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medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/tactile localization

yeah. i just thought it was a normal thing, didn't know i was special. thanks op

You're welcome

Yes, by tensing neck muscles (those just behind the ears)

My question to my fellow ear rumblers is this: can you rumble just one ear?

pretty sure errbody can do this

I can do it, waiting for someone who can't

Not completly, like the rumble is very faint in one ear and there is none in the other one.
Or full rumbling in one ear and like 60-70% in the other one.

Is there anyone around that can't do it or has no idea what we're talking about?

That's a fine ass

i can.

I can.

I usually do it when i get frustrated with the tinnitus, different noise to break up the monotony you know?

You ever try this?

Place the palms of your hands over your ears with fingers resting gently on the back of your head. Your middle fingers should point toward one another just above the base of your skull. Place your index fingers on top of you middle fingers and snap them (the index fingers) onto the skull making a loud, drumming noise. Repeat 40-50 times. Some people experience immediate relief with this method.

I did, it reduced it a little bit for a few minutes, but then it always comes back worse than before until i forget about it again.

So this is my superpower?

I never knew! Thanks, user!

I got another one:

I think only 1 in 9 people in the US can look at light to sneeze

Thought everyone could until I told my friends about it

i can only do this with the sun. not every time tho

It's called solar sneezing and it's actually a genetic trait as well.

I can cause the rumble noise if I bite my lip in the right spot. I always wondered why that happened

Been a solar-snezer since I was a tot.
Also an ear rumbler.
Wonder if they go together?

thats a hairy fine ass :)

I can.

I'd describe the feeling it as "ants behind your eyes"


no, see above

is it only me or does the sound last only a few seconds?
i mean, i can rumble but the longer i do the harder it gets.
at first no one can see anything, but the longer i sustain, the more "cramped" my face/head gets.

The sound lasts until I stop doing it. I can't do it forever because eventually the muscles get tired

I didn't know that not everybody had that. Cool thread OP

I thought this was pretty normal.

One thing I do have, is if I put only one earphone in, and listen to music, my other ear bumps to the sound.

i find it hard to do it more than a few seconds.
as there is no other indicator as the pseudo sound i can not tell if it's the sound stopping or the muscles stopping to react to stimulation.
i can instantly restart the rumbling, though.

>can do it too
Yeah at this point I think everyone can do it.

can you make your eyes dither?

No, everyone can do this.

Yup. Now i know i'm a special snowflake. I can also move my ears, this may be linked ?

i have a weird effect that i can only hear stereo.
if i plug in only one earphone i do not hear anything with the open ear and i can not understand the music of the earphoned side.
makes phoning extremely hard and tiring for me, because i need to concentrate as fuck on the voice, and i can barely understand.
stereo, no problem, barely anything hearable, perfect understanding.
also, phoning only works on the left ear.
right just makes sounds, even when louder, but i can't make words from it.

anyone else with this and can give it a name?

I can't move my ears

I get this rumbling sound sound my tightly closing my eyes. It gets much louder when yawning, tho. Is that the same thing?

Yea that's the same thing. Are you only able to do it with your eyes closed or yawning?

you're not just closing your eyes, arn't ya?
you contract all the muscles in your face, and yes, that's it.

I can't do the rumbling sound, but I can move my jaw back which produces a high pitches ring/squeal in my ears

Is that what you guys are talking about?

what you're doing is capturing air in the tube between ear and mouth, and when it escapes it makes this squeal

dont need to yawn, but yes need to close eyes real tight (i guess that tenses rest of the muscles)

You have poor communication through your corpus callosum, the connection between your right and left brain. In rare accidents or as a surgery to treat severe epilepsy, sometimes the corpus callosum is cut, resulting in similar symptoms; being unable to understand language from one ear, also if you place a screen so that each eye can only see one side of a room and ask you to describe objects you get different answers from each side.

citing sources:


I've got tinnitus, does that count?

Lol no not at all

Everybody can do this , well done op you got replies to a thread you made.

There's people that replied that said they can't do it so you're retarded

I thought this was something anyone could do.
Then again, I can lick my elbow and my feet are disproportionately large. Can also shake my eyeballs.

I can fire snot out of the corners of my eye balls...does that count?

