OFFICIAL Tor thread - post whatever links you have saved

OFFICIAL Tor thread - post whatever links you have saved

Other urls found in this thread:


How are people meant to find these sites? I know a few markets and wikis but how tf can you find new shit?

you just .. find them, e.g. today I visited one site (Cnot gonna name what but you know what it isP) and I found many and many links from that site with same content

People are telling they finding all kinds of crazy shit on deep web, I never founded something interesting beside kids selling drugs and guns

*cops selling drugs and guns

Yh deep Web gets hyped up to be all child porn and red rooms when in reality it's just some random Mexican dudes selling crack

Thanks for the fix, have a government confirmed keyboard and T9

Why would you look at that shit

How do you get tor on your phone? I downloaded a app but it didn't work

you just come across these sites, you can't help it

All Tor Browsers for you phone are cancer!

I've been on there before and never came across that only drugs websites I heard you have to search for that shit u don't jus come across it

I don't know where you got that from but that's not true

can you please send me the link
send it to my ask :

Ok I won't download one a friend of mine did have one on his phone and worked perfect

I have to find the links again so don't expect it in the next maybe half hour

i can wait but please do.

feed baby with sperm
when you see baby anus, will you get an erection?
cum on your baby and take a picture to share
instead of milk, give your baby a bottle of sperm
make a double penetration with baby
see your baby cry when you rape anal hole
hope there will be baby shit on your penis
your baby will be a cp star


sent it

Download Orbot for the encryption and Orfox for browser (both from play store). That's how I use it, works well but I wouldn't do any purchases on mobile as it's no where near as secure

What is it? Looks like a search engine of some sorts

yea trying to figure it out

i dont have any new question

let me try again

That's cause it is.

did you get it?

are you sure you sent it to


yes, I "asked you anonymously"

Tabooless Chat- hb2z3skucfnjdrj7.onion/chat.php (there's TONS of it) (if you search for long enough you will see also tons of it)

then I'm gonna send it here, nevermind if I get banned I'll just come back trough my VPN

>IIT: Daft faggots not posting in googywheat or YARhar


thanks preciate it

Wtf are you on about mate


Kek I felt pity for those desperate for CP. There some hidden wiki link and you could browse the wiki for some more


a description with the links would be great user

wheres the fun in that?
go look...

Apparently it's an "Illuminati" site?? Searching it brought Reddit posts asking how to access the illuminati website

Study on Dark Net



YAR doesn't work anymore but GOOG is still okay as long as you can get an invite

pwoah7foa6au2pul.onion - alphabay market, largest market on deep web, large variety of listings and members

hansamkt2rr6nfg3.onion - hansa market, large market and more secure than alphabay, uses 2FA and multisig

Sorry if newfag but what are these?


time to kill this thread
or is CP legal on Sup Forums now?

seems like yes

what the actual fuck

yeah cry like a pussy


oh my god

Old list some might be offline already 1/2

zoo6cxl4rtac3jxw.onion/index.html Kotz...

pl7ph5csmnwzlcuo.onion/ Hey !

zqrcfbrdld7s6ojy.onion/ Jesus was a nigga

momskit2z36hhuoo.onion/ Moms Kitchen

kaufmichob4rdqje.onion/ Kauf mich unzensiert (eskortservice)

iidxap2xwq6arwbr.onion/public Suicide Apartment

dtt6tdtgroj63iud.onion/?weirdsite1 Weirdsite (Wallnuss)

yniir5c6cmuwslfl.onion/ Blazetime

hdwikicorldcisiy.onion/ Wiki (another one)

weapon5cd6o72mny.onion/ Black Market

htmnmho3jfmydp2e.onion/ Hitman


big mods

/b at it again gjjj

what even

The one time I browse b on my fucking lunch break and this happens.

more porn ilegal


what if MODS dont care?

Doesnt let me post the second part because of spam im sorry

Judging by all the loli threads, CP is probably legal on Sup Forums now.

it was bound to happen

dude, wtf?!?!

>OFFICIAL Tor thread
is it?

no thank you, officer

ok mods did it

My sides this thread

WHat did i miss?

sharing onion links is not illegal or incriminating in and of itself.. most can be found through google in blogs and whatnot

late to the thread
what was it? cp?

I should rephrase that.. most of *THESE* links can be found through blah blah blah

yes user
yes it was

Do you guys use Tails? VPN? Or just plain Tor?

>what was it? cp?

Captain Picard?

Someone post the archive of this thread

look up whonix operating system

I use tails for purchases or more "risky" sites but just normal tor for browsing

What was it?


Linux distro on garbage laptop with Torghost and Tor after spoofing MAC. no VPN cause idgaf that my ISP knows someone's using Tor

If I'm using tails is and for on a shitty unused laptop, do i still need to use a proxy or VPN to stay secure?

I'd say no because tails probably has already some sort of VPN in him, but I am no expert so don't hold me by the word

tails automatically sends all traffic through tor, so don't worry. (unless you specifically enable the non-tor browser, which unless you know you have, you haven't.)
do not use a VPN or an extra proxy with tor. there is no reason to and you risk doing something wrong. if you want to hide the fact you are using tor, just use a tor bridge. a vpn is only more people to be logging your activity.

whonix or tails?


depends on your use case. tails if you're unsure of your host operating system security or need your system to be portable, use whonix if you don't need to move anywhere and are 100% sure your host OS is secure and safe.

Tails does NOT incorporate a VPN

well I said that I am no expert so yea

so what is the most safe way to browse / download material on any onion site ? Tails + Tor ?
what can i do more ?

ok fuck i just wanna browse tor safely. just tell me wat to do step by step if you can pls

ya'll niggers realize that Tor isn't safe anymore and been cracked many years ago by the dutch police, right?

they took over many, many, many sites that now function as honeytraps.

make a bootable usb with tails on it and youre all set. comes pre-bundled with Tor. quick and dirty.

will the police follow me on an uncivilized island?

Go read the fucking website about what time and tails are and aren't you lazy piece of shit

well I only use tor and I have never had any problems and that's it but I don't recommend downlaoding anything from there (any files, torrents, ...)

the police has more priority on catching those buying weapons and not someone who's just watching something