Thoughts on this guy?

Thoughts on this guy?

goblin king



douchebag with inflated ego

Shows how far you can get without graduating high school

Almost the only guy who actually brings some objectively good quality content to youtube.

Proves you can be anything as long as you have a trust fund.

>Hey faggot look how I drive my skate and jump from a plane with my beautiful wife and daughter please like and subscribe

What's going on here?


Why is he famous ?

>beautiful wife

>beautiful wife

ugly douchebag normie

HBO show plus daily vlogs

i hate that guy

He's a millionaire.
Why would he not do something about the nose?

>some vlogger
>objectively good quality content

gr8 b8 m8

Seriously tho, this guy has some sort of disease, right? There's no way you can naturally be this ugly.

Not Sup Forums related, Sup Forumsedditor

Yeah the poor guy has Judiasm

friendly reminder that candice's jew family made a fortune exploiting apartheid

Bono''s all right

I have no qualms with him. He makes the best vlogs for what thats worth.

He had an HBO show

He's Fuck Ugly

You're absolutely right. The 1 million minecraft let's play channels are much better.

They're shot well.
The man himself is unlikeable.

Looks like a fucking netherdrake

he seems like an okay guy from his vlogs, what makes you think that?

>I'm a youtuber, better post on Sup Forums to stay relevant
at least i hope so, if you're posting a youtuber andyou're not him seriously kys

I have absolutely no idea why he is famous. I do find his videos comfy. He seems like a standup guy he also lives a life I want to in the middle of new york.

/film/ when?

i watched a video where he explains how to always get first class upgrades and shit. turns out his advice was "just fly a lot" well fucking duh. hate him now. it was just a video to brag.

if you're a poor or middle class wagecuck you literally NEED good aesthetics to enjoy life

people who can afford to purchase enjoyment don't



>since 2010
Why did you only start spamming him now then, tourist?

I hate his influence on vlog culture. Everyone and their mother now has a Neistat-inspired vlog. Main ingredients:

>every video has a different shitty soundcloud song playing throughout
>riding a skateboard everywhere
>uninteresting and total uninspired editing
>zero amount of scripting or any other kind of effort
>giving every video a nondescript but provocative title and having that happen in the freaking last minute of the video



Where does it say that, tourist?

I asked you why you only started spamming this shit now instead of in 2010/2011

Honestly, what vloggers are actually worth watching? Funforlouis is probably the only one other than Casey I would consider watching.


>defending shit with slightly worse shit
I don't play video games because I'm not 12 but vlogging is the absolute worst bottom of the barrel "entertainment" ever put on JewTube
>vlog culture

It's kind of worrying that youtube provides a platform for people like Leafy to be validated on.

I can feel my brain cells dying just listening to his obnoxious underage speech pattern for a few seconds.

Fuck youtube.