Turn on CNN in half an hour

Turn on CNN in half an hour.


No. Turn on Fox in 5 minutes.

You land on mars?

Is that the Don Lemon re-run or the Anderson Cooper re-run?

Turn on Headline News instead

enjoy Forensic Files for 20 hrs a day

I'll do it but im not happy about it

It's gonna get blown up

Your not going to do shit

>le fake news channel

How about instead you turn me on over the next 10 minutes


Mars... Bruno Mars... oh my God OP is going to shoot Bruno Mars

he didnt say hes going to do anything or anything going to happen idiots just "turn on cnn" thats all
btw your head is itching

Your lips are dry

I've got your other hemisphere!

If this actually happens someone fucking screencap this

Add me in the screen cap

Almost time. Have you blown your self up yet?

So... what now?

I'm curious. What's gonna happen?

I mean, there's like a 99% chance it's nothing...

But OP is the 1%, dammit!

so what's going on?


I'm interested but at the same time...

Ok 30 mins where's dead Bruno mars


Has anything happened yet?


Post a link or some details, faggot


Nothing happened. Just some user being a fag

Everything just happened

We're just FUCking with yah, but really op wtf

Raise your hand if you saw that coming.

Same fag

RIP sweet prince

Fucking Piccolo blew up Mars this time.

Nah fam

I started to raise my hand but then though of how I just looked like a dumb ass in the dark...

But Michael Jackson dead is old news

>trump signs executive order
>anyone with trace of african heritage will be deported
>trump is sending africans back to africa

Holy shit is Matt Damon ok?!?!

You have been visited by a Marshall arts enthusiasts

That's a good news, no?

Wow it's fucking nothing

Hey look, it's CNNs new marketing tactic after being BTFO by Trump.

nobody knows 7-7-2017

Fake news?

That already happened 2 nights ago


turn on your tv. wtf? First Wikileaks, now this?

i dont have a tv tho

dafuq? another cashmeoutside stupid shits? fuck off

good one.