I don't care that the thread archived. I wanted to fucking post in it

I don't care that the thread archived. I wanted to fucking post in it.

The thing has no original form because it's just cells that infect a host and becomes an amalgamation of the things it has absorbed. A better question would be "what is the original species that it absorbed?"

In regards to your second question. A completely "Thinged" planet probably looks war torn at first as Things existence has likely been discovered and fought against, but once everyone is assimilated, Things tend to act normal and go about their normal business, so the planet would eventually be repaired by thing controlled hosts and then be peaceful. I imagine it's like a utopia.

Other urls found in this thread:


What if it just acts as cancer, and when it no longer has a threat, it stops the charades, and either dies off because it has nothing new to infect, or spread to other planets.

I doubt it can reach an equilibrium on its own. Its too aggressive.

I luv u

Is the thing part of an alien race, a virus, a failed alien experiment, or a biological weapon?

its a thing. explaining it would be dumb, like how they fucked up the blob remake

Well it does need to eat organic material so I'm thinking it will need to move on to a new world eventually, or raise live stock like humans do and subsist of that? As far as being aggressive, it only really loses its shit when threatened, or feels comfy enough to attack a victim via stealth. Doesn't seem hyper agressive otherwise.

But yeah, we really never see what thing is doing when it's not being directly observed so hard to say for sure how it behaves once everyone is infected.

The things would only repair or build whatever they need to to get off the planet and continue infecting other lifeforms

How was blob explained? In the remake it just crash landed on a random comet didn't it? Isn't it just a giant germ?

I remember the threads about who would win, xenomorphs or the thing alien.
The Thing had the best plot armor.

I think they reveal it to be a secret government biological weapon.

Well I don't think Thing could infect xeno because of the acid blood, but nor could xeno really beat thing. Thing has been shown in two films to have a final form. It would just transform and brute force the xeno into submission.

Oh yeah! A black science guy in the film reveals that I think. He gets owned when blob invades his hazmat suit lol.

>tfw that recent the thing movie wasn't so great but i still enjoyed it despite its flaws
i just love the thing

>so the planet would eventually be repaired by thing controlled hosts and then be peaceful. I imagine it's like a utopia.
So, Invasion of the Body Snatchers then?
We don't know the thing couldn't assimilate a xeno. Assuming acid isn't assimilable is as absurd as acid blood.

Love you too buddy.

Well thing is susceptible to burning agents, and as far as I know, bacteria can't live in acid. If it could infect a xeno, could it also infect say, a fire elemental with lava blood too?

I enjoyed it for how well it set up the original. Like every random detail from thule station was captured. Plus most of the hubbub is complaint about cgi but it didn't bug me. Cgi has been the standard special effect since jurassic park.

Xenos burned too. Invalid argument.

>Things tend to act normal and go about their normal business, so the planet would eventually be repaired by thing controlled hosts and then be peaceful.

Things only really 'act normal' when they're trying to infiltrate. When everything is a Thing, I imagine they'd probably drop the charade and work on their primary aim of spreading to new worlds.

Which is all they really care about, and what makes them so terrifying. The Thing is about as evil as cancer. It's just an organism that's biologically coded to reproduce itself by any means necessary, and doesn't really bear its hosts any ill will.

Bodysnatchers are infinitely more frightening because how much more subtle they are.

but the Thing was intelligent enough to build a spaceship on its own, so it must have some higher thinking capabilities

>once everyone is assimilated, Things tend to act normal and go about their normal business, so the planet would eventually be repaired by thing controlled hosts and then be peaceful. I imagine it's like a utopia.

Isn't that pretty much what that episode of Rick and Morty is about?

Not from the inside due to their own acid blood, which has been literally shown to be potent enough to melt through metal in seconds. Explain how thing cells survive in that.

Also answer my question. Could thing infect a fire elemental with lava blood?

maybe it would assimilate its resistance to its own blood?

or part of a hivemind

>Could thing infect a fire elemental with lava blood?
What is this obsession with fire elementals?

Not just build a spaceship, build a spaceship with a box full of scraps.

Thing confirmed to be the Tony Stark of movie monsters.

Do we know if the thing built the spacecraft or just assimilated the pilot? I will agree though, it took on the intelligence of what it replaced.

