How can we stop Europe's decent into fascism?

how can we stop Europe's decent into fascism?

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why would you want to?
at this point, it's for the best

Get all muslims out.

What are they doing in europe?

You can not. Simply enough, accept it. Acceptance should be one of your priorities, you know.

Don't vote for them. Convince others to do the same.

good question, what they doing in europe? they obviously don't belong there



we're not in the 30's, fag op

I wonder who is behind this.


I remember watching old Top Gear and a few and they did a few pieces about ricers and shit. When they visited the scene, it was all kids and like 85% were fucking arabs.

They want to overpopulate, let scum be in charge and sap all their resources that's their problem. They should fight for their countries or die off quietly.

Wilders and Le Pen is the only chance to save Europe from the globalists plan of total destruction. After a while they will be normalized, and that will open the door for more extreme right wing parties to take control.
Remove womens right to vote and kill all sub-humans.

By learning what the word fascism means.
And then learning what the word nationalism means.
Then seeing as you now know that they're not the same thing, and that fascism is a left leaning political ideology you can move on with your life and be happy.

Removing kebab.

The thing is (dutchfag here), most people are just stupid.

They don't understand consequences of their decisions. Thus they'll vote for things they're afraid of (islam in this case). Those people only act out of emotion and don't care for facts.

There is absolutely no way I can see now, which would cause this to stop. What we can hope happens is that f/e america blows up with Trump as their president. That would make an example what would happen.

If however at some point we'll get Wilders in the lead and he would execute all his plans (unlikely if not impossible). We would probably have a world war 3 upcoming as well.

Whilst we dabble in politics and race hatred, there is this other thing which is totally ignored and that is the fact that we're fucking mother nature in the ass without lube every single day. Even if we get terrorism, war or whatever. At some point people will just slowly start to get more sick because of bad nutrition and even more stupid and less developed.

tl;dr; The mayans were right the world is coming to an end it's just creeping in slowly.

Also my opinion I actually know nothing of any of these fields and don't even watch television or read a newspaper.

By voting for this guy, 5 times each!!!

Have the drones of Muslims go back to their countries. It's as simple as that.

I honestly don't get what's so hard to understand. You force radical left ideals on the public, you get resentment and the political right gains traction. You force hardcore right on the public, lefties grow in numbers.

Finish it.

Sup Forums is that way ---->

So you only want tranny porn, YLYL and pictures you shouldn't share threads?

>fascism is a left leaning political ideology
wat? are you a fucking idiot?

There's gonna be fascism, there's no avoiding that.
Probably even a race war.
That'll justify tighter surveillance of all civilians, and propaganda.
I don't like it, but i can't imagine it going any other way.
Life will be better in shithole countries, cause those will be the only places where you could feel even remotely free.

Harsh,,, but might work!


fascism is defined as being whatever you want it to be to bolster you argument, right?


you're the biggest fucking hypocrite, you're saying people are stupid but in the end you say you don't actually know anything about the topic. delete yourself off of the interwebz

There is only one way to stop that. Listen to your people and their fears instead of ignoring them and putting their worries on a level of "being racist".
That is all those right wing parties do. They tell those people, "We understand your worries."


you cant

Original fascism was a socialist movement that included the middles classes. Also it was rabidly anti clerical and anti capitalist.

somebody's been to wikipedia lately..


By publishing Queen Elizabeth II sex tapes of her abusing children.

>We would probably have a world war 3 upcoming as well.
Problem? I think that's exactly what we need personally.

is Trump a facist? Serious question.

by educating ourselves and those around us
we'll all have to be a bit of an activist to avoid the full-on rule of the uneducated


Show that the populists tell buzzwords without real insight or longterm thinking.
And that they just try scapegoat

You know:
When you've never seen a bear, you might not know what it is. But even if not at direct sight, it's actions and roars tell you that this is something harmful.

No matter how often the jews tell us "no it's just your own society, goyim, you are the failure here :^)", we still sense the danger that jews and their brown pawns pose, without clearly identifying what it is.
What kikes and their degenerate servants will never realize is that we SENSE the danger, even without realizing it, and THAT is the reason literally every country in earth's history has at least banned jews once. (Google "jews banned in history", the wikipedia list will fill your fucking 4k-32"-screen easily.)
Just wait for things to get in order.
Last time, germany was alone. But this time, in the world of the "wonderful globalism", everybody feels the scourge of the jew. This time, everybody will realize that they fought the wrong enemy.
The day of the rope will not be about blacks or mexicans or any other typical "race", it will be jews. The day we will celebrate is the day Zionists like George Soros and his allies will hang on a tree.

you can't stop it

Fascism implies a single national unity party (just like communism or like China), so if there are multi party elections, there's no fascism.
Trump has some policies that could have been part of a fascist program, but then again so did Hillary and Bernie.


no, but the hysterical left would have you believe he is

No. Serious answer. Stop listening to American MSM run by crypto-communist yid-faggots.

