KAT is dead

>KAT is dead
>now torrentz is down

It doesn't look good bros..

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Sad times we live in. I'm having trouble finding a new one myself

>piratebay is still up

wow it's fucking nothing

I bit the bullet and got a Netflix subscription yesterday.. it was good while it lasted. RIP pirate bros, we had a good run.

The jews fear internet piracy

Itp. But you need an invite

rarbg nigga

Piracy will never die, user.
The Jews can try all they want, but we will always rise back from the ashes. They can kill us over and over again, they can crush our hopes and dreams, but they can not stop us. They may be able to slow us down, but they can never make us surrender.
A new champion shall soon arise. The Kikes may be enjoying their hollow victory, but they do not realise that they have made us more powerful than they can possibly imagine.

pirate bay is a honey pot

I remember the good old days of torrent spy, isohunt... kickass torrents was the go to for man-years recently. i wonder if people will start going back to p2p filesharing programs like ares, kazaa, lime wire...

kat is still up you dingdongs

ITT: poor fags

If you're too dumb to find new places to pirate then you truly are a plebeian.

every time i want to download a torrent i can only get that magnet link and it never loads

wat do

Here's your (you).

idk try using a computer for longer than 6 months grandpa

It's fucking shit because it was down for a long period which fucked killed most torrents it had. You also can't search shit without it asking you to come back after 10 minutes.

>pirate bay is a honey pot
>Thinking anyone gives a fuck about it

Yeah, but It doesn't have the kind of selection That Demoniod and KAT had.

you can still go to isohunt, the site is still fucking up the lazy userbase just needs to actually use it again

>now torrentz is down

um, no

>I paid for shitty movie and shitty tv show I'm such a rich and smart guy

I remember in 2009 watching the Sopranos for the first time on streaming sites. It was so easy: I googled "Sopranos watch online", clicked the first link and it worked. Last week I wanted to watch a specific Sopranos clip. I couldn't be bothered to find the boxset and the scene wasn't on YouTube so I thought I'd just find the episode online. Ugatz!

Piracy is becoming more effort than it's worth.


>can't afford to pay for a shitty tv show

please i need help

i'm in a good mood so here's a spoonfeedin' you can take to the bank my friend


>don't want to pay when I can get it for free means I can't afford

Give one reason to give one nickel to the jews.

I'm not even going to click on that

well don't then, i don't give a shit

Enjoy being retarded.



necessity is the mother of invention

unless you're a bunch of neckbeards who spend all day browsing Sup Forums

>You also can't search shit without it asking you to come back after 10 minutes.
It's just a glitch right now, just keep trying to search and it'll eventually work. They're in the process of fixing it

why you care ? just go to some east european torrent no one there give a fuck about piracy especially in former soviet bloc countries
Learn to torrent noobs

Nigga it's been since it came back. I pretty much dropped it since it was pretty persistent. Curiously after KAT bit the dust it's a little better but it's still pretty annoying.

Also it's really not main problem, KAT just had better quality torrents.

even if I have a virus now I still get to watch movies for free so its no sweat off my nuts

torrentz still works?

KAT was being run by a Ukrainian out of Poland. Nowhere is safe.


That or a SWAT team on its way to your house
