"Religion is the opiate of the masses"

"Religion is the opiate of the masses"

-Karl Marx

Do you agree or disagree and why?

You bet.
Slam 'em Karl!!!
Christfags and Koranboyfags both fight for a lie.

I think religion provides a basis for morals in most people, however it is true that some people accept poverty and hardship because they think God wants them to.

If people use opium to escape a realistic truth that there may not be a god then yes.

Yes. All the republicucks voting against their own interests are religiious

It's worth considering that Marx was most likely at some point prescribe opium- it was being used in medical procedures. Did he mean religion was a terrible thing or just that it helped people tolerate things but might not be needed in the future?

people that need a religion to have moral are simply bad people.
As soon as you tell them its okay now they will do what the fuck ever to anyone.

Commies get fucked

How can you even disagree? Religion appears like an unhealthy addiction to anyone outside of it.

he made a statement without telling you if he likes or dislikes religion.
But like Einstein, he probably did not like it but tryed to come up with something neutral.

Communism is the cyanide of society

Who cares? Marx was a faggot and most people are unable to have a reasonable discussion on religion.

Capitalism is the cyanide of culture

Marx was not gay at all. He was very popular with the ladies. Read a fucking book.

the difference between capitalism and communism? In capitalism, some people lose. In communism, everybody loses.

Capialists get fucked.

And in today's edition of "OP asks Sup Forums to do his homework..."

I agree religion is often used as a means of placating the masses to their circumstances yes
But it being called religion in this case is blind worship or societal reassurances, but fedora fags like to to think religion is some unique evil from this quote

Nah, fuck off faggot.

Popular with his friends too
Helped him leech his way through life


I'm not doing your assignment for you user, I would ask all other Anons not to help you also.
Think for yourself user, don't rely on the imparted wisdom of others as it may be bullshit, a lot like religion and it's effect on the proletaria....FUCK!


Writers had patrons back in the 19th Century. It's how they survived.

You fucking retard.

>most people are unable to have a reasonable discussion on religion

Starting with you it seems


He was a true socialist, living off the hard work of others.

religion is for the a weak.
- albert einstein

For god sakes people.. lol.. (see what I did there..) at one point in time used cocaine as a medicine until they found out it was fukin ppl up.. so yes.. god is only a cloth over our eyes used to blind us from the truth. I do believe there is a higher power. But I don't think it was some dude who became god after humans were already on earth..

I do recall Adam Smith relying on his friends to publish his works
Wealth of Nations is far better than any of his works by the way

The funny thing is, people treat communism like a religion. People need something to believe in.

Fear is the mother of morality.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

You brought Cocaine to an Opiate fight.

>at one point in time used cocaine as a medicine
??? for what exactly? curious.

I've never seen a single person treat communism as a religion, unless you're talking about the pseudo-communist states that have or currently exist.

I think it was for treating addiction or something.

communist states have provided all the same instruments of worship as organized religions do, and communists bring the same fervor as religious people do.

Haa.. just like religion dived nations..

>Friedrich Nietzsche
with all do respect i'll stick w/ einstein on this one.


Google pharmaceutical companies and cocaine history. I can't remember exactly but I remember watching the documentary

Do you believe in a higher power, a creator of us?

Implying that there is a contradiction between the 2 quotes? and, if there was, why side with the physicist?

Nah, do you?

Marx based his work on Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations". And, David Riccardo.

Simple, science. you never get me of this user. and if you're logical you know it!

That was word salad, please try again.

got ya!


Did you mean "got me"?

you getting pissed at me, because i proved you wrong?

Eistenfag and Nietzschefag pls stfu

Yeah.. we had to get here some how.. we are genetically manufactured to withstand the elements of earth. You don't think that's a creation?


ok quads i stfu!!! cheers!!! :)

You have not seen communism yet. You have only seen the dictatorship of the masses, a necessary precedent to communism. Read a fucking book.

