What is the worst Sup Forums fanbase?

What is the worst Sup Forums fanbase?

the meme posters


People who like actual discussion

Are you foolish?

>Sup Forums
>no graphics card retards

This image is shit.
Also, pedos and capeshitposters

GoT and Bane are both pretty bad but at least they normally don't shit up other threads. Dr. Who just has 1 thread at a time, not cancerous at all.

The worst fan base is the Sup Forums fans.

Sup Forums

>undermeme on the worst of Sup Forums pic
Nigga the hype exploded for that game and then died off within a few months, in order for a fanbase to truly rank as outstanding cancer it needs to maintain popularity for an extended period of time.

And the worst Sup Forums fanbases, ranked by the sheer number of stuff they generate and flood the board with to the extent that they drown out conversation, are:
- game of thrones
- capeshit
- twitter screencaps

Most Cancerous Fanbase of the Site:

>All boards: Sup Forums

>Sup Forums
>nfl memes

Euroshit detected

Sup Forums seems like complete cancer. glad i never have gone there.

Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums

what are the two bands on Sup Forums

Death Grips and Animal Collective

Really outdated because neither of those bands are really active and their fanbses have died down a lot.


kpop gen on the other hand is as cancerous as ever

people who say "capeshit"

Marvel/DC film retards
Game of thrones
Doctor Who people actually stay in their thread and don't shit up the board unlike others.

The doctor who cancer for sure

Without a doubt Sup Forums.

Literally nothing wrong with liking shows that are cute and have adorable kids in them.

>implying Baneposters aren't the glue holding this place together


>opened the doors for redditors, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, twitter, facebook, the list could go on

I don't get the hate for /who/. I've never seen them post in other threads about the show, they always stick to their general. Unlike the cancer that is /got/, where there are up to 50 threads at a time.

>Sup Forums
Can't spell GOAT without GOT

Marx is GOAT

>Sup Forums
Thinkpads are GOAT
Linux is GOAT


I want to kill every single one of those underage fucks

RBL on Sup Forums

Baneposting and game of thrones

>Marx is GOAT



I haven't seen whotards anywhere outside their confidement thread, GOT is an awful show for normies, but also within their threads, and baneposters are still mildly entertaining.
I'd say it's either capeshit degenerates, like marvel vs dc shitposters, or, generally, people who are hyped about some big mass media crap.

definitely agree with /mu, btw

Objectively speaking, gotfags.

The whole multiple-generals thing they do is just ridiculously horrible.

That said, I see redlettermedia retards doing the same thing right now...

>tfw you made the original image

Pretty spot on. Baneposters are the worst cancer. That's right, triggered virgin boys. Call me a hothead and give me your (You)s. I only speak the truth.

Also this

Capeshit company wars
Game of thrones
James Cameron dick riders

What are you talking about DG is getting new stuff out more than ever and Animal Collective just had a release this year