Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: I don't care.

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu.
>most important: Have fun.

Other urls found in this thread:


Add Nobody#5930 on discord
stop being gay
a.pomf.cat/ohmvor.mp3 (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)
Avatarfags get out of my thread
Spiders get out of my bed
Voices get out of my head
Zombies get out of my dead
Niggers get out of my shed
Spics stop stealing my bread
hehe user you a real cutie~
Gas dogfuckers

this is a autistic avatarfag internet dating rp thread
i wish i was dead :o


Goodnight, all

>tfw lost to that slut hanako by 2 seconds

Sausage party. Whisky is good.

Sorry Misaki. Goodnight


I-i didn't mean anything lewd by it! Or maybe i did~.

The next time i go to the bar i'll have a shot of it.

How are you?

Claiming best girl

Well those are some really fucking simple rules.

Hasn't really started yet. Woke up about 2 hours ago

Okay, hi how are you?



Pretty good, how about you?
Did you get some good sleep this time?
I'm relaxing, but kinda hungry. How about you?

Finally I can ERP

I just woke up and am going for a walk in a few minutes.

I haven't seen you post in a while. And I don't think we've talked before?

Eh i'm alright but todays been kinda shitty.



Saya gave me some directions late last night,
killed a couple bosses and got to a terrible place.
Now I'm in a dark cave continuously falling in a pit.
Vodka was good, still didn't get much sleep though.

Nights Misaki

3 or 4 hours.
How's your day been?


I'm good

I can't :(

I'd share some if you were here, I actually grilled alot for myself

Tongue hurts from canker sore and is sorta swelled from too much numbing use

Heheheh, I'll give you a mouthfull alright~

why not? :(

COol. Have fun with it.

It's all good

>tfw Hanako was my first and only girl in KS

>can't play any other route because the main menu music alone almost makes me tear up

Sleep is always good


Hope it gets better soon

Idk, i'm just always tired :(

I don't feel like talking.
>kisses on the lips

Get down on your knees and lick my clit~


stop being such a old man -_-

It's probably been a week already and the medicine said dont use if its not getting better after a week and swelling, dunno if I wanna ignore it and keep numbing while eating or bare with it while it chils

Greetings fellow pink

How was your day?

Euhm... as nice as you are I'll be leaving soon. I'm sorry to disappoint you.

Pink for life

That they are. Why make things complicated.

Well i couldn't refuse such a thing~.

At least play Lilly's. The main menu music hits hard, but innocence i have to fight back the tears.

O-oh my!~.

Hai Madoka

Come lay with me taiga

Walk sounds pleasant, do you normally like going for em?
Sorry to hear..Tomorrow will be better!
Well, after I finish my 3 I'll figure it out I suppose.
Not bad, but I'm pretty sleepy.
Thank you for the offer! I might go get food later, but I'll probably just head to bed early instead.

I can't :(

You should ask a doctor or something

I just woke up about an hour ago and i've been watching anime since then


I need 16 hours everyday

Yeah, I try to go for at least a 20 minute walk daily.

Sounds fun, watching anything fun?

Are you feeling it yet?

Yeah i hope it will!

Damn you. I didn't need that music.

I really want to wait on Lilly's. I just don't have time to be moody like I was after I played Hanako and the laptop I had when I played originally had a hard drive crash. So its a matter of finding the time to reinstall and play.

I wish I had the time for that.
That's healthy, wow..I used to go jogging every other day, but I'm also lazy..
Just gotta have faith in these things.

But you're a strange stranger

I wanna play DS 3!
Going through DS 2 so slowly though,
it will take a while before I can.

Pink is love, Pink is life

Oooo dressed for the occasion are we?~

Ah rest well then

Perhaps but then again I'm mexican, we dont go to doctors

How long do these waifu claims REALLY last? Forever? Until next Thursday?

I told you, hits like a fucking truck. Lilly's was a bit more uplifting that Hanako's, Ah i see, still you should give it a play sometime soon.