I really want to see that

more people said they could than couldn't. Not a small percentage so you're retarded

It is not totally uncommon, and people with dyslexia and a high IQ often have dyslexia because of poor communication between their left and right hemisphere. There is a simple test called Tactile Localization that can help you identify if this is the case. Simply ask a friend to help you. Place your hands behind your back, and ask them to touch your hand in various places, and when they do so you identify where you are being touched. If you cannot do this accurately, it's your corpus callosum and you can see a neurologist about it (you can get medically diagnosed, however it is unlikely they can do anything for you really)

medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/tactile localization

One person said they can make a high pitched ringing noise. Everyone else in the thread said they can do it.

No you're the tard u window licker

I can to a degree I get about 10% in the other ear though

Now that's tinnitus

I didn't write the article. Moreover you're basing it off of a sample size of one thread. Very not representative of the population as a whole. It's also possible that people who couldn't do it simply didn't come to the thread because they didn't know what it was about and didn't care.


As a kid I used to think I had telekinetic powers and the rumble was the energy building inside of my head.

Thanks pokemon.

>Is there anyone around that can't do it or has no idea what we're talking about?

Hah same here

wow yeaah never thought about it though

> shake my eyeballs
nigger what

Webm or it didn't happen

I can bleach my anus though

Can anyone spit like a snake?

Wow, i can do it aswell. Although my ears are pretty fucked up for quite a time now. I had several fungal infections due to high humifity, sweat, wearing headphones when i studied in indonesia.

lol nigga you can't do that? kek

I can do it by accident.

I have no idea how I do it.

thanks a lot
didn't really help but gave me something to learn about, and i guess there's not much anyone can do about it, so not your fault.

Really? I can do it by force. Uh what you do is you build up some saliva at the under your tongue, then push your tongue back, and considering how you push it back it should do it by force.

I can vibrate my hands, but it gets tiring very quickly

>Wonder if they go together?
They do for me


You know, shake them left and right rapidly?
You've seen someone that can do this before rights?
I could do this shit on skype. Or make a webm.

I've only ever done it when I'm eating and my mouth opens momentarily.

Highly awkward when going out to dinner and you spray over the meal

You have to lift your tongue up abit, then push and you should be able to do it.

When I think perverted thoughts of friends I know, I sneeze. Someone a few years ago on Sup Forums told me I have penile tissue in my nose.

Only a very small percentage of people can do that.

Are you talking about gleeking?

True, yeah that never happens to me. It only happens by force over here.

Let me have a quick Google

have another person or a camer look at your eye.
make the world turn sideways or wobble without moving head.
let describe or look at vid.
tadaa, eyes were shaken.

i though anyone could do that.
some goats have this feature to have the horizon be at the same angle with either head up or down, because of their weird shaped eyes (Pupils?).
it's for looking after predators.
sorry, english no good

>"Hey user you feeling horny"
>nose tents

No problem. People don't especially need a corpus callosum, and live totally normal lives completely without them. I'm sure you'll be fine glad if I can point you towards some information. Wish you well!

Yes, he is, and everyone can do that, too.

Yup sure is

sounds like some hokey pokey hocus pocus

Ah so that's the name. That's exactly what I'm talking about.

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

I can't do that voluntarily but it's happened randomly once or twice

I can do that too. I am also one of the chosen ones, who are able to clean their tonsils with the tounge.
I can even stick my tounge in the back of my throat feeling the "backside" of my nose... Both sounds quite discusting but keeps me constantly healthy!

You can do cool shit by only looking at things with only one eye or the other. Like with one eye, you can draw what you saw, but can't for the fuck tell someone what it was (until you start drawing and see what you are drawing with both eyes).

It's "tongue". How do you people even finish high school?

not that guy but not everyone does their education in English

I have a tinnitus and i do this all the time to get relief. I can rumble better with closed eyes dk y

Here's a webm

Hold up. Better one.

What is this shit? I can Spaz my eyeballs much faster and they don't go wonky like yours. I've seen a few people who can do it in addition to myself and nobody ever does the cross eyed thing

You might be straining too hard because you shouldn't be focusing on moving your eyes but shaking them

That was the end of the video.
The beginning was normal shaking, I did the eye roll thing for shits n giggles.
I have no idea how to make a fucking webm.
It's either too big or doesn't get what I need in the video.