Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous:The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
No way, I'm not a roleplayer at all.

Address: 4329 SAINT ALBANS ST
State: VA
Zip: 23455-6113
Year: 2008
VIN: JA3AU86U28U026717
Barrels 08: 18.304342000000002,0.0,0.0,0.0,16,0.0,0,0.0,0
Annual petroleum consumption in barrels for regular Fuel 1 barrel = 42 gallons.

Tell Miho I said hi

Reporting back to duty.

"You are a real follower of our survival gamers. It is fantastic to be atrocious! You must be the one beyond good and evil."

Sonokawa Momoka-sama is now OFFICIALLY claimed! ^^

mostly poser hipster faggo bs tee bee aych. it's kind of sad.

Claiming best girl

still here
Its weird to me I dont do them.

T-then please tell me about yourself, I'm starting to shake...

Someone kiss me

Hello everyone
>Juvia claimed
But she's my waifu.
Am i not allowed to feel my waifu large chest?
It's not like it's hama's.
>although i wouldn't mind feeling those huge boobs

What about dubstep?

Do you want to end up wearing glasses?


I lied.
And now me.

>claiming Taiga

>Why is she sad?
Waking up is terrible.

>tenses up and pecks your cheek

thats all you get

i did listen to a fair bit of brostep when i was a younger lad. i guess i still like some rusko tracks. original style dubstep i never explored much. why, do you like dubstep?

Look how serious is this stuff.
I understand how into this everyone gets, but seeing people pass around '

You just woke up? You should eat something.

didnt read but i just know this is epic!

Waifu Lovers, I need your help, please.

I need to know everything you know about this user:

You're all fucking sad. !jerk.BPDAo

Who posted, at least, in the previous Waifu Claiming thread. Only people with the Sup Forums extension will know who I'm talking about.

Does someone know him? Has he been active recently, or is today the very first time he has showed up in these threads?
I need anything you know.

Thanks in advance!

Another favor says you'll do it to my thighs.

No no I'm just trying to get into music. Are you from Be nice.

I cannot tell whether this post is serious or is weapons-grade autism.

Well, time to change that, especially if you want to beat the game. Parrying is kinda hard, but once you know the movesets and timings you're all set to send them all to Oblivion.
Me neither, but they're still op, especially in PvP...
Yeah, dual wielding only works in DS2. And this isn't Skyrim, you either want to be a badass or be alive, being both requires patience, practice, devotion and sacrificing your ear to the God of Darkmoon.
..............now I would've slapped you across your ass if only I could. Shame on you Hanako, shame. Tho at least you weren't using the Drake Sword........ right?
(Dark Souls 3 = shit)
DS3 is, by far, even worse than DS2. And here's why.
First of all, poise. That's all, I could shit-talk about it for an hour but let's just say the way they handled it was retarded at least.
PvP phantom range is pure bullshit, especially on katanas.
The areas would be nice if there weren't fucking awful and copy-pasted. The swamp area before Abyss Watchers? Blighttown, but less cool. Catacombs of Carthus? Catacombs from DS1, but a little larger. And don't get me started on Anor-fucking-Londo, I haven't seen such fanservice in all my life. Just straight up copy the whole area, Jesus Tap Dancing Christ...
Bosses were unoriginal to say at least. Sure, Abyss Watchers and Pontiff were memoriable somehow, as was the Dancer, but the rest? The Tree? That one frost-like boss at the beginning? Aldrich, basically Gwyndolin 2.0?
And the fucking NG+, just changing up a few rings.
No no no, Dark Souls 3 deserves ALL the hate there could be. This game is shit, it's predictable, repetative, the areas aren't memoriable at all, weapons are either complete shit or OP as all hell, which makes 90% of the weapons not even worth touching.
Also, PvP gankers everywhere with the password matchmaking, no variety in builds...
This game was supposed to be THE Souls game.
For me, it was a fucking mistake

No id lose them.

no... no no no..

Isn't it pretty similar to playing games for a long time?

You are, but it still makes you a perv.
> I wouldn;t mind giving them a good squeeze either.

so you wanna walk into walls and stuff?

Why are you crying? It's no fun when you're crying... unless you're into that.

How to spot newfags.
Is a pasta, you fucking retards.
L M A O (0(0(0(0(
You guys are truly the worst generation of /waifu/.

im not from anywhere but i have posted on mu yes.

I'm scared, I don't know anythign about you


Cereal and a big mug of coffee, so it's getting better.

Le new fags DDD

I'm off to bed. Too much Reddit on here today.

Hey be nice.

You must be popular there~

Why are here? I haven't seen you claim anything.

Chen's dead.

He's fucking dead. I don't know.. I just. Fuck. He texted me a little bit earlier about the threads, I tried to convince him not to but just FUCK. He thought the chick he was waifu with hated him. I wasn't here for it, but we were texting about it. Some asshole, according to this thread it was most likely Chen, went and framed him as a pervert and made it look like he was hitting on that drawfag or some shit. I know that doesn't seem like a big deal but fuck dude he's young and that feels like the end of the fucking world when a girl thinks that about you and he just got out of a relationship a while ago but fuck. I just.. fuck. I don't know what to do anymore. He told me he was going to end his life. No reply. No matter how much I text, it says he hasn't read it. Before that he just didn't sound like the same guy anymore, he was going off the deep end saying he was worthless and that women all think he's a creep and he's ugly and bullshit like that, he said Sup Forums was ruining him but it was irreversable which is bullshit. Just fuck. I'm just trying to cope here. I'm hoping so much that I'm going to wake up in the morning and he'll have replied to me, maybe he fell asleep first or something. Fuck I don't know if i can sleep I don't even know who to go to other than here

Nights Misaki, sleep well.


