Hey Sup Forumsros it's Steakbro, I'm back with the pics I promised...

hey Sup Forumsros it's Steakbro, I'm back with the pics I promised. Get the fuck in here while I prove OP is not a faggot.

>(op is still a faggot)

Medium well please

this shit right here is the prep work
peep that salt and pepper seasoning, none of this super steak spice rub bullshit. Onions and garlic because tasty as fuck.

No, please leave my thread.

Nice meat

Backstory?/Origin of Steakbro?

High heat, no oil. Fuck me, I don't have a cast iron pan yet. It's on my list. LETS SEAR THIS NIGGER

I only eat well done, with ketchup and mustard.

I posted earlier asking for advice on how to cook a ribeye the best way possible. People asked for pics, I said I would deliver. Now delivering.

Seared that bitch. Unlike a nigger, you must let a steak rest.

Good luck Steak Bro, I'll be watching although I wasn't apart of thread earlier

Fuck, you ruined it

fry them onions in the garlic butter used for basting. I didn't even cry when i cut them. much.

plated up and ready for action

eat shit


The trick is to not get emotionally attached to the onions.

Shit! Kinda overdone. Still looks and smells good as fuck. I'm happy with the outcome, though I think i left it on for a minute too long. Oh well, it was a good first run.

Such as, that steak you destroyed?

Thanks bro. protip for life
It was tender, flavorful, buttery, and wet with that hanky-danky fat. I am happy with it.

So ends the tale of Steakbro

No, I am referring to the tough and leathery cunt of your mother. A far cry from the tender and delicious morsel of heaven I created.

Be careful and ensure you don't have poisoning