Hey Sup Forums, what do you think of my tattoo?

Hey Sup Forums, what do you think of my tattoo?

Pretty fucking cool imo

C'mon Sup Forums!

Thank you so much! My friends said I look stupid, but I know that this tattoo is epic, simply epic! X D

I mean it looks well done but why would you want that tattooed on your body?

Because ninja penguins are awesome


if he's a ninja, why does he have a bandolier full of grenades

ninjas don't use fucking grenades

he doesn't even have a grenade launcher

Looks kinda gay

Imagine that tattoo at age 60

That's not a ninja it's a rambo penguin......tard

Fail. My tits are better.

dude are you a tattoo virgin OP? dont you know that when you get old that shit will stretch and look like a blue shoulder pad

I don't know what a rambo is, I asked for a tattoo of a ninja penguin and I picked this image I found on google images, and told him to do that for my tattoo.

I'll just have them touch it up when I get old. Idiot.

Crappe diem. It means you had a day of shitty decisions.

Is that french?

No. It's douche Latin.

>I don't know what a rambo is

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You're an idiot

I think it's awesome! I saved your pic ^_^


should hav just had a homo with HIV jizz in your eye. it would make you about as cool.


Show em then

thats actually pretty awesome. kudos to you for getting a dope tattoo

it's cool, yet goofy at same time... did you not think it all the way through... also show those nice titties.

not backing up the OP, but your response is kinda harsh... imho