True, best thing is just a big whipeout of the human race or something.

Thing is that only the sand people would be ballsy (or stupid) enough to attack things.




It's too late. The people are slowly starting to see through the lies of globalism and multiculturalism. There is nothing you can do about it, the wheels have been set in motion and the political pendulum is going to swing back HARD. This is the fault of the politicians not taking the fears and worries of the public seriously and hiding facts that don't fit in the narrative they're pushing. Now people who either see the opportunity for grabbing power or actually believe that they're the only ones combating a serious problem are getting traction, because many many people have the feeling it's the last chance they got.

>If however at some point we'll get Wilders in the lead and he would execute all his plans (unlikely if not impossible). We would probably have a world war 3 upcoming as well.
LOL thinking the Netherlands could start a war...
All he will be is an attention whore in the international political scene.

Yea, start listening to American UM run by paranoid right-wing inbred populist retards instead. Good idea.

is that slim? lmao

Nice narrative you got going there.

Globalism is a product of right-wing economic policy, multi-culturalism is a consequence of capitalism.

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.


When the left deradicalizes the right will deradicalize.
The left created this strong right wing movement by being the most annoying hypocritical selfish and unabashedly retarded faggots the world has ever laid eyes on. People from all walks of life that disagree and hate each other united in an attempt to destroy the fucking cancer that is the left today. You can call it "extremist nationalism" but the best term for it is actually "fed up with the lefts bullshit"
Hope you are still around after the mass genocides :)


serious question again - was Hitler a fascist? I ask because when there is "single national unity party" the leader goes to great lengths to squash all resistance and make "single national unity party". I'm wondering how this stands with NAZI's

>right-wing inbred populist retards

Take your hatred of whites elsewhere.

Original fascism was far right. It was far right because it supported corporatism and the elite. Fascism as Benito himself said that it was also designed to crush the leftist and the rebellious working class, therefor they hated communists. So nope it's at the far right, Mussolini stopped calling himself a socialist after he came in power and the only reason he called himself that in the first place (and the reason Hitler called himself a socialist too) was because they said that they wanted to "unite" the people (it has almost nothing with the economic factor to do)

I love the obvious comparison of Nazis to Islam.

Get a grip, they are not even remotely similar.

god fucking damn fuck you

Fascism simply means you don't accept different opinions. Fascism =
>MY way is the best one and ANYONE who disagrees should either be silenced or terminated
You're the dense motherfucker here, user.
What you just said is literally the logic of a fat feminist SJW. "fancy words can mean whatever I want them to mean as long as they serve as good buzzword.

user, I am really serious: start spending A LOT of time questioning your logical capabilities. I was at the same point as you and getting away from being a dumbass is A REAL PIECE OF WORK at the start.
And about being called a dumbass, it's a test. If your reaction was:
>I'm not a dumbass, I'm smart!
Yes, yes you are. Everyone in here used to be like that. I welcome you the street of enlightenment. Realize you're just as much of an idiot as literally everyone else here, until you have a degree or a doctor. Then you're an idiot with a degree or a doctor, making you a bit less of an idiot, because you're an idiot with a degree or a doctor, and that goes to every human in these situations.
>guess I've got a lot to learn
That's the way to go. The more you know, the more there is to learn. A true scientist will face the statement "I don't know" FAR more often than you will, because the more they find out, the more questions raise out of the dark. You're always a moron, user. Every human is. But if you're constantly about learning, and precisely defining the meaning of what you're learning, you may become less of a moron every day.

Sorry OP it's time to make Europe white again.

>Original fascism was far right. It was far right because it supported corporatism and the elite.

So the USSR was far right because it created an unelected party elite and gigantic state-run corporations. Correct?

>muh narrative
>muh liberal newspeak

This is stupid because the top portion is exactly what migrants and refugees want.

The shitty radical Islamists ruin it by making them all look like crazy religious nuts who want to kill anyone who doesn't agree with their shitty interpretation of an already shitty religion.

But 99% of them aren't like that. So why are we painting which such broad brushes?

