ITT: Post your all-time top 10 most listened to artists

ITT: Post your all-time top 10 most listened to artists

>tfw got almost all the pleb bands out of my top 10

haven't been using for very long

please dont call me names. pretty much all of these scrobbles were from before i came here, but i cant bring myself to delete them

>Death Grips
>Danny Brown

"Almost" he says




Royal Blood
Pretty reckless
Black keys
Lana Del Rey
Depeche Mode

i really like kanye

i don't understand the appeal of tyler the creator at all

simple but good

you cool

pleb taste coming through

This thread goes to show that anyone who uses is a turbo pleb

this so much

i-i swear i'm not a pleb...

At least p much everyone here has Kanye in theirs though

>At least p much everyone here has Kanye in theirs though
am i missing out? ive never listened to a kayne track in my life

also what are your top charli xcx songs?

>including danny brown and death grips on that list
kill yourself, my man

what is this random assortment.

u been shuffling your 50 albums for a year solid, user?

ya, I used to think Kanye was a PoS until I actually listened to his music. The dude is brilliant. Start with either The College Dropout or MBDTF.

According to my my top Charli tracks are Cloud Aura, You (Ha Ha Ha), Boom Clap, Take My Hand, and Set Me Free. I was really into her when True Romance dropped but her new albums are pretty decent too i think.

on another note, apparently when I clicked the popout button on it didn't give me my actual full listening history, so here is my actual top 10

little bit of an old friend

what do you mean by random assortment?

I feel like makes people listen to music for weird reasons. I like the thought of someone listening to music they don't want to hear to correct their last fm profile

I had some strange phases
>am i missing out?
Yeah. Like the other guy said, listen to College Dropout and MBDTF.

suppose you're right.

more like wtf is this underage assortment.

pretty much all the other posts have really nice top 10s

I reset my plays a couple of years ago, once I started varying my music listening, so my top artists are all pretty much a couple of plays away from each other.

If I decide to listen to a Tim Hecker album tomorrow, he'll shoot up into the top 10.

i completely agree.

i have been one of those people that cared about teh shape of my charts, and that I fit into the group of people that were in the

Damn, still haven't "weed out" things I listened during my pleb phase.

yeah, I'm kinda newfag to

You're right, they belong on a whole other level of trash.

no offense but that is pathetic, delete that shit

carly rae next to swans, i like that

most of those bands are pretty good and not listened to by underage people. I'm not the person you originally replied to btw

Most lists ITT are alright, even tho I don't know many of the artists

+Iron Maiden

Been using for like 2 weeks

surprised asap made it

my fave itt shoutout beach boys

been scrobblin since 2005

Haven't scrobbled in like a year, does Sup Forums like twee yet?

Is Tycho's newest shit good? I feel like a pleb for only having listened to Dive

Pretty good classics man

Not bad for having it only for 3 days

Only good taste itt

Thx are you single btw

Is this you? Be honest.

pls no bully

>tfw got almost all the pleb bands out of my top 10
I'm seeing nothing but pleb bands and artists in your picture, OP.

It's gonna take a lot of listens to weed out zappa

ofc he is hahaha

>death grips
danny brown
>red hot chilly peppers


I saw Smith Street Band live a while back when they opened for AJJ before I really knew who they were. Thought the singer was ripping off Wil Wagner then realized I was fucking idiot


good shit except for the tycho



Best taste ITT by far

Don't bully plz

>the one post ITT without the typical kanye/death grips/kendrick Sup Forums fodder
>"BAWW TRYHARD" *tips fedora*

eh more or less
godspeed is fucking garbage though
i've read most of those books but i'm more of a proust/genet guy
i'm fun to be around though i promise

Don't use last too much since I got my fiio player so this is outdated. Xiu Xiu would still be at the top though

How is Swans and MBV not typical Sup Forums fodder?


I try my hardest

best one ive seen so far