Has anyone an update to this guy?

has anyone an update to this guy?

Other urls found in this thread:



who is he?

Killer from Germany

Still haven't seen the pics and chat screenshots, can anyone help me out?

Use the catalog faggots

Did he get caught or what?

can you give me a quick rundown

Here is the video of the 9 years old :D


No he doesn't. Media say's police is searching for a dog related to him but police won't give further information.
That's all by now!


Kinder-mörder in klinik vermutet in Dortmund


Thanks mate

pastebin com wzp2JaZ4

>Kinder-mörder in klinik vermutet in Dortmund
Habe eben von Mönchengladbach gelesen, aber unbestätigt

Whats a good website to upload pictures to?

Sup Forums

And in quick succession?

Right here in this thread

All this german refugee posting is like cancer

Go home mehmet

I just saw the video, what a sick fuck

Do it now nigger before this gets flooded

vermutet hört sich gut an

this is my first time in the darknet! just heard on tv from it. OMG so exciting!!!

HE's is maybe in the Hospital Neuwerk-Mönchengladbach. The police try to catch him

Einfach mal am Eingang an der Info Fragen :-p


Is not in the hospital

Type in English you Himmler fucks

Are those screenshots from Sup Forums Sup Forums and Whatsapp? Somewhere I read they posted this on the 'dark web'? So is media talking shit again and it wasn't even dark web related?

Fahr gleich nach Herne & mach ein paar hübsche Fotos für euch untermensch
Ich bin ein guter user

can someone translate this article??????????????????

Yes, there never was anything in the Darknet

Is you fucking life that fucking pathetic you have to lie on the internet?


he is going for rotterdam

yes! this is the dark web!!!! exciting right?

use translator little trump

Weil du dumm bist

dieser typ ist so eine unwürdige kreatur das ist wirklich unglaublich. lappen des jahres. frauen und kinder töten hahahaha du fotze.

Jupp, ist Mönchengladbach. 60 Bullen durchsuchen die Klinik und haben sie abgeriegelt.

was für fotos

>brb helping my auristic neighbour out

Not too sure, think he murdered people for fun and fled

Thursday night several clues were encountered by authorities regarding the search of Marcel H. Authorities are asking for identification of the related dog (wtf?).

Nothing special.

there is no video....


In siegen wurde er wohl auch gesehen

Vong seiner butze etc.

Dikke lul

Omg i could not believe im in in the darkweb secret. nice to meet you guys :)

Also anyone got more screenshots of the original thread? I'm curious to see what the fuck OP was saying. I mean 1) he's okay with the guy doing shit like that but when it gets crazy he contacts Sup Forums lol.

the video is so creepy omg

They are searching a hospital right now, a woman has seen him.

That's not a video, that's your bathrooms mirror.

Delet this

5 down, 5999996 to go for the high score



Just saw the video.

Der is schon wirklich gestört..


You lost the war and subsequently the website is English. Kys Heinrich

Dann liefer doch Schuchtel

Learn a proper language you anticivilizing pleb

Shut the up you autismo if you have nothing to contribute

He's still on the run I was here since the original thread apparently there is a video even tho everyone saying there isn't and your being trolled news says there's a video I haven't seen it tho

Mate, this isnt even the darknet. The News are so lying xd

Sup Forums is German

tu uns einen gefallen

>pic related


Wo ist der Sup Forums Post von Ihm ? In welcher Kategorie finden ich das ?

Nicht, dass es fehlschlägt und wir einen neuen faden kriegen

Wait so the killer himself also made a thread? So he killed atleast two people (or three?).

Can someone give a summary of what happened?

ach mensch... steh bissl weiter oben

someone has the pizza woman photo?

gucke in /km/ (Kindermörder)




Omg you are so fucking dense.
Get cancer please.

2 threads last about 14 hrs ago claimed bodiecount : 5

5, nazi police just need to get their shit together in the second half and might still win 6:5

there are vids
one of the older threads had a screencap, well it had several actually

holy fuck

das vid is mal hart an der grenze
glaub er hatte nen harten

link to vids?

schon peinlich wenn UWEs selber sich erfolgslos postet

Who did he kill besides the woman and the kid?

>Welche Szenen sich im Inneren des schmutzig gelben Reihenhauses in Herne abgespielt haben

Die Zeitungsartikel sind leicht emotional geprägt

Siegener Zeitung

As being on the original thread yes he killed a 9 year old boy then he got a train 80k away from where he lives kills a women waits for her daughter to get home so he can rape and kill her and the 1St thread it was his friend posting then 2nd one was the killer

Blumen mitbringen und sagen, dass man Marcel Hesse besuchen möchte?

This right there is American moral and ethic standards:
>everything is a war
>everything is about winning a war
>thinks thre is something as winning a war
and this my friend is the reason, you live in a 3rd wolrd country and we STILL don't

das soll ne frau sein ?

Getrollt wird net , also liefer du hurensohn


So, why is everything being reposted except this so called screencap?

Throw yourself of a roof you lying faggot.


Jesus, why does all this happen while I'm sleeping? Last thing I know was I see some shitty news report about a kid bragging about killing a 9yr old on the internet.

I'm like
>whelp yet another edgy faggot on TOR, gonna sleep now

Next thing I know it's the craziest shit on Sup Forums in ages. Have the threads been archived?

a friend of him postetd it. he was messaging him, on whats fuckapp, that he wants to commit suicid but he failed and then he killed a 9 year old boy from the neighbourhood.

Twice around the world and back to his own house?