Ask a brand new member of the IRA anything

ask a brand new member of the IRA anything

ha smartin mcguiness ever personally executed anyone

>ha smartin mcguiness ever personally executed anyone
He has people to do that for him.

will the ra protect the people from muslims? prevent ireland becoming mini-sweden

so hes never done it?

diversity is our greatest strength

I heard the ra is driving up the cost of purchasing weed and hash from unlinked drug dealers. would yous fuck off?

so it's true that Gerry Adams and Sinn Fein are cucks and want to bring islam in bulk to Ireland?

When are yous gonna blow shit up again or has the ra gone faggot? is the modern ira just made up of skinheads on the dole?

Does the ira want the 8th repealed? killing foetus's like cold hearted protestants? Are yous gonna make any statement at all on this? like bombing a feminazi march

Why do you lie on the internet?

The IRA are no longer freedom-fighters. They are now either part of the lying, corrupt Sinn Féin or dabbling in drug dealing.

ya the ra have gone pure soft we need some fuckin bombins lad

did you do leaving cert applied? LCA? Lets count apples? and are most of the ira uneducated dunces?

why are you a Marxist faggot?

old firm day alright

did your parents split up and now youre in the ra to get back at society? cos your da couldn't satisfy her brown cunt?

Bloody sunday was simply a terrorist attack.

billy go to sleep


OP telling lies methinks

do you know what B.A.Y.D.I.D. stands for ?

Why are you such a cunt. NI is part of the UK, simple.

Do you guys target US military members?

Do you accept prior US military?

Then what fucking good is the IRA then?

Do you train in the Slieve Bloom "Mountains"?

Terrorist Thread: MODS BAN.