NZ/New Zealand thread

NZ/New Zealand thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

70% overweight

What happens when you get to 100%?

Shot put gold medal.

these threads are always so boring

just the same shit ad nauseum every night.

post some tunes.

Dunedin reporting.

Cricket is looking a lot better from an NZ point of view.

My definition of a 'tune' is probably far off what you would think a 'tune' is. however you did ask.

Bet wet where everyone is?


lol no its not,
We will be bowled out for 240 tomorrow end up chasing 400 and get bowled out again.

lol flume

fkn white hipster scum

Tits or gtfo

Have some faith in our cricket team for a change. I am, it's not looking too bad, although Ross Taylor getting injured did not help.

hence why I keep my music opinions to myself. I don't see how i'm a "hipster" by any means, though.

I have faith, its just how this game is gonna go is all

show penis first daddy


You never know, until the 2nd innings, realistically, though.


kys plox


Hello you very naughty young man.

Behave yo self!

Thats a pic from 2015 ya cabbage

And thus the drought has ended for me.

Hey why am I naughty? C'mon

Actually from 12BC it's just been colourised.


You know why you naughty boy.

Check em pls

That tripple double though

you must be new. welcome to the cesspool


Why is Christchurch so shit and gay?

Underrated kek right here.

Because it's in the South Island.

Not even mother earth wanted chch

Damn it I need my ejuice to arrive. I hope customs isn't fucking me because I also ordered some syringes.

south island is worst island tbh

american here. how do people from north island drive to south island or vice versa? is there like a bridge or something?

there's a ferry which you can take, it can take a few hundred people (i think?) and a few cars/trucks too.

Why are ID's even gonners?


k thanks

I only do it so I can turn 10c into an Interislander token.

>Underrated kek right here.
Thank you.

Syringes cost like $1 at the chemist bro.

>not using used syringes from the street bins
how new are you?



How long has the NZ thread been going on?
I haven't been on Sup Forums since forever but you cunts are still here.

What's that all about?

what's your snapchat ID q?

i want to suffocate in those tits

I had to buy a stupid heroin pack because they didn't have any other type.


We all do bro. We all do.

do any femanons browse these threads?

Give me yours.

Anyone have a link to the mega folder with the nudes?

None at all.

Just a few


Absolutely none at all.


Chur wade

only the Queen


Even though those re mine it still feels like that doesn't look real.


Post more real ones then.

Please do another timestamp. We miss them ;-;


fountain pen?

fuck up you fat maori catfish cunt. go back to moco and use white girl pics we dont wanna see your grey stretched skin yuk


I'm in the dark, mouth breather.

When you're this white and apparently Maori


this cunt makes me cum buckets

I'm that white and Maori so it's possible.

Too bad he's ugly kek

I'm pretty white since my mum's family came here from eastern ish Europe and my dad was adopted out of Lithuania lmao.

show pussy? need to fap

Fucken kiwis

dem slav genes

No one show it.

quercy have you ever cucked someone?

I don't believe so... Why?

because if you're looking for a hung bull to breed you let me know

Um... To cuck someone don't I need to be in a relationship with the cuck?

oh so you're single? the offer still stands for the breeding

Yeah, I'm single.

I'm not sure how I feel about being bred though.

i can pull out then

This is some whack flirting dude.

i fucked it haven't I

Yeah... Maybe a little.

Man I love leaving the thread for ages and just coming back to the cesspool it becomes.

you guys post this shit every time and I still have no fucking idea what its from. Why do you fuckwits think this is funny.

It's from2015

Has it gotten progressively worse each time you've returned?

Well first I have to establish what you look like.

this shit is fucking cancerous. Please stop making these threads, you guys are embarrasing our country

fucking this

Can you imagine it getting better?

Well considering since i've come back the guy trying to fuck Q on a public message board as stopped. I'd say it's gotten better since I came back.

i only have pics of my cock