/gg/ - poorfa/gg/ - Guitarfa/gg/ and Bassfa/gg/ General

>How much is that Gibson Les Paul Standard, sir?
>...I guess I'll just take the Epiphone then.

How do I start learning guitar?

Suggested Practice Routine:

Guitar chords and inversions

String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):

Music theory:

Hal Leonard's Bass Method:

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout

Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick

Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar

Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene

Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav

Old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Rate him as a bass player

Inb4 manbabbies complain about breaking their toys


this is from a premier guitar article. even they're making fun of you twinks.

alright /gg/, it's time to draw yourself with your instrument in MS Pain

Sick 90s grunge rock revival pic bro. Rip Curt kobaine

doesn't show the pedalboard, doesn't count

I noticed in the newest Sweetwater catalog the tone of the new Duo Sonic was described as "euphoric".

I laughed on the toilet. This place is the center of the universe.

More like the center of the solar system, aka the sun

>full of gas
>spreads cancer causing rays

>google +1'd

>tfw guitar will die in your lifetime


[gay metalcore intensifies]


>mfw a bitch nerd cries about gamma rays


The hulk may be BA AF but banner is the definitive gay bitch nerd lmao

Not in picture:
>local brand pedals+some boss pedals+big muff
>cheap amp

>only a 1x12 or smaller
step up your doom larping

that's my secret cap

Guy's I'm trying to get an Ibanez neck or sth similar on my Gibson SG.
Those are so compfy, do you know if this is possible? Has it been tried yet?

2bh lad i was thinking of making a 6x12, is that too much for a deluxe reverb? not doomlarping, vreeoolarping.

just look to find a ibanez type neck and a bolt-on SG copy that both happen to have the same spacing
then you screw the "ibanez" neck on the SG
and screw the bridge farer to the neck, as the new neck will be of longer scale

guys will my amp sound significantly louder or bassier/punchier with a 2x12 cab? with the same model speakers as the current 1x12

are you stupid or something?

Samuel fix those tubes first

does it happen or not?

>Are you stupid
How do you know for sure? If you're stupid you wouldn't notice it

muh yeah thats right... you better ask my mom then...
so why you asked that to me? are you retarded?


does a cab with more speakers make the amp louder or not


the amp isn't very loud without speakers.

yes that really is a fact


fuck off anonymous



you guys like what I've done with the place?



time to work on my ukulele

good guitar amp/effect VST?




That meme is going to hit instant classic status

stop destroying /gg/ its not even funny
you're destroying it


ok i'm leaving

using feeler gauge to get action at 2nd fret. I'll put the but slot 1 size above that to be safe. It's ukulele, so I don't need a very low action, but lowering the nut will aide intonation.

enjoy your ban

>actually owning a ukelele

what the heck

no seriously im gone

What is the opposite of no?

This dick, cause you can't say no to it

using welding tip cleaner to file. They suck, but they're cheap, which is what I want for a 2 minute job.





holy shit i was sure that post had ">this thread" written

TSE 50
amps from lepou

Looks like a pepe

for learning chords should i stick with learning them on first position and then move on to the rest of the fret board once i know them all or should i learn the positions of a single chord and then move on to the next

Anyone else into making some spoopy shit?




neck pickup

also fuck off with the caps man

I gurantee it'll take more than 10 seconds to finish vomiting

I bought a proper xlr to xlr cable. Now my recording quality doesnt suck, just my playing.

Seriously feel dumb for running a mic into the line in with an xlr to 1/4th cable now, but was all I had. Even so, still sounded better than the som stuff.

becuz it doesn't crush


strats are superior. it can do everything a tele does and more.

muh strat can do everything almost as god as a tele and it give me these nice unusable sultan's of swing settings :3

I've been going direct to line in, and I don't think I'm gonna bother with an interface. Direct doesn't have the same issues as a mic, but I'm still surprised at the quality. But I do have a fancy-shmancy sound card. Got my PC second hand and they really pulled out all the stops.

>mfw I hear some poorfa/gg/ trying to justify his chink shitplank

>mfw my shitplank is

squires are really good though. like id rather use my vm squier than a fender.

Was it XLR to TS or TRS, because XLR and TRS use the same cable. With a lot of monitor outs on mixers and interfaces you can use trs to xlr or trs to trs or xlr to xlr(if the monitor utilizes trs) and there will be absolutely no difference because they function in the same way.

