Release your anger

Release your anger.

Sup Forums really needs to let me post dupe images.
This is getting annoying.

The bees wouldn't like that.

let the hate flow through you

Do not use weapons against Cheeto, he's mine.



just sayin its the best way to avoid the dreaded cheesefinger.

I am over it.
I can't really get mad much anymore.


I fucking hate femanons, feminists, BLM, liberals, cuckservatives, reddit, 9fag, youtubes staff, NSA, CIA, FBI, CHINA, RUSSIA, THE EU, UN, NEW FAGS, OLD FAGS, and my shitty computer

For the purpose of the joke.
Ok I forgot I was done posting until you fall asleep. My mistake.




I am too tired.

Neruposting will do nothing but make me even more irrationally unreasonable.


Look at this good boy~

Also, for a demonstration of Sup Forums glorified hierarchy BACKWARDS







im just memeing emperor palpatine lines at you.

Post paws. the senate?

'kay, I will just leave you alone.





i will never treat you irrationally

Bees are gay.

You are my greatest friend.



I will never treat politics irrationally.

Dom, I could not find my collar.




how about yall post actual yiff instead of asgore reaction images and cheesy rp


im so.. so sorry



Because this isn't even a fur thread.

I did find my tails though.





I really need to vacuum my studio. It's covered in graphite, sanguine powder, and plaster.

get a new one







these are talons




dargle i love u

Still feet

Love you too, mistress.

I thought you were closing the tab

Everyone asleep already?

I came in here thinking I would post something angry but I feel better now

dargle will always stay for lulu

luna is here hi henlo

Who is henlo?

shh shhhh only dreams now
how are you my darling angel

Tired, hungry, and frustrated.

that is simply no good. Would you like to tell luna all about it?

Don't tell her anything, she's an untrustworthy harlot.

It is now.

who even are you and why are you pickin on me

And who are you?

Because I despise you.

Fresh oc

ice? idk anyone else who doesn't like me


I despise you in secret, you could not have known.

ok so either oyu're ice or you're full of shit either way your opinion means nothng to me c:

I did, but then you said that you did not want that or something.

darbaby who is the mean person

Ice apparently.

I don't know what I want.
Kinda wanna delete everything and rebirth myself as a normal person after getting a job at a grocery store.



don't lie to me

I will end up working at a grocery store most likely.
Then get fired because I cannot succeed at anything.



what the fuck is this garbage

Okay, that is Kiss.

I'm going in bed whining in public just makes me hate myself more.

to bed