Is there a better "car accident scene" than the Death Proof one?

is there a better "car accident scene" than the Death Proof one?

It's certainly the sexiest

stupid feminists got recked

gotta watch all dem rodriguez movies I missed someday.

Cracked up at pic

That's Tarantino.

Tarantino directed the definitive car accident sequence

They're all shit.

It's the only part worth watching

I unironically love Death Proof.

Did MEW give Jasper the BJ?

She got raped.

Deathproof is Tarantula's best, by far.
If you disagree, then well, you're probably like the majority on Sup Forums: bottom feeding pleb-o-matics.

>that bit with the tire running over her face

If this was anyone other than memeuccino we'd call him a hamfisted autistic edgelord.

>fake leg
I was expecting an explosion of prosthetic feet and black rubber penises.

What? You can't talk to me?

Who's we? You can still do that if you want.

Can someone explain that disfigured CGI man to me?

This. What the fuck is that thing?

scientists designed a hypothetical "human" that could survive a car crash

it's graham, dude

fucking hell why do I find these shops so funny?

Graham is a funny guy