Favorite martial arts and why do you think it's more effective than the rest?

Favorite martial arts and why do you think it's more effective than the rest?

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bumpin cause i want to get into something once my broken ankle is healed.


Taekwondo, long range and hard kick, but lacks punching techniques and basically the glass cannon of martial arts, kinda.

Best is gunin yaface by sensei bullet

the legs are really strong, but less reliable in some cases. u need balance


Is there a martial art where you shoot people with high powered sniper rifles? Because that one.

Im crying

Kinda? It is. A very fragile cannon. Go oakinawan karate or if you really want to learn street fight MMA..


Street style karate.

Basically a revamped form of karate with taekwondo kicks, karate blocks and punches and ju-jitsu. Best style

i doubt they'd let you carry that in a shop, on randomly on the street

.....Soooo MMA.

Happy or sad crying?

Muai thai and judo. Pretty self explanatory

from what i've heard, Laiser Designato Raket is way more effective.
So is Biorogikar Warphar

gunin ain't shit


mma is overrated i think, just a lot of ppl see it on tv and think its cool or that it automatically makes u a killing machine

Half Karate, half shitty Family guy porn? Best thread.



Honestly MMA is alright, but it has lost most of its original idea of being a sport, now its mostly looks like grunts with martial arts skills


Kung Fucking Fu because it can be the perfect balanced martial art depending of the style








since this is all so context dependent
>Military style: LINE
>Crowd supression: Systema or SAMBO
>Practical self defense: jeetkundo or SPEAR
>Sporting martial art: akido or judo
I like them because they all typically have very short encounter times

family guy porn thread now


In terms of TV yes, full of rules, on the street without rules, having your legs in the air leaves you wide open. It's still the best option over all. Right next to nuclearwar headboom


sambo is mainly for grappling, im a fan of hurting, but something like boxing is just not effective enough on the street, because it lacks blocking

jeet kun do for it's emphasis on non telegraphing attacks and combining defense and offense.


What about krav maga?



I like it, I guess it beats out sambo for crowd suppression. But I think it falls short of LINE when you're not fighting untrained rag heads.

I'm just gonna say bujinkan ninpo taijutsu, because its evil when there are no rules

That sounds made up. Just sayin.

oh second thought I could not imagine doing krav in riot gear.

Rex Kwon Do

>break the wrist, walk away

>break everything

Seriously? Some fags here need to go back and watch early UFC, when it was just style vs style, and not everyone was cross-training/ training MMA. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and the rest of the grappling styles were head and shoulders above any striking styles like boxing, karate, ninjitsu, muay thai etc.
The only time grappling is less effective than stand up is when there are multiple opponents, but even then the odds are against you anyway.

im surprised no one has mentioned muay thai so far

imagine you're in a bar, get into a fight with someone and u start wrestling him, you could subdue him and get hurt by his friends, why not inflict damage and get away?

The true martial art is kitsunu mitsudiroru

What martial art is this?

granted, most street fights go to the ground but if it's a street fight you, going into guard inst gonna help you when the guy has a crowbar


Thats exactly why I said except against multiple opponents. 1v1, unless you get clocked with a lucky wild strike, you are almost unstoppable with superior grappling skills.

Grappling>striking for a 1vs1
Never get on the ground if he has friends, throws are dtill useful though.

A well rounded fighter would be a mixture of wrestling/bjj and muay thai/kickboxing.

Aww come on, now we're talking weapons too? Just crow bars, or knives, machets, guns and chainsaws too? From first hand experience I know most grappling styles still deal with disarmament, probably more than stand up too where its normally block it or wear it and counter strike.

alright guys, gotta go to work, op out

jeetkundo would disagree. Go for the balls, eyes and throat (literally in that order if they block their balls you gouge their eyes, if black their eyes and balls you go for the throat) you can incapacitate someone real fast. Not for very long but it's enough to put some distance between you an them.


/k/ung fu... pull out a guy... and boom headshot :D

>pull out a guy ... and boom headshot :D
>pull out a guy
>boom headshot

this one is more practical application


Brazilian jiu jitsu.

It's the chess of martial arts

I don't think that there is the one and only martial arts system, since it's a personal choice.

it's all very context dependent
>who are you fighting
>how many people are you fighting
>are they armed
>are you armed
>where are you fighting them
>are there rules
>do you want to kill them o
>are you attacking first
could probably spend 20 minutes listing criteria but you get the picture. Most martial arts are tailored to match a set of conditions so in a matter of speaking there probably is one perfect tool for a one job and one for another. Problem is no one wants to agree on what the circumstances are first

I did kyokushin karate. Lotta focus on high-impact strikes and countering attacks.

Almost useless in any practical sense, karate is just about useless against anyone who isn't using karate... but it also had a strong focus on body conditioning and fitness, which is what I enjoyed about it.

Gewoon telefoon. Waarom denk je?