I know there will be a bunch of jokes about OP being a retard etc

I know there will be a bunch of jokes about OP being a retard etc

But seriously, I've always wondered, does anyone know what it would be like to have down syndrome?

Do you realize things normally? Like process information? It's hard understanding what perception would be like

why don't you answer your own question?

You'd be retarded, therefore wouldn't think about those things because you wouldn't have the mental capacity to do so nor would you care.

OP just write down how YOU feel and there ya go .. thats what autism is like

I always felt like retards experience life in some sort of haze. Like when you get drunk and high and you can't react to things and you're off in your own little world.

Excuse me kind sir but Drumpf is an evil bigot and if you support him we want you to know we do not much care for you racists over here at 4 Chan. com so please leave the racism at the door, fren.

I would agree that this is probably an accurate assumption. Shit must happen in frames, and what does happen is all mushy and weird like. Kinda like you're not even experiencing a crisp version of reality. Sucks to be retarded, I guess.

Meanwhile I'm in another thread talking about a computer program thinking and creating its own thought, and how this could be bad if it doesn't develop empathy.

Must be a night of thinking for Sup Forums.

Think of it this way. They experience the world like how a toddler does, because that's their mental capacity.

So, how did you think and act as a young kid? You just sort of did shit and acted off of instinct, instant gratification, and emotion. Not really thinking about YOURSELF but moreso what you can do for yourself. Not really stressing about anything.

There you go.

Imagine every single somatic cell in your body (bedsides red blood cells) has three chromosome 21s instead of two.

I did too many drugs don't remember before 12

I imagine it's pretty on par with how a sign languaging gorilla would think things

there are different forms of retardation.

i dont know what its called but ive experienced one type im sure when i way to fucking high and felt like i wanted to express myself but forgot what spoke language was and didnt know how to figure out how to learn to speak or formulate my feelings into ways other people would understand, i felt trapped, frustrated and upset with the environment around me bc "it couldnt understand me"

Wildly swinging emotional state from one moment to the next. Calmness and murmuring spit bubbles one moment, then see someone frown and go into tard rage monkey in a cage mode.

Really just think and do the first thing that comes to your mind, no matter how socially unacceptable it is, even if it's just screaming at the top of your lungs, or pulling your dick out, or shitting your pants because you feel a sensation there.

Very compulsive see this do that go there, stop holding me down I'm doing this going to do that smear shit on the wall it looks pretty lalalala. oh color, there's a pretty face walk up to it oh you don't like me I'll destroy you for making me feel bad. oh person crying i'll cry too, oh bored.

Not really related, but I have a question about autism. My nephew is pretty autistic, but I know there's a scale. He's not a fedora basement dweller, or a drooling on his shirt without knowing it person...he's the Sheldon Big Bang Theory type, kind of...

Like, food becomes useless if his absolute precise demands aren't met--the peas are touching the mashed potatoes; you might as well throw this away. A band aid has to be pulled out of the box and applied in a specific way, or else NOPE. My question is, in all sincerity--are we just allowing for childish whining as a disorder?

Basically, when is this person going to realize that the real world doesn't cater to you? That you're lucky to be alive, and the shit you're throwing away because (eew toooo sogggyy) someone would kill a family member for in a third world country? When does this person get to deal with reality, and not surrounded by a bunch of "yes men"...okay okay we'll get you another full plate of pasta, because the fork was on the right hand side....

Is autism our fault, basically?
Just curious as to what this thread thinks...Downies have a legit claim. Autists...not so much.
So what if peas touch the mashed potatoes...you're lucky to be nourished and well taken care of, ya prick....

No the autist will not snap out of it.

The only thing you can hope for is for him to be swept away in a flood or mysteriously run away and drown in a pool.

Water, especially deep or flowing, is autistkryptonite.

i have high functioning DS, i drive and work ama


I guess it'd be hard to ask you what things are like

How did they test you I guess?

force him to watch the move the accountant

older sister had it to,check at pregnancy, i look pretty bad, my brain is ok, she looks good, not much sign of it at all but she can't talk.

Shes the perfect woman then

no, not all like toddler, i drive and work, but my sister can't talk. parents told me about pablo pineda when i was young, im like him.

Drunks and children are surprisingly similar.

Do you ever question your own mentality; whether or not you might be impaired and incapable of thinking in a fully human manner? Can you solve problems?

Could you just be one of those normies, a 50%er?

“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” George Carlin

Haa! Why though? I mean, we're all a bit fucked in our own right....but we learn, we cope, we come to understand things larger than ourselves in whatever way it takes. Me personally, I dreaded public speaking, but I was forced to deal with it in college--NO OTHER OPTIONS--DO IT, FUCKER---and while in the beginning it was disastrous, I eventually learned the ropes. Autists can't learn and grow in the same way? We just have to accept them at the most basic level and wait on them hand and foot? Why? Like I said, it's not like Downys...they have a genetic malfunction....these niggas just decide carrots are too orange....

I will

You ever do things and blame it on your DS to get away with it?

im less than average i know that, also know some others without DS are worse than me. i can go on Sup Forums. work out why pc is not working, drive car , better than most chans i think.
love my family im human i think

We're just seeing more of these disorders because we know what they are and can deal with them. 50 years ago they would be called simple minded at best and dead at worst. Ethics hasn't caught up to medicine yet. Should a child be allowed to come to term if they have a debilitating disorder? What if it's something that can't be diagnosed before birth?

Is this just another inevitable burden we must bear due to our advancement in technology?

all the time at school :)
parents dont believe me though. i get sadder and happier easier but pretty happy most of the time


we laugh system of a down is my favorite band

I made that pic myself. For the lulz user. *salute*

first time talk on Sup Forums bye

Kek with you sir

Good man

I hear you, man. But I feel like--not Down's--but Autism can be course corrected. With a life coach and discipline. And eventually an intervention by those who cater to every whim of this person's needs--food costs money; internet costs money, getting that one pizza that's 25 miles out of the way "but it's the only one that tastes good" costs money...Hey bud, you're demanding a lot; what are you going to contribute? Autism has kind of been generically re-defined as entitlement gone wild, I guess is what I'm saying....do what I say or else I'll trow a tantrum...and doctors will back me up....

I wish I had that fuckin' alibi growing up...

Autists have a very wide range of problems, so it's not a simple task of 'growing out' of them.

The one you describe about the peas is an uncontrollable emotional reaction to the changing of a pattern (like OCD) and though it never fully goes away, most autists learn to deal with things like that.
The problems that don't go away are the hyper/hyposensitivity, inability to read body language, low social awareness and low stress tolerance and though all these things have workarounds, none have any sort of cure.

What's your IQ?