You have 10 SECONDS to name something better than an ENGLISH BREAKFAST

You have 10 SECONDS to name something better than an ENGLISH BREAKFAST.
>protip: you literally cannot.

No black pudding. Not English Breakfast.

Scottish breakfast

black pudding, haggis and tattie scone added to the mix



The breakfasts were one of the few tolerable things of living in London.

Eggs bene you fucking terrorist

and square sausage

Constipation on a plate!



Well im op and i prefer to suck cock for breakfast

You are a fucking animal...

Any other fucking food in the rest on the world.

>no black pudding
>only scrambled egg

1. black pud is mandatory
2. acceptable sauces are brown and english mustard. THAT IS ALL.
3. Scrambled egg is ok for a Full English, but if you have scrambled egg, you must also have a fried egg with runny yolk as well. The scrambled is the optional choice here guys, not the fried.
4. Scone is for tea, not breakfast. And you never eat a scone without clotted cream.




A bacon, egg and cheese sandwich on a toasted hard roll with shoestring potatoes on it.

I'll be honest with you, as an American that looks like a delicious hearty breakfast that would keep you full for quite some time.

As someone who's not a big fan of the most important meal of the day, Id love to have an authentic British breakfast from an authentic British mother.


>acceptable sauces are brown

HP only

food from TIN CANS and fried disgusting shit. HAHAHAH

Mothers are the worst place to get one. Find yourself a nice transport cafe instras

Is that so? I will keep that In mind kind user

We went over this yesterday. Southern breakfast. Biscuits & gravy, grits, sausage, fried eggs, strong black coffee. Maybe some diced tomatoes to go in the gravy too, and cayenne pods if the sausage isn't the red hot variety.

OP's pic is a good looking breakfast. I'd be ok if I was given that in a greasy spoon.

A couple of things would make it top tier though
>replace the scrambled with a runny fried egg
>replace the red sauce with more HP
>replace the fucking scone with a round of fried bread
>add black pudding

Daddies is a fine second place, but mostly agreed.

This guy right here has my vote in May

Good old fashioned AB

Holy shit that looks gross as fuck.

Want extra lard with that?

>Breakfasts that are better than that heart attack
Souffle omelette
Frittata in salata
Chicken and egg don
Eggs benedict
Smoked quail eggs and pancetta?

This but with white pudding
Haggis is food of the gods

>no fried bread


So you like a dadies sauce in your mouth

My asshole

Oh yes there's nothing better than smoked quails eggs for breakfast shame I don't have the time before leave for work at 430 every morning KYS

Food of the Gods? Maybe fucking Rab McJock, god of vomit. Who rules from a throne of discarded special brew cans.

I think it's awsome
>deep fried in batter along side of soft poached eggs
Most supermarket brands are shit buy a authentic haggis in natural casing
Will not dissapoint
Also overcook in microwave it goes all greasy and crispy



>Want extra lard with that?

Some people like their food to not be bland, and to actually taste good.

>english breakfast
>no bubble and squeak
Fuck off you shitlord.

>Smoked quail eggs and pancetta?
Found the HIV-positive mentally-ill homosexual liberal fascist.

Fuel yourself with garbage idc
Smoke them the night before you uncultured fuck

You can have flavour without fat...


Actually cis white straight conservative
Just also cultured and know how to cook good food

literally every other breakfast

Irish breakfast

I never eat the tomato

every breakfast of the world

A lot of eggs and bacon

I prefer a nice Jap and/or Gook breakfast. They make amazing breakfasts over there.

The fuck does that shit even mean lol.