I'm thinking there was an another alien race that got attacked by the thing. They probably fought it off and the space shuttle in beginning is it escaping like the dog chased by Norwegians.

The thing didn't seem very sentient to me. If it had consumed a whole alien race and it had a solid goal, I'm sure it would've come with entire fleet and overpowered the humans with force. Also, it's blood just spergs uncontrollably when attacked, if it knew anything it would've sacrificed part of itself to remain hidden.

It felt to me like it was an intergalactic cancer spreading across the space. It didn't need mind to survive, it just adapted the intelligence of it's victim for camouflage, nothing else.

It's the only other creatures I can think of with completely nonsense anatomy, like lava/acid blood.

Doesn't it have to first infect the host via blood? That's the barrier for entry I'm talking about. Can thing cells survive in acid? It's doubtful.

>The thing didn't seem very sentient to me
It was attempting to build something. That's higher function intelligence. Dogs knew there was something wrong but they're much less dependent on one sense like us.

The blood reacted because the smaller the thing the dumber it is.

the blood things really only remained inert until attacked in which survival instincts took over

What said. But also I always thought it was a reflex. If I stabbed you in the gut you wouldn't stand there stoic I'm sure.

Plus, it was able to hold conversations through people completely infected.

The fact that the blood reacted hivemind style made it hyper intelligent. The entire life form was a patient predator, when it decided no course of progress was available it wanted to become dormant again. Waiting game suited it.

>It felt to me like it was an intergalactic cancer spreading across the space
Kinda scary

Did it? I don't remember. What scene was this?

Maybe I would if I was a cosmic fucksatan made purely out of rape and carnage.

I assumed that it copies the organism completely, including it's brain. The memories and personality remain, so the replicate doesn't even know that it is the thing. Only until it gets attacked or it's alone with another organism it's true instincts kick in.

>through people completely infected.
Not infected though, replaced.

1. The thing is intelligent. When fat guy is infected, he is working on a spaceship made from random scrap shit when they check out the cabin they locked him in.

2. The thing has some sort of chromosomal memory so every cell has complete knowledge once it reaches the stage where it has access to a brain/synapses, before then its just animalistic

3. The thing was a horrible video game, hyped with the trust meter and shit which didnt mean anything because they always turned at a certain point

> like intergalactic cancer
> is intelligent when it achieves critical mass
he doesn't know about the 'Flood' from Halo.

This makes sense. It can pilot the ship as it gains the knowledge of whatever it assimilated. I never considered the space ship could be part of another race The Thing assimilated. Great theory, user

Who would like a prequel to The Thing? Like 100,000 years in the past, a ship makes it's way through the universe charting planets capable of sustaining life. Oh shit The Thing found it's way on board. Crash into the Antarctic

>Its too aggressive.
It may provided the Thing is a single superorganism.

I also feel this is why it was in a ship at the start.

A good question was what kind of species did they take over before coming here, and could that species have been responsible for the Thing?

>The memories and personality remain, so the replicate doesn't even know that it is the thing.

Now that I think of it, that can't be the case. I found it strange that the thing didn't use any tactics in human form which let me to believe that the human clones didn't know it was the thing. It gets knocked out and it just let Mac tie it to a chair etc.

But now that I remember more carefully, it did use strategy and it was clearly antagonistic while in human form. It tried to fool Mac to let him out of the shack and it destroyed the blood bags. It even attacked someone as Doc. So yeah, I guess it was intelligent.

Shame though, I kinda liked the idea of being replaced by the thing and not knowing it. Also I find the chaotically spreading space disease more scary than conquering creature.



CANON short story about The Thing

>1. The thing is intelligent. When fat guy is infected, he is working on a spaceship made from random scrap shit when they check out the cabin they locked him in.
We don't know if he was replaced but we know he was working on something more than what he should have been if he was still human.
>2. The thing has some sort of chromosomal memory so every cell has complete knowledge once it reaches the stage where it has access to a brain/synapses, before then its just animalistic
The thing had human memory from the Norwegian camp. It assumed a form that any new humans would have felt an instinctual emotional attachment to or, a practical use for.
>3. The thing was a horrible video game, hyped with the trust meter and shit which didnt mean anything because they always turned at a certain point
Fuck vidya.

I'd consider it a pretty cool plot twist. Make it seem like a sequel set in the future, make the characters indistinguishably humanoid.

