Rev up those shitposters, it's time for a Steam thread. Beg, Buy, Trade, Hate, or Masturbate, all are welcome here

Rev up those shitposters, it's time for a Steam thread. Beg, Buy, Trade, Hate, or Masturbate, all are welcome here.


Anyone got any free codes laying around? Give them out to someone.

ghost recon is the best game of 2017.

I gave away all my codes a few days ago, got nothing left.

Not sure if anyone was here for that

What were they for?

Video games.

A wide variety of games/shit. Gave out like ~30 codes I think? A lot of them humble bundle codes i knew i would never use.

I hate:
When certain games (usually Japanese ones) have their title in ALL CAPS and there's no convenient way to rename them. I don't care if the renames show up to friends, I just want a nice looking, organised library

I've been thinking of playing Fallout 1 and 2, should I try them? They look like fun, but also kinda complicated

Why not? Play them, then if you dont like it stop playing it... I's simple

anyone willing to give me a copy of Dying Light? Really want to play that game but I'm spending all my money on rent and shit so I'm broke most of the time.

Pirate it you retard. Only games worth buying are multiplayer ones.

i have to trade...

Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Portal 2
World of Goo

we all know who's behind this post, though it may just be a (((coincidence)))

Can someone buy me Darks Souls 1? I'd love you for tonight only, then leave you in the morning. email is bhall8518@gmail

I really would like to have Portal 2 but have nothing to trade but this pic

Isn't dying light multiplayer?

yeah it is, the multiplayer is kind of dead (if I remember reading correctly the multiplayer was never hugely popular).

You don't have to be a jew to pirate.

If you don't have money pirate it, then when you have money buy it. I don't see why all these fags are begging for these single players games saying they have no money when you can pirate them so easily nowadays and just experience it normally.

No its the single player zombie/dead island parkour game. Idk if it has online elements but if it somehow did its shite because i havent heard of it and people play it for the singleplayer.

nobody replied to my post so i guess ill just throw these 20 free ghost recon keys into the trash.
that'll teach Sup Forums how to play this game.

dying light absolutely has multiplayer you fucking retard. take 30 seconds to look it up before you make yourself look even more stupid than usual.

>Oh look, the baby wants attention.

Eat a dick fag, take your imaginary shitty game codes for your shitty game elsewhere

too poor to be giving shit away

guess ill throw away my for honor codes too. you guys don't know how to beg. sorry thread this guy cost you more codes.

Sorry user, I've never played it

Did you even read my full post you dumb nigger.

I said even if it has online elements they're shit because nobody plays it and talks about it. Nobody bought it for its shitty online.

>Being this retarded

k bye

>only games worth buying are multiplayer ones
>I'm the retard
god damn man how much does it hurt to be that stupid.

Maybe if you had codes for good games people would care

I don't think it's dead but people would rather coop with people they know instead of random asshats

arma 3, r6 siege and 7 days codes all tossed out too.
looks like you guys don't want free shit. why make a thread if you don't want free games?
maybe you should just sit on Sup Forums and pretend this shit matters more. god damn that's a boring waste of a life. garbage with the codes. anyone else want me to not give out shit with your niggertry?

kek, that's what im saying.




Is this the power of autism? Getting this buttmad over nothing?

sorry i don't have codes for world of warcraft and zelda or any of that japanese faggot anime shit. but last i heard beggars can't be choosers.

can you believe this thread? fucking faggots turning down free $60 games...

cancerous ass shit hole.

nobody wants your codes you attention seeking faggot, fuck off.

proof you are legit first

Don't forget this fags post too
You know i had a few humble bundle keys i was gunna drop, but the thought of one of these faggots getting it makes me think otherwise.

yeah i guess not. i don't know why you guys are begging for games that are free to play or from 2001. i honestly don't understand that level of autism. thanks for reminding me what cancer looks like.

>mfw this guy is still posting

> beggars can't be choosers.
Nobody in here is begging for codes, go and shit up another thread

sorry i don't have any D list games to give out apparently that's what you fags want.
fucking make a thread, then talk shit to the person willing to hand out free AAA games...
you fucking kids are trash. my god. glad i didn't bother. fuckoff and die Sup Forums


>This guy is still posting

Fucking kek, when did this turn into a YLYL thread, because i fucking lost.

>attention seeking
got your attention
>something something this guy
but i won.
thanks for the fun fags.
this is what Sup Forums is all about right?
being boring and gay as fuck while wasting other peoples time so you can drag other fags down with you in your dull ass life?
dunno why you guys are talkin shit to me. i won. wasted minutes of your life and it was fun for me.

guys I think we upset him :(

>but i won

My sides

It looks like he got you mad tho, since you guys go right to the 'umadbro'. I think you guys just got trolled. It's the banana all over again. I thought summer vacation wasn't until like june?


are you giving out codes only?

keep replying. i love the attention.




post your proof boys. toss me that metadata.


dubs. must be true. looks like this guy really did win. you are just one person who got really mad you samefagged the thread because you missed out on a dota 2 key...but didn't even know the game is free.

>Is having trouble accepting the fact that more than one person thinks he's a fag.

No codes to be found here boys.This is now a YLYL thread boys, I'll start.

thanks for the metadata.

You're willing to hand out any AAA game?

>but i won

None of us would be here if we were "winning" anything

nice proof. turns out you're just another bummerfag.
i won.


Bumping with more keks

ok hotshot, what did ya get?

i actually come back here from time to time just to pick at the fail and know that no matter what i win because i already won. the new thing to do these days is say "look how mad he is" to someone else when you get mad. guess i upset some people on this thread by being that much better than them, after they said no attention will be given. ill bet even this post will make someone tell me how mad i am, because they are in fact...mad.

Don't bother bro, this is now YLYL

Dude you seem mad. Nobody cares about your bullshit. Fuckoff m8


>Pretentious blah blah
Kys faggot your the mad one

you'tr feeding the b8, this is now ylyl ignore him.

>i actually come back here from time to time just to pick at the fail and know that no matter what i win because i already won.

he really believes this is the attitude of a winner


not sure what you're trying to prove here other than your multiple IP's and how you use that to claim other people are mad because they got you mad. but im glad you have a shot at an IT degree when you get done with high school.

thanks for the metadata.

Thread cannot be salvaged, except maybe by craigposting


>thanks for the metadata.

ngl, if this is b8 it's pretty fucking good because it's actually pretty funny lol

This is now a Craig thread

Yeah what a faggot.
Real winners fuck benises and can draw hentai.






yeah he must be baiting
no other reason to get this many faggots to call him mad unless he's a genius.
but really he seems really mad and i can tell because hes trying so hard.






instead of giving out games i own all of you and your thread.

this is why i come back to this place from time to time just to remind myself what kind of shit i could become if i was a retard. it makes me very thankful im not one of you. sorry you guys got so "he is mad" mad thanks for playing and i hope you enjoy fapping to whatever gay shit you do. have a good one bros kekkk
i won all of it. feel free to reply. i won't read it.



Yea i think he's legit angry, which is why it's so funny.

>Tfw nobody cares about him even when he has "$100's of dollars of game codes" kek


This guy got triggered so hard by that dude he's having a breakdown. Fucking kek look at him, he doesn't even know what to do since he can't even win with words, he relies on spam.



and with those trips of truth im out 4reallllzzzzz
Sup Forumsoys.

KYS because this is some sorry ass shit.
