ruined your own life & took someone helpless down with you.

Yes I think I'd love her ^^

I won't live a miserable life if she doesn't get any harm. It's not like I forced her! When I saw her last time she came to me for play some game. She didn't dislike me, and I wouldn't do anything bad to her for sure in the future.

You're either going to have to marry her, or kill yourself.

>It's not like I forced her
being this retarded

no problems for marriage, but that feels a little muslim

you're right, it was an act of violence bc i'm an adult and she is a child. Sorry.

I want stop.fapping to loli feels like being total asshole. And it gives terrible feeling wvery morning