Final scene the main character crashes the ship as a last resort to burn the Thing. Soon as the ship crashes the title rips into the scene in the same way as the first movie, then the credits silently roll.

Invasion of the bodysnatchers is the ultimate alien infiltration paranoia story.
The thing is just a gory twist on the same cold war fears.

50's or 70's? I love the 50's but the pod people thing feels antiquated.

That sounds awful

The whole point of the Thing is that it can adapt and evolve. I don't see that acidic blood would pose much of a problem for it.

It wouldn't have to be acidic either. Just corrosive to human flesh. Not sure how they'd go about that, though other than good ol' fashioned natural selection.

My and a friend had a discussion about which would win and it came down to surroundings. A straight up fight with the Xeno would end up with the Thing losing every way with the aliens defenses but if for instance the fight was on the Nostromo and it assimilated Ripley, with the flamethrower and knowledge of the ship it would most likely win.

50s is the classic but also cheesy. Donald Sutherland one is quintessential.

Could the thing infect a xenomorph?

Presuming it can find cells to infect that aren't blood cells, yes

Cellular tissue?

>mfw you find a hive of xenomorphs who are also things


godamn image didn't upload

You realize all organic tissue is cells.

king to rook 1 my move rook to knight 6
check mate
check mate
cheeky bitch

it builds a small craft over the course of the film

My god this film still looks so good.

Tell that to Zod's snapped neck.

>dat irate Norge

>super friendly doge

>smoking a joint, watching game shows on VHS

>up to you Mac, we don't fly we don't fly.
>really wanna save those crazy Swedes >Norwegians

>Mac's bottle of J&B

>mfw I watched The Thing, Big Trouble in Little China and They Live in a row
John Carpenter is probably the comfiest director there is. I'm planning to watch Halloween and that Lovecraft movie tomorrow. Are there any other essential carpenterkino to watch?

*ominous husky staring at stuff*
Very superstitious writing on the wall
Husky goes wandering.
And so it begins...

Wow a not shit thread on Sup Forums color me impressed.

The Fog is so underrated.

Fuck yes! Love that part
Carpenter is a god

>my god. What the hell happened here?

well prince of darkness is one of his lesser movies, but its also part of the "apocalypse trilogy"
thats just three apoc movies that have nothing to do with eachother though, so its not a real trilogy, just three movies in the same theme. like the cornello trilogy

Fuck I wanna make my life this generally comfy.

Even if I gotta go to minnesota and become an ice fisherman. Something about being cooped up in a warm building surrounded by ice and snow.

>maybe they found a fossil
>remains of some animal they found in the ice and they chopped it up
>what is that?
>is that a man in there
>whatever it is they burned it up in a hurry

Best dog acting I've ever seen. He was just walking around but somehow Carpenter made every move he made seem deliberate and unsettlingly intelligent.

who's shadow was that, anyway?

>help me find a shovel Doc

>prince of darkness
That's outstanding too.

Just don't take in any stray dogs that wander by

Blair, I'd like you to start an autopsy, right away.

The husky bit still fucks me up.
Poor doge lads.
They knew..

>ass tendrils intensify

Yes but we dont even know if the Xeno has living tissue, it could be just composed of bones and other shit for all we know.

Nah dude it fucking sucks like 78.3% of the time.
But goddamn that 21.7%

Sounds like a step up for me, pham

>Somebody in this camp ain't what he appears to be.

Well it must have had its own DNA, or else there'd be no cells to infect others with in the first place.

Look, you see what we're talking about here is an organism that imitates other lifeforms and imitates them perfectly. When this thing attacked our doges it tried to digest them, absorb them. And in the process shape its own selves to imitate them.
This for instance, that's not doge, it's imitation.

Doc knew. He knew everyone was fucked from the start.

Bros, is the prequel any good despite the bad CGI? Are the story/characters at least good?

nah they're forgetable

>shape its own selves to imitate them.
this is exactly what he said.

Not terrible but not good either.

So, the canon thing is actually SHODAN's dream come true?
welp, that's better than I expected.

not particularly
the best character in it, doesn't speak a line of english
but he is hands down the best, its not because he doesn't speak or anything

Still worth a watch if you love the original
Get that nostaliga fix

>Bennings was right there, it had a hold of him

Where's Blair?