What's the best Beatles song in your opinion?

What's the best Beatles song in your opinion?

happiness is a warm gun


The Abbey Road side B medley by a country mile




Twist and Shout...

I don't have one because they don't have any good songs and I hate their gay britfag voices.

I really don't like their music, but I love George, so I usually like his songs. Piggies is cool. Lennon/McCartney songs are pretty awful for my ears; solo Lennon is cool so I think I know who to blame

dear prudence

Taxman jumps out atm. But I know there's better ones.

Helter Skelter

That's Alright Mama
They never did shit that measured up

norwegian wood. also a good book.

A Day In The Life

Tomorrow Never Knows


Phil Collins still a meme around here? You cunts must be joking.

All these plebian entry level accessible songs.

A True Patrician knows the only right answer is I am the Walrus.

(But actually Back in the USSR for sentimental reasons)

In My Life

Stop making threads jerking off over your Old Singos, Ringo!

Band On The Run

Strawberry Fields Forever

my nigga

revolution or ticket to ride

that or abbey road medley

That would have to be "The Best of the Beatles"

Happiness is a Warm Gun

Don't Let Me Down is criminally underrated though.

Eleanor Rigby


You Know My Name (Look Up The Number)

Reminder that ALL threads and posts praising Ringo and his work are made by Ringo himself


Probably... For No One. Gets me tearing up like crazy.

Revolution 9

Octopus garden is the best song off Abby road.

Love you to

I'm Only Sleeping is pretty underappreciated, but I think the best Beatles song is Strawberry Fields Forever.

She Said She Said

>Oingo Boingo covered it and did it better.

She's leaving home

Came here to post this

Little Child

My nigga


But I SERIOUSLY think that Wild Honey Pie is their best. That is some great La-La experimental shit right there. I love having that one for repeat


The Ballad of John and Yoko


the one where they call for Greater Serbia

(bang bang, shooot shoot)