I have read a fucking book. In fact, reading several fucking books, studying history, and talking with many people who actually experienced something tells me there is no 'necessary precedent' to communism. It's a flawed theory that will never work in reality. There's a reason you haven't seen communism yet. It DOESN'T FUCKING WORK!

Karl MARX The biggest turd ever


> It's a flawed theory that will never work in reality.

That's Capitalism.

Comunism is the poors policy
Rich people prefer capitalism

No, capitalism is a theory that works, but is flawed.


You call $199 TRILLION of global debt "a flaw"?

If you call that "working" I hate to see what you consider failure...

its okay i didn't understand economics when i was your age either

Marx would have done just as well to say 'the destiny of humans is to someday shit rainbows.' Some people will try to do it really hard, but the only result is shit.

He was a Jew. He only pretended to be an athiest to destroy other non Jewish religions.

Hitler was right!

i believe that it is the placebo of the masses

Hitler/Marx 2020

Think about this carefully user.


Marx said Capitalists will shit Socialists and Socialists will shit Communists.

He provides a good analysis of Capitalism, building on the works of Adam Smith and David Riccardo. His projections are overly deterministic (but entirely valid).

Marx never analysed the strengh of Cultural Capitalism in preserving the Capitalist order.

The fact the average worker thinks they can be Capitalists too, if the just work harder, shows how strong Cultural Capitalis is.

I take your criticism with a grain of salt, given you see 'necessary precedent' in numerous regimes that resulted in the deaths of over 100 million people--and, instead of proceeding to 'real' communism, those societies have reverted back to market economies. If capitalism totally goes under, guaranteed it will not be succeeded by communism. It was tried, failed, and rejected. Only morons who have no sense of history or understanding of human nature embrace it.

While you two are going back n forth over taxes and debt of America the rich 1% (worldwide) are plotting on new ways to keep humans mentally enslaved.

The reason we are suited to life on earth is because genetic mutation allows for change in organisms gentetics, and the organisms that weren't fit to survive in earth's conditions died before passing on their dna to their offpring. Basically.

>There's a reason you haven't seen communism yet. It DOESN'T FUCKING WORK!
Ignoring the point made that there hasn't been a communist state yet, and yes, according to experts on the topic, there are prerequisites to a communistic revolution.

When you reach the end of the road of what atheism teaches, faith can become one of the only things that keeps you going.

>in numerous regimes that resulted in the deaths of over 100 million people-

Yes, Capitalist Imperialism has the blood of millions on its hands...

> those societies have reverted back to market economies

State Capitalist countries like the Soviet Union always had an element of market economics at its core.

> It was tried, failed,

Production and distribution are technical issues. Technology has developed to allow the realtime monitoring of all aspects of production.

Command economics, and on demand production, are entirely workable.

Marx was right that we need Capitalism to provide the impetus to develop the infrastructure to make Socialism, and Communism possible.

Marx was a Capitalist, he believed Capitalism was vital for the development of Communism.

Communism at it's finest

It's like drugs but it's slower and almost free. It helps some people and some can function with it but it's and ultimately a bad thing. A lie designed just like drugs to calm your brain from the existential horror we all experience.

true dat, brah. Marx often talked about how capitalism was necessary for building the means of production, for example, although, I wouldn't call him a capitalist exactly, just because he thought it was necessary for the rise of a communist state.

Dem trips.

I wish we could show Uncle Karl Sup Forums.

I suspect he would really like the internet, as he would view it as a means of power available to the working class in equal proportion to the upper, and as a means of communication to organize a revolution, but then, who doesn't like the internet?

Karl was a Sup Forumsro.

He was a NEET.

Fucking this.
Whenever he found something he wouldn't agree with he would go spastic and wouldn't stop till he wrote a book dissing on it.
Also he literally lived in Engel's basement.

>karl marx is jewish
>bolchevism is jewish
>communism is jewish
>"Religion is the opiate of the masses"

>Implying Capitalism isn't Jewish...