What the FUCK is wrong with white males?

what the FUCK is wrong with white males?

Other urls found in this thread:


they're hotter than the other males on average

eh asians are hot too



He sucks by the way, ever since he made it his main thing. Is probably a trainwreck in progress now.

Unlimited porn and no sex. Does things.

They got the feels now, and they don't like it, so they throwing a temper tantrum.

ive met more black trans then white

>blacks: stupid, uncouth, criminals
>asians: small dicks, autistic, smelly
>latinos: fat, lazy, manlets
>indians: a combination of above
If we're calling out races, then we should call them all out.

your question is wrong , it should be "wtf is wrong with humans" , those are strange beings , tho white is still the best of all races

It seems as if pale males are more delicious than most others of either sex.

me stumpycok.tumblr.com/

That is not a male, that is a transsexual. Therefore she is not gay.

And blacks are hottest!

and there all into race play want to go back to the "farm"

Money + time + resources = time to think up stupid shit like this

Other humans are busy being poor

You're right. It's a pest after all, not even a she.

theyre women

Robin isn't transexual, he's just a cute kinky dude. Idk if this was bait, it didnt seem obvious enough.




this. Met more muslim trans than white ones

we get bored of running the world so we put carrots up our ass.

That one doesn't know how to eat carrots.


No. Many women also have balls and a feminine penis. Picture attachment proves this.

Unchecked privilege

This stumpycok.tumblr.com/


Thats actually a manlier penis than most actual men have

ahh no thats fucking tiny


Nice propaganda, Russian shill. Kill yourself.

white females

Sure, if you're blind deaf and don't have a nose.

The more you think about it the more intuitively obvious it gets.


lol white males are so succesfull at lifee that the only boundaries they have are pressing their bodies pleasre buttons. the white mans burden is how much dopamine can their brain handdle lol.




sissyass whiteboys be all 'bout dat subservient colossal cock life 24/7


nah butt u mad doe whiteboy


Niggers are proud of being glorified sex toys. I guess its better than being glorified farm equipment.


Imagine black people were *gasp* people.

If people are so insecure to not realise penis size is 100% random and luck then they should just kill themselves. It's just luck. People just like to exaggerate things for sexual reasons, it's pathetic but getting mad over is next level autistic.

I smell some surplus salt
I know it's easier to be in denial
but you gotta accept your fate as a frail and pale male
you're the property of Jamiroqual Colossalcoque


And look at the post below yours.

>assuming some dumb nignog knows how to read

Honestly, being not desired, not getting date, or sex for years at a time; it does something to you. It severely damages your masculine pride and makes you submissive. Hence this, or trapping, or gay hookups, or having a jerk buddy or whatever.

White men are far from first choice anymore since white masculine pride is being deliberately dismantled. When just masturbating, fantasies must gradually get more extreme to get the same spurt. Also, it's hard to jack to something completely unrealistic. A fantasy must be based in truth to really work for you. This is why ugly men frequently won't even masturbate to 10/10, they'll masturbate to more average girls that may give them the time of day. If life is making you a bitch you may fantasize one notch further and someone is *literally* making you a bitch. It's not like a man who hasn't been laid in several years is gonna fantasize about having 10 women, it's just so far from reality it's not even a quasi-logical fantasy.

I can see it happening to myself. I did pretty well with women 5 years ago. A bad breakup damaged my confidence. now I get nothing and I most frequently fantasize to trap, sissy, or cuck... despite being straight. I've learned that I enjoy it in the ass. Longer periods of going without and lack of female interest begins to damage the sexuality.

Between blacks and whites I'll agree, but asians are some baby dick niggas 99% of the time.

Even in JAV you'd think they only have the biggest dick japs, but the only ones with big dicks are the white/black actors they import.


Can confirm. I suck and porn is hard and I'm moving forward with plans to move back in with my parents and attempting to re-enter the normie life as we speak.

But at least I didn't kill myself! :D

LMAO that filename

Seriously though, looks like he's trying to load a fucking musket



What are the chances

That's not how you eat carrots, retard

>Longer periods of going without and lack of female interest begins to damage the sexuality.

I noticed a lot of these tumblr traps have this weird inability to call themselves gay or even bi.

notice the hat



Probably the truest post in the thread right now. Hell, I'm deciding on wether I should buy a buttplug or not, something I've never even entertained the idea of.

why is porn hard?