Nah. I feel like watching is different
I already do that sometimes.

>too much reddit in here today

You are a faggot who likes to roleplay with that guy called "Mash" or whatever.
Go choke on a dick, loser. Stop trying to seem tough.
You are just a depressed boy in need of affection that tries to get it from a stranger.
Poor guy, you didn't got enough love?

>I dumped my gf

Yeah, lying to seem cool on the internet, huh?

Eee you drink coffee? That'll make you tired after the caffeine wears off.....

T-thank you aikawa...
>hugs you back

You wanna get that laser eye thing done? I'm thinking about getting that soon. Only $300 per eye.

i see no substantive cause to reach such a conclusion...
well i still havent had my magical waifu moment like you said, but i still have characters i like and these are nice threads.

Goodnight don't listen to Chen

chen is uh based..............

>bites ear


Maybe you'll like anime from before 2007 when anime was still good. Your waifu might be there.

No thats too much.

Not if I don't stop drinking it.
Coffee is pretty much the only thing I actually look forward to in the morning.

hnn... w-why are you doing this to meeee

I have a question about Rei.


btw just how much anime average must one watch before finding their waifu ?

Because it's fun to tease you.

Good bye.
Have a good day, everyone. Someone out there loves you.
Xoxo. Good vibes

That's his car.
What I posted is his adress.

What is it?

I just need some more practice. I just always parry too early. They are...but i just like swords. Heh i always thought shields were for pussies...until i played dark souls. Now i have the utmost respect for them. I know, it's pathetic, i deserve all that and more... W-well i did early on... but stopped using it when i realized what trash it actually is.

I guess but it's pretty close.

You didn't even click the link, did you?


Are you retarded?





Are my posts.

It's worth it, your eyes will be 15/20. Don't you want that for the rest of your life?

Omg wait you drink it all day...?

I don't know it took me 20 years.

Ohmygosh now you're making me blush.. I won't fall for your spell,,, you really are reminding me of my stalker..

Good bye chan

I hope for a season 2....

In this scene in 3.33 Asuka asked Rei what would her original do in this situation and then Rei ejected from the Eva saving herself.

Would the original Rei do that too?

Hey, I gotta whisper something in your ear.
>licks cheek

I think its different by a good bit but I dont know.

aaaaaaaaaaaa! nvm i officially claim this girl im posting for my waifu.

Have a good day as well.
I like the Ruri pictures.

The only ones I could believe are the first two.

If you knew his address, from the beginning, why post his craigslist ad in the first place, and not skip that middle-man?


>rubs my cheek



dudes i feel like so motherfuckin good right now it's unreal

Isn't it worth it? You'll never have to buy a pair of glasses again.

She's really cute and you should use her more!


Hey, I still gotta mess your legs up, remember?

Just ask for jerkchen and people will tell you

It's pasta

Ask Ruri, you fucking mentally challenged faggot.

When that happend, I've told Ruri that I have his adress on steam to have a laugh.

I never lie, stop having trust issues.

>If you knew his address, from the beginning, why post his craigslist ad in the first place, and not skip that middle-man?

Because I had more fun showing people how much of a liar he is, trying to sell a shitty car, that's why.

Y-you with a baseball bat..?

I dont have glasses or money.
Welcome back mado.

No way. Is your memory really that bad?
Go sit down.

Can you see well atm?

Nah, usually a pretty big cup in the morning, maybe another one in the afternoon.
It's become a morning ritual I enjoy quite a bit.

>sits down


Practice makes perfect. It will come with time.
Well, swords are a good choice, the simpliest are sometimes the best.
Shield is your best friend in this game Hanako. Especially the Grass Crest one, it's a blessing.
...........now you deserve some serious spanking for that Drake Sword... But at least you learned. Still, I am disappoint...
By the way, what location are you in right now?

Well enough yeah.

gonna go make breakfast. you guys want anything?

Do you get those caffeine headache things?

Does she have anime yet?

Depends on the time that it would have happened. If it had happened during the start of the series, with Rei 2, then most likely, she would have not ejected, because she already thought herself as expendable, if it happened during Rei 3's reign, as it were, then I couldn't say, it would have to have some factors come into play, like Shinji dissuading her, or her doubt in Gendo's orders, and what those actually were.
If we're talking about that same exact situation, just with Rei from the original series, then I also could not tell.


Then you should really save up for the surgery!
>is currently saving up myself


she does not and somehow i doubt she ever will but that's okay i like manga better.

Poise just works different, that a bad thing?
And pvp in DS games has always been shit.
I could say the same about all Souls games tbh. DS1 wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination.
Demon ruins and Lost Izalith, Tomb of the Giants and Darkroot Garden/Basin were shit. Anor Londo was really boring tbh, sure it looked nice, but it was mostly just empty.
The three copy pasted demons? Ceaseless Discharge and Bed of Chaos and that fucking Centipede sure were interesting boss designs..


Ill wait till after im blind.

And now cum.

get on discord -_-

Anything that isn't out of date sandwiches like i normally have