I try to stay positive.

Maaaybe. Though i'm sure a few things could come off~.

OH yeah I'm woooo.

Accounts vary from a single thread to a lifetime.
The truth is, no one really knows.

You're right you shouldn't trust strangers.

But what if we got to know each other?

That's why I go for walks instead, way less exhausting.

I'm excited for you to, that games is fantastic!
Thank you, when I head to bed, I'll try~
So do I, but it's hard some time.
I like exhausting myself sometimes though

take one for me pls

Then I guess you're way more motivated to stay healthy than me

D-Damn.. it sure is getting hot in here...~

Take some sleepy pills if you got some

That's good.

That it is. But no matter what you gotta keep pushing forward.


I'm watching Initial D

I wish i didn't have the time


Friend. I have jack Daniels Bacardi captain Morgan's or tequila. Which one for you friend.We are watching Superbad now.

I'll try my best, but tbh fam I made some really fucking stupid moves after I finished that route. I even texted my ex to ask if we could meet up and talk. I was also in a really tight spot in school at the time and the feels I had from all that shit whirling around together made life from October to December really difficult at times, emotionally speaking.

School's going okay now and I haven't made anymore dumb moves, but I'd rather not risk becoming a sobbing wreck a few weeks before finals. Like I said, I was really dealing with a lot of stuff and was in a bad place.

nah, it's been way too long since I have.
You're absolutely right, just keep making progress!
Do you wish your life was hectic?


I feel you dude. I just got out of a shit test and life goes on. You will make it

>Outlook not so good
Well, I do know a fair bit of people,
and I got to admit I don lie with most of them.


A bit, but the question is.. How hot do you want it to get~.

A classic.

I see what you mean, maybe it's best for you to wait a bit to play through it then.

Why is your waifu's right side full of shit ?

Rin best katawa shoujo girl

Stream pls, I wanna see you struggle in cancer well.

Oh man the heat just turned up big time!~

You got it friend. Another one for you. That it is that it is.

I wish i had more to do

Not ok

I'm going now, bye

Sure, I just helped rockman.


bye -_-

So I see you guys get it now. Yeah. I'm not normally one to get emotional but Hanako forced me to think through a lot of things about highschool and my relationship then.

Thanks for understanding, though. I just don't know when the best time to play it back through would be.

Exactly, so what are you up to?

She's burnt a bit.

I disagree but i respect your opinion.

What do you say we add a little fuel to this fire~.

Do another shot of vodka.

Lemme get a taste of that fuel~

No don't go yet

I'm doing more jack for my friend I shouldn't drink more.

Claimed tsuneki

If you insist~.

I'll do one if you do.

Gonna make a sandwich, take a shower, and cuddle up under a blanket and watch some ZnT, take some more screencaps.

thank you but please be careful and don't over do it with that stuff

Want to cuddle with me qt?

Sounds like a good night. hang around here for a bit, drink another beer or two, and if Tomo stops being a baby and takes another shot of vodka i'll take one as well.

Ahh what a sweet taste~ I crave moar


Allow me to satisfy that craving~.

Mizore a cute,

That's not a good idea. They think I should stop. I'll take it easy. Don't worry

Actually going to sleep now. Thanks for the feels lads. Good night.

Alright alright i was only kidding anyway.


>tfw no bread in my entire house
I guess I'll just have six strips of bacon
You're not Chara, so no

Don't worry I poured more than a shot for my friend.

THought you died

Yesssss thank you~

I respect your faithfulness.

God damn i wish i had bacon right now.

That works i suppose.

Do you want more?

Why would I refuse?

Good point, i wanted to give you a few more~

IM really drunk.

Thank you.
You could run to the store

I envy that, all i can have tonight is beer,

I could...but i'm feeling pretty lazy atm.

I shall drink from the source~

Go ahead, please do~. I'm sure you'll be able to make much more flow out, so drink all you want~.