>chronic pain from medical issues
>no wife or gf
>still renting an apartment
>no enjoyment from things that used to be fun
>surrounded by friends who have everything I dream of

Yeah I think I'm ready to clock out, Sup Forums. Not sure if I should go the helium route or gunshot behind the ear. Any suggestions?

Other urls found in this thread:


>who have everything i dream of

What do you dream of OP?

Get away from whatever you are surrounded by. You have no idea how free you are because you have no wife or kids.

Save some money, pick a spot, pack up your shit, and go.

I wish I had the same freedom as you do. I am renting a very expensive place in the SF bay area, and I make a ton of money that is taken up by that rent along with my family.

I have a wife and kids but I can't ever afford to leave them literally because my skill set is based in this area and I make enough to pay my bills.

I sometimes think about what it was like to be in my 30's with no wife, no kid, and renting a place by myself, making enough money to get by but also knowing I can bail at anytime and go anywhere and just find a job when I get there. I'm jealous of OP.

A beautiful wife. A house. A 6 digit salary. A creative and ambitious mind. Good physical health.

Take your pick.

I'm curious, you say you're jealous of me, but do you love your wife and children? Everyone I know claims their life sucks but always talk about how much they love their kids.

have you considered that both claims were true? you can have kids that you love and still hate your life

But there's still love in your life, in some form or fashion. This kind of love would give you purpose, even in misery.

get redpilled and leave the US. You are getting poisoned by (((them))).

Loving your wife and child is fine but it removes the freedom that you have right now. Go out and experience life before you're locked down.

Cypher shut the fuck up, Jews, Christians and Muslims will band together and take over the world



their families are not as happy as they appear

My friend...stop thinking about what gets you depressed and start doing the things you think will get you whatever makes you happy.

>My friend...stop thinking about what gets you depressed and start doing the things you think will get you whatever makes you happy.

Also, start enjoying the smaller things in life until you get your bigger goals.

Daywalker, you have just seen bigfoot, santa clause and a unicorn all in one


>>surrounded by friends
Either your definition of 'friends' is very different from mine, your you don't even appreciate what you have. Having even 1 lifelong friend is a blessing, having multiple lifelong friends is much more so.

I suspect even if you had a beautiful wife and house, you'd find some way to feel miserable.

>Not sure if I should go the helium route or gunshot behind the ear. Any suggestions?

Sharpies in the pooper until you burst.


>I sometimes think about what it was like to be in my 30's with no wife, no kid, and renting a place by myself, making enough money to get by but also knowing I can bail at anytime and go anywhere and just find a job when I get there.

this is my life now. Once I had wife and kid, and I now miss that tim

You friends are slaves and your chronic pain is psychosomatic because you're sitting around envying everyone else when you should be in paradise.

>no kids
>no enslavement via bad decision made by suckers in their 20s

You're a rolling stone, bitch. Get rollin'!

I think 9 out of 10 attempts fail. Go with the gun. It's harder to fuck op.

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