I had sex with Donald Trump, ask me anything

I had sex with Donald Trump, ask me anything

Did you have sex with Donald Trump?


How big? Top or bottom?

Have you ever had sex?
If so, who with?

Yes, I have. It was with Donald Trump.

What is Donald Trump like on the inside?


If you could have sex again with anyone from your past, who would it be?

did you cum on the tip?

Slightly colder than I expected. And it was hairy on the INSIDE, which was very odd.

It would be with Donald Trump

Did he grab you by the pussy?

Which current or former Presidents have you had sex with either in office or before they became President?

Are the burgers really better at Hungry Jacks?

No, I came on his lips while he made that face he does (pic related)

did you both came or just him?

Did you grab him by the pussy?

I had sex with Bill Clinton, and Monica Lewinski was a coverup

Both. He speaks Mandarin when he cums, no joke.

That is the one thing he lied about tbh. He did make Chris Christie get the meatloaf, and he loved it.

hi ivanka, tits or gtfo

How was it?


A unique experience