Hitler was a fascism fan boy, but "nazism" is a different version because of the whole race thing, classic fascism believes unity, culture and ideology are the base of the social movement, nazism believe that race precedes both culture and ideology.

It's not a comparison.
It's satire showing you can call anything a religion and get away with extremist ideals because you can use your religion as a veil to hide behind and scream and cry about being a victim when somebody points out that the shit you are doing is violent and intolerable.
The point is, you can slap a religion on any extremist ideals and use that religion as something to hide behind and act like a victim if anybody tries to stop you.

Like islam.

Or Sup Forumsfaggotry

"The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers.." This is from our 'friend' Erdogan, not some ISIS leader. So voting for Wilders/Le Penn/Trump isn't the smartest thing to do, you cant say that theren isnt a problem. If we dont act it could go very bad.

We don't. No need to.

How narrow minded, do you know what started the WW1?

> when somebody points out that the shit you are doing is violent and intolerable.
> implying all Muslims are violent

You're talking about general authoritarianism. Fascism at its core is a system where government power and financial interest rule in tandem and there is no transmission or allowance made for the public to directly affect policy. The authoritarianism flows from the same conditions that would allow such a system. The first condition being a state of perpetual, pants shitting, fear or a race, ethnic or religious group.

In the UK alone, which has a large population of second and third generation muslims, a quarter said they want sharia law. That is in contravention with those rights. Bear in mind that number will be MUCH higher for the refugees as they aren't westernised

Just kill all the sandniggers and we will stop, i promise

do you even read quaran ? stop talking trash about something you dont know. islam is religious nazi.



I'd say we've got like 2/5. Not quite at "Europe is a tinderbox just waiting to light!" status.

Are you retarded?
The right-wingers ARE THE ONLY ONE NOT TO MUCH OF A PUSSY TO TELL ERDOGAN TO FUCK OFF. EVERY CURRENT POLITICIAN IS LIKE "oh gee yeah Erdogan is bad but I'M not gonna be the one to tell him, I just care about the 500k I get every year :^)"

t. Germanistan

well I think it´s only working if the current leading parties accept the fact that there are some unconvenient truths which have to be spoken out and reacted to.

As long as they try to act according to all their human and international rights they will be weak against other national leaders like e.g Erdogan.

Guys like Erdogan give shit on human rights and international law, therefore he lost his right to be treated after that rules.

I think that´s a natural feeling and aslong only right parties say that they will have success with it

Both hate the Jews and want total war on the decadent west that supports them


you can't because it simply isn't lol

all of my this

OP je kanker moeder ga lekker dood linkse kanker hippie

the very fact that the religion is allowed to exist means that more will turn radical.
so what that 99% arent radical? they still read the same book. it's open to interpretation however they please.
it's not a question of "if", but "when".
so who will suffer because we have allowed the spread into civilized societies? i hope it's not me, my family, my friends or my countrymen.

Yeah that's not true but even if it was it hardly matters. For example 100% of all chavs want legal street drugs and the option to marry their mother or sister and yet it remains illegal.

Hitler and USSR were far left, not far right, Mao Zedong was far left too, I think Pol Pot was also

17yo rebel and SJW spoke

the uneducated voice of the proletariat lol

You are right.
Muslims can't be violent they are just
"a peaceful religion"

yea you're right it's not a quarter of them it's a lot higher, just look st the opinion polls there

You don't. I hope all the sand-niggers get sent to fucking Siberia.

Granted that there are some cultural carryover issues such as that. I'm not saying every single person who comes over is going to suddenly drop their worldview. Generations of religious indoctrination and lack of outside influence isn't going to be washed away that quickly.

All groups of immigrants bring their own culture and traditions with them. Some are more objectionable than others to the status quo when they come.

Part of the issue from what I've read is how isolated their communities can become. Then they just get exposed to the same bullshit they get back home. The government should do more to socialize and integrate people.

By the way, can you link a source for that 25% in the UK stat? I'd be curious to read the article. Thanks!

Fair point.

No, authoritarinism means that you want leaders and people in power.
Basically anything that goes towards monarchy or aristocracy/elitism.
Liberalism is focus on the commoner, the element of individualism.
These two can both CONTAIN fascism, but fascism is a factor of its own, unless you speak of mussolini's state form called "fascism".
Yeah, there's 2 kinds of fascism. The historical and the political.

There are no reputable polls at which to look old chap. Your agit prop is showing.

It's been shown by reputable pollsters. Your second point just an admission of retardation