Do Latinas like white guys?

Do Latinas like white guys?

>does an entire race
>feel a certain way
>about another entire race
fuck off

latina is not a race


some do
>currently dating one

A lot of them want to stay within their own race
Some would bone white folk
Same thing with black chicks

Does the pope rape kids?

Yes. But a Latina girl gave me hpv so fuck them.

Latina farts must be amazing

It's called a race war.


Hispanic men are at the top in domestic abuse and sex crimes and tend to be manlets.

Fine ass latina babes know where da good dick @.

Some really like white guys and some really hate white guys. The ones who love them are usually the ones who wear the pants in the relationship. The guys are supper whipped, will do anything they're told to do, little birches. That being said the ones who hate them are usually sjw


Meso-americans are short like that. The rest of south america can grow fine.
Get your facts right you sheltered gringo.

they're not even that short with proper nutrition

Do white guys like families?


While white men in America are leading domestic homicides.
Black people lead in almost other crime overall.
Hispanics lead in illegal immigration
Muslims are more likely to be terrorists
Indians eat shit and smell like it
British people are more likely to have fucked teeth than Americans.
Oh yeah I forgot to say Germans are just better than the rest of the world.


I'd love to fuck that chick from behind

You forgot one country though, the country to the north. the country germany strives to be, but never will be. The glorious, the magnificent, kingdom of Denmark

A whole lot of truth in that post.

Personal preference but the general outlook is positive, according to my gf.

How's your bank account hombre?

Then why haven't they executed that commie Chancellor Merkel?!?!?!

Manlet detected

I've always wanted to eat out a latina chick

Doesn't matter - brown chicks solve all their problems by yelling and doing stupid shit. They're not worth the problems and bullshit.

So true. Amen.

I have and she ground on my face so hard i thought my jaw broke. Latinas ate fucking wild. In bed and out. Hope you dont ever cross one.

I would love it if a hot Latina grinded on my face, just not too hard of course

Mine was a milf, 15 years my senior and tubes tied so it was a free for all. She was insane about having my cock. Loved it man. But it turned sour fast. Be careful what you wish for

there's this latina milf at my job and I want her so bad

Out of curiosity, are you a latina? Asking for a friend

Got a means to start talking to her? Alot of times they appreciate being forward and bold moves (confidence).

Because they can't get sent back if the marry a citizen

yeah I see her sometimes before work (not for very long though) and I talk to her but I have this problem where my mind races around any attractive female, and my OCD makes me a tad awkward sometimes. Still though I should just keep trying.

They still can. You have no idea how immigration works.

There are tens of millions of US born and legal immigrant Latinas anyway

They like us white guys if we beat them hard enough.

>They still can
Even better

Might save yo life!

Yeah keep trying. Its totally worth it. But if you even get a hint of crazy pussy - do not tempt fate. Or deal with the consequences

Exactly. My current gf is a Colombiana and she's here for college then is applying for permanent residence.

She doesn't seem crazy. But if she starts acting crazy (if I even get with her at all), I would distance myself.

does she have a tasty ass?

Sounds like you have it under control then. Nothing left to say but best of luck! I hope one day you get to check that box off your list.

Sorta tastes like the last bit of coffee thats been sitting in the pot that got burned. Why?

Why didn't this end the thread?

latinas will always reign supreme against basic white whores.

yeah I mean I just really hope she likes me back. I feel like I'm in high school again with this crush, kek.


Whether she does feel the same or not. Enjoy the feeling. Worst case you fap to her.

Faggot didn't say it is a race. It's more like an ethnicity. Unless you want to include the Argies.

If it's their fetish.

I'm Asian. I got a Latina right now, and she's a bit of weeb.
I've also had white girls before, and they were all a bit of weeb.

You gotta be their "thing" or fetish to get with anyone outside your race.

here in Australia i seen alot of this. mostly south american girls or guys hooking up with east europeans like poles, czechs, slovenes and croats. catholic ones mostly

oh and the shared love of football helps too

Yeah, she cleans herself religiously. It's kinda weird how often she does it but she's from a well off family.

Ahhh...she was molested. Good on you to take her in user. Not many guys can do that.

I didn't know there were many Latinos in Australia

What? Unless it was anally she hadn't been touched before I got her.

im dating a latina


if you want