But, if your interface doesn't utilize trs inputs you'd be right. Some interfaces, like the scarletts also don't activate the mic pre unless you use xlr. Nice trick if you're using a di box with xlr out and want to utilize the cable shielding without the mic pre.

Not trying to correct you, just trying to share some information that I had to learn after much frustration in the past.

>mfw i hear people trying to justify buying anything but a nip guitar

Also, it's good to know if you're trying to use an external pre amp.

are you talking about the CAGED system?
look it up, i'm not going to spoon feed.

i wouldn't call that spoopy, more of a sci fi thing


google +1'd

and this affects you because.............?

There isn't a country in the world that doesn't make shitty guitars of some kind or another. Likewise there aren't many countries that don't have someone who wants to make top notch guitars.

Honestly the thing about golden age Japan guitars that I think is best is when that one factory was making 5 piece necks. I really like 3 and 5 piece necks, shame they aren't more common. But jap guitars not coming from that one factory, I forget the name, are just like any other guitar.

>he bought a yank guitar made by mexicans
>not a superior jap guitar with neck folded over one thousand times

For me it's the pacifica 112v. The best strat.

I kinda like these but I think the pickup ring is silly. There's cooler pacificas around.


Interesting. The background is definitely more unique than the solo over it. That's the main problem with this kind of music for me, you can't really improv over it. Whenever I come up with an interesting sound and loop it, that's where it stops for me and I don't know what else to do with it. Solo ruins it all the time.

what a cheap tone


made me chortle

The magic and wonder of Guitar Rig

haha i knew it
if it were a good toan it wouldnt be eiuther guitar rig or amplitube haha

>made me chortle

made me guffaw

>jamming and improvising to my feet's tempo
>really into it, playing slowly and feeling every note
>i gotta record this
>open daw and start making a simple backing track
>start getting nervous and overthinking
>family come home
>get more nervous
>try soloing to the track
>can't fuckin feel it anymore, back to textbook soloing and scale runs
Well, at least i improved. A couple years ago it would have gone to repetitive licks and bends on the 1 beat.

whats the most expensive guitar you ever knocked over at a guitar store

>$900 dollar martin, brand new, one of the 'budget' usa models. put a guitar down opposite it on one of those tree guitar stands and it caused it to fall face first and eat shit on the hardwood floor. the acoustic room was empty so i put it right back on and shopped another half hour

>most expensive guitar you ever knocked over at a guitar store
i'm not retarded, so this has never happened to me

>But, if your interface doesn't utilize trs inputs you'd be right. Some interfaces, like the scarletts also don't activate the mic pre unless you use xlr. Nice trick if you're using a di box with xlr out and want to utilize the cable shielding without the mic pre.

Bingo on the pre amp.
Was using xlr to trs, but the interface only has xlr for the mic, so the line in didnt carry the same quality for especually for acoustics, wasnt too bad for recording my amps though. Nit using any real pre amp, just a sm57 and an ild lexicon alpha. For a poorfag Im happy with the small upgrade.

The xlr to trs has came in handy at so many live gigs when I played bass because my amp has an xlr out and 1/4 line out and depending on the mixer I could use either side on my amp to match the soundboard.

I didn't even listen(can't now) but I already know. Guitar rig is fucking horrible for guitar toanz. They sound great through computer speakers, but that's where it ends. That being said, they have some of the best and most versatile effects in the game, even if setting them up can be kind of obtuse. I used it dozens of times just for the effects. I used it for a couple of widely released hip hop tracks to make far out ambient noise. I went all out with it. I recorded clean DI. Then I reamped them, i went through some some effects in guitar rig to the reamp box into the amp, but then i went from the effects out back to the di box to the interface. Then i reamped again through a delay(did this twice with different settings to layer far left and right) into the effects return to pish the power amp and then to a final track from a mic. I also had a fuzzed out tracks reamped through a rams head and black russian running in stereo as well buried beneath the mix. It all fit together really well, even though all three songs sound the same on my end.

Seriously, if native instruments did a guitar rig effects that had more effects with more detail to each one I'd buy it in a heart beat. Even of it cost a grand, fuck waiting for a crack.

And even though I might have shit on the guitar sounds, i used it for 2 eps from a shitty comedy hardcore punk project I was doing with my buddy. Mostly because I couldn't bring a couple guitar and bass stacks into his apartment without getting the cops called. It still sounded fine with work in a lofi mix.

I bought a 12 string guitar for Djenting. Did I do good?

>made me guffaw

made me snicker