What a fucking let down, we didn't even see you get fucked by a cock or even suck one.

I know right.
I mean who the fuck has a teddy bear in their room.
That's embarrassing.

>coors light

>This is why ugly men frequently won't even masturbate to 10/10, they'll masturbate to more average girls that may give them the time of day. If life is making you a bitch you may fantasize one notch further and someone is *literally* making you a bitch. It's not like a man who hasn't been laid in several years is gonna fantasize about having 10 women, it's just so far from reality it's not even a quasi-logical fantasy.

Explains why trap threads are so prevalent.

I would fuck that shit out of that little bitch

>re-enter the normie life as we speak.

Good luck lol. People have seen your face.

How was the experience overall? I know you had some good times. What was the final straw?


I started my career here, I fucking lurk all the time, last night I was single handedly maintaining a butthole thread that I didn't even START and they were all lady assholes and I only barely had to dip into my hairy butthole folder.

I'm aware. I actually ended up hurting myself pretty bad doing that. Always wrap your veggies, kids.

Boo fucking hoo. You think you're more disappointed than I am?

It's all fucking acting.

Taste the blue mountains my dude.

Cost efficient demons in a bottle.

Nobody fucking cares about Robin Banks and if they don't want to work for them anyway. I'm not looking to be a CEO. I wanna be a shit level employee and spend me evenings with my loser friends because they make me happy and that's what makes life worth living.

I've certainly got stories to tell and I'll never have to wonder anymore. I know what it's like to work a job you hate and be in a normie relationship and I know what it's like to be a hedonist faggot and I think I have a pretty good idea of what the fuck I want now. No regrets. Just done with this shit.

cramming stuff into your ass for crusty old men at $10 a pop on CB is hardly porn


*and if they do I don't awnt to work for them anyway

Being repulsed by your core audience certainly doesn't help things, that's another thing.

And imagine having to see those same lonely people everyday. Jesus fucking christ.


i am to sexually aroused by this bitch

Nice lips.

>implying theres anything wrong with this

fucken sauce nao

You have too be mentally disabled believe that.

S'what made me worth a shit in first place.

i have seen every combination of fucked up imagery that anyone who frequents this site can easily imagine and this is the sorriest shit i have ever seen LOL



>Being repulsed by your core audience certainly doesn't help things, that's another thing.

That's one thing I've noticed about the trap game, its must be especially true for trans girls, who hate chasers but live off of them at the same time

You are such a faggot that I want to fuck you so hard to make you straight and then a proper trap or whatever.
Good luck with your new beginning dude.

How was it living with all these traps? Are they crazy?

Natalie Mars and Sue Lightning are genuinely good people and I'll miss them dearly. I'mma wait to get a little bit more distance from the industry before I start droppin' truth bombs about everyone else haha.

To be honest most of the camgirls are the nicest people I've ever met. Fuckin'... Jessica Fappit got kidnapped a few months ago and everyone dropped everything and just started calling all the cops and shit, tweetin' stuff, etc. They found her the next day. These girls are a fucking family out here, dude.

Tons of cool people.

I'll say this, is anyone is going to get naked during a party and start trying to fuck everybody, it's a tranny errytime.


Sorry did you guys want me to post porn or... I feel like without images nobody is gonna read my faggy diary posts.

hating chasers is a convenient meme to ward off creepers who they dont deem acceptan;e

if they are good looking, big and have money they arent "chasers"

Unlikely, but do you ever remember a poster asking you about a particular black lipstick you had? It was around the time you quit for the first time cos of your whole getting married lark.

Anyway, I also mentioned that the relationship would fail and you'd come back to the lewd and probably take it even further. So yeah. Just wanted to say I told you so

who is this?

More than 1 person has asked me about fucking black lipstick my dude.

More than one person said I'd go lewder. More than one person said I'd kill myself.

Nobody get's to say they told me so until I kill myself. Before than too many people said too many shit so yeah, of course. 1 out of 100 predictions will always be true.


oh y' know


Do you think you would have been more successful if you had produced more hardcore content like people were expecting, or was it inevitable?

What's the name of that reddit trans chick who keeps showing up on here shaking her ass in the mirror with her tongue out?

Asking for science..

I'm not reading your shit without a pornographic pic, but I am interested in reading it.