What the fuck was this even about?

What the fuck was this even about?


It's not that hard to understand

love conquers all

wachowski kino, I think the only good thing they ever made after the matrix? rite?

Muh destiny

I wouldn't say it was a thematic movie in anyway, just a series of set pieces

however, the common thread is the weak are meat thing, something about human nature


The fucking narrator in the goddamn trailer tells you what it's about. Did you watch the movie or just run around catching Pokemans?

Fags will fuck an 80+ year old man if it means to get something out of it

if all things are convention then all that is required for chance is for someone to defy convention. This works for everything.

Reincarnation. Destiny. Love. Hate. Karma.

It's a beautiful film.

"Everyone is important, no matter how small and insignificant they seem"

i hated le magical slave negro who was all wise despite being a literal savage.

I went and asked for a refund on this flick, first time ive ever done that, around the time the devil looking guy showed up

Tranny bros are trash, one hit wonders

Chink feet

What did they mean by this? Are there human psychics? Did they expand on that?

the entire movie was just an excuse to show off their make-up skills. plot made about as much sense as jupiter asending

Speed Racer was lots of fun.

human compassion

wouldnt expect you to understand


We don't like that word here, very triggering

how you can look one way on the outside but be someone else on the inside

I don't think so, I think The Trannys just really liked the book and wanted to adapt it to film. They had to globe trot everywhere and beg for funding just to get it made and released.

The only time I watched this film was when I had it on in the background while having sex

every time I'd glance at the screen I'd have no fucking clue what was going on

it is about douches, basically lots of different douches being immoral, past, present and future and the stories of people on the receiving end

somehow they end up creating a utopia free of douches which it doesn't really go into, it is not that deep and takes a kind of vacuous Rousseau stance on good and evil, though they make some effort to explain how being on the receiving end can make you distrustful and and up being a douche yourself