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sjw garbage? no bruh. you're thinking of AKA Jessica Jones.


Hell no, everybody gets their shit pushed in equally.

It's pretty goat actually. No hack ass batman, just Baby Bruce and his fun adventures.

It's mostly about the villains in this show. Gordon is a pretty basic character, but Bullock is the saving grace of the show.

Its trash IMO
The show makes no sense if your in it for the Batman lore, and as a simple cop show its just not that good.

Some of the casting isn't bad, thats really the only thing it has going for it.

I'd rather re-watch a Dark Knight movie or BvS than any episode of this show desu. Some of the villains the give an episode to are straight "Who gives a fuck"
I think they had a balloon man once or something. In a cartoony sense that works, but when you try and make it Nolan/Snyder "grimdark", it just doesn't work at all.

Ive been watching season 1 and 2 the past week.

Its bad, but watchable if you play it on the side.

Season 2 was much better than s1.

Its so damn unneccesarily brutal as well. Doesnt fit at all.

Force yourself through the first Season, S2 is god-tier.

Start from season 1 episode 20

Not everything is SJW, you really need to get off Sup Forums for a while.

It has some sexy woman in it. Also se2 is awsome but i liked s1 as well better then anything not netflix

My favorite scene was when Camren Bicondova crawled into frame on all fours, and then proceeded to take a big stinky shit into a box of kitten litter in one long uncut take.

Very artful.

Only SJW shit is whenever jada pinkett smith shows up, shes le strong woman

Everything else is comfy, bad acting by Cat's actor but she's a qt

I don't watch the show, but it definitely has some top qts.

Ivy best girl

>skipping S01E18 the based circus episode
Hell no.

too bad she got fired

It's good, I'm a comic purist and I like it. You just need to keep in mind it's a Batman show without Batman, but Bruce is in there, and you can catch glimpses of Batman, but it's not his show. It's the villains's show.

Wait, I'm supposed to buy this hobgoblin grows up to be THE most sensual female in batman


new Ivy

s1 is sketchy but s2 is pretty good.
Basically if you like anything in season 1, just stick with it.

She hasn't even hit puberty yet.

Hell yes.

How come the original actress has Season 3 Behind-the-scenes on her instagram?

Probably got the behind the scenes stuff from somewhere else and shared them there.

>Ivy goes from 13 years old to 19 years old in one season

How the fuck are they going to explain this?

Ivy's going to have a run in with one of the Indian Hill monsters, and its going to transform her into the new actress's BTS shots of HER.

I don't see why not tbqh, sounds like a good way to change her actress

>Following an encounter with a monster from Indian Hill, Ivy Pepper finds herself reborn, and one step closer to the DC villain she is destined to become: Poison Ivy. Now a 19-year-old woman who’s harnessed the full power of her charms, she sets her sights on Bruce Wayne.

Ah, so she's in the current season.
She just gets recast.

She's probably so sad.

reminder that there is no Pamela Isley in this show

the redhead with the flora foreshadowing is 'Ivy Pepper'

I suspect it for a stupid reason

>select all images with flowers

Season 2 is HBO tier

Is this show canon?

I cant be arsed to read comicbooks for all the lore.
But some of these origin stories seem stupid and or non-canon.

this is a dumb question considering the basic batman stories have been told at least 100 times each, with major differences each time

No, not at all.

Canon for what? The movies? The comics? The cartoon?

The answer is all no.

It's a standalone show.

why are you on her instagram? fucking pedo.

>Following young and aspiring actresses

We used to be known as fans... I hate this place

Start on season 2, watch the previously on in 201 it recaps the only things that matter from season 1

She's cute, no pedo.

I dunno. But IIRC in the early episodes the penguin mostly kills for food for no apparent reason...

Dude fishing, killed
Dude with sammich, killed.
Hotdog guy, killed.

The website reveals that Pamela Isley is the name her adoptive parents gave her.

there's nothing sjw about this
it's actually a good show

Season 2 > Season 1

They love to ham it up, and that's what makes it so great.

Season finale was also amazing:
We can't seem to destroy Azrael, and then out of the blue, Penguin and crew comes with a fucking bazooka.

At that point, I was just laughing on my knees for how outrageous it was, and it was perfect. No better way to end Azrael than having something else be THAT over the top itself.

But fuck Jada Smith. I hate her as a person, I hate her as an actress. GET FISH OFF THE SHOW!

Now she has Mary Sue powers given if she touches you (that's the gimmick). Poor fucking Penguin, he just doesn't catch a break.


>A monster. Yes, a monster that transforms her from a kid to a 19-year-old woman who “has harnessed the full power of her charms.”

>This seems... problematic.

STRAIGHT FROM YOUR LINK. If there's any "SJW" from OP in this thread, its this piece of shit post that linked io9 and its "problematic" issue with Poison Ivy finally having a "growth spurt" in line with the word puns of Gotham, like a "weed".

Fucking hell.

Tried to watch this but gave up on it's 2D characters and it's 'oh wow that's so and so before batman' gimmick. Going to watch the episode with Michael Chiklis though and if it's good I might work my way back to where I dropped it.