Have you ever seen silverfish or creatures of similar kind in your bathroom? Did it disturb you?

Have you ever seen silverfish or creatures of similar kind in your bathroom? Did it disturb you?

sometimes i see one on my bedroom floor, never bothered me

Nah, just fishfish, he seemed pretty chill.

Yes, I see them regularly.
No, it doesn't disturb me. They're useful (eat mold) and I think they're interesting.

occasionally. someone said the if you apply chili sauce to it, it pops. never tried it, though. let me know how it goes.

my workplace is full of silverfish :/

I old buildings they are extremely common.
While they look gross, they are actually beneficial: They consume fungus and other stuff you don't want to have around. I got totally used to them gliding around.
If you want to remove them, combine baking soda and flour 1:1 and put it in all edges in the rooms where they live. This will kill them. Or use pure salt instead, that won't kill them but they don't like it and can't crawl over it.

kek, i done this with a trout one time, it died for 3 days

are you mario?

awesome fish :)

Just bugs man. Nothing poisonous in my state so I never sweat them. Kill or release. Whatever.

funny you should ask - i got one cockroach - seriously just one big fucker i only ever see in my bathroom at night...
sometimes when im in there dropping a deuce i look up and i see him crawling on the ceiling and i think
"what would i do if that fucker just dropped down onto my head right now, while a log of poo is stuck halfway out of my butt?"

This fish is cool but obviously irrelevant to the thread

Poisonous stuff is an issue only for aussies

im in texas...
we got deadly bugs here too...

And then resurrected and ascended into heaven?

Fuck you OP, you just summoned one to my sink. Never seen these bastards in here before today.
He is getting flushed down the drain

That's what you pay for warm climate

Such as? Only things I can think of are black widows. (similar to the much deadlier redback in the Oz)

just those and the brown recluse...

why would you even do this to a trout? Its right to do so with a carp but why with a trout?!

these bloody bastards have states and kings.
the queen is twice the size and blue.

Black widows, brown recluse. Other spiders give massive infections. These are common and not hard to find in certain states. But I've personally seen a black widow here.. which is very rare.. but not impossible.

This is just insects. There ate scorpions. We also have multiple species of rattlesnake, and things like the coral snake, also I think a black momma is one? Forget.

All these kill every year. Just, Australia is way more deadly in just number of species. I'd accept.. it's more dangerous.. not.. the usa is harmless in turns of its wildlife.


> He is getting flushed down the drain
He be comin back tonight tough brah

They live in sewers so basically you're giving him a ride home.

That's right. I was in a classroom at A&M Kingsville with one of those fuckers crawling around our bags on the floor

hey dont forget the killer bees..
also i believe you are referring to the "black mamba"

Spell check on my phone. But, yes I was.

I want you to know that I appreciate that joke.

true dat, that's where they come from in the first place

Dude fuck black widows this one time at band camp when I moved into a new apartment I noticed there like 20-30 babies in web between my oven and counter I would kill them with bug spray and day later there would be fucking more same spot went on for like a month

had them in the basement.
It did bother me at first but then I thought, hey those guys are cleaning the floor for me, even the hard to reach spots.
So I killed them when I saw them. saw them only a few times. Just thought meh let them clean my basement, I am not sleeping here

Than you. It took me a whole 5 seconds to write.

You niggas forgot about asps in Texas. They will not literally kill you, but you gonna wish you were dead for a few hours. You also forgot about rattlesnakes; they are creatures who can put a hurt on you. And water moccasins, and to a lesser degree, copperheads and coral snakes. Last two are more dangerous but less common.

Didn't read thread.


I actually did read the thread. I either missed that paragraph or was slow in typing. Either way no one mentioned my main point: asps will kick your whiteboi ass

> it died for 3 days
you english good speak

Dawg. It was about bugs. All these other animals I could remember except for whoever said scorpions. Are all scorpions dangerous?

no..big black ones mostly harmless.like a bee sting..the small yellow ones can kill you

No such thing as silverfish in my country as far as my knowledge goes,ive never seen one in my life but i would definitely be creeped the fuck out if i saw one. But,i see these fuckers in my room 1-12x per year and they are a complete fucking nightmare,i cant sleep,probably have a phobia of centipedes

yeah, easy way to get rid of them: get one of those air drying contraptions.

this house centrepede is not silverfish, the worst part of having one in house that it moves faster than sonic and easily crawls everywhere - floor, walls and ceiling

Silverfish are everywhere, here they're called sugarworms for some reason. They're tiny and harmless too.

Well actually they're called that because they eat sugars

This is the common house centipede, not a silverfish.
They are actually one of the more useful pests in your home.
They are more or less the cats of the insect world.
They are expert hunters and kill all many of other house pests, including spiders.
Their fangs are too small to penetrate human skin.
Whenever I find them in my house I put them in my basement.

Theres no way you ever managed to catch that thing

They are actually quite docile creatures.
They will run right onto your hand if you are gentile.

I kept house centipedes in my attic and never had an insect or spider problem. They're pretty chill and dont get too big.