Box Office: Dinesh D'Souza's 'Hillary's America' Becomes Top-Grossing Doc of 2016

>Conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza has added another win: Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party has quickly become the top-grossing documentary of the year to date at the U.S. box office, amassing $5.2 million in its first dozen days.

>That's the best showing of any documentary since Amy Winehouse doc Amy earned $8.2 million following its release on July 3, 2015. And among 2016 docs, Hillary's America easily trumps the $4.1 million grossed by Imax documentary A Beautiful Planet and the $3.8 million grossed by Michael Moore's Where to Invade Next.

>Among political documentaries, Hillary's America already ranks No. 10.

It's over Hillary is finished

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I hate both Trump and Hillary. That said, I saw a commercial for this on YouTube yesterday. I've never heard of this guy until then.
I thought it was some Daily Show/Colbert type shit. This guy can't be real can he? Is he a former Daily Show correspondent? There's no way this can be straight up and not satire.

>still can't beat Michael Moore
conservatards BTFO

>This guy can't be real can he?
he is
>Is he a former Daily Show correspondent?
don't know, probably not
>There's no way this can be straight up and not satire.
he is serious as a heart attack

D'Souza is a neo-con Jew shill. I hope he dies a slow and painful death

everyone is a neocon jew shill

it literally says he beat Michael Moore

they both suck, but hillary pretends she doesn't suck as much so fuck her


He's openly Christian

Watch the video where this guy blows the fuck out some college kid. He's based as shit.

The one where he tells the kid to give up all his belongings and become a hobo if he truly supports charity?

Hillary just does not have the momentum Obama had.

Too many skeletons in her closet, and all the young people are now burned because of the Bernie scandal.

yeah, and Bill O'Reilly has sold 10 gorillion books too. Conservatives eat up books that feed into their echo chamber. I'm not liberal, but conservatives are robots who will buy anything their heroes publish that slander the people they're supposed to hate.

He tells him that since he thinks he's at the University because of his white privilege he should give up his position to a black person. But he won't because no one ever actually wants to practice what they poach, just tell everyone else to. And then explains that before whites conquered the native Americans, the native Americans conquered other native American tribes. So when the whites give them their land back the natives need to give the land back to the people they conquered and so on. He perfectly summarises how retarded the left are.

If conservatives are robots, why, against the force of the establishment and the RNC, did they go out and vote Trump as the nominee?

Wow it's almost like people have different opinions and disagree with each other or something. You sound so wise and above everyone else bro. You must be like a super genius or something

Those aren't real conservatives. I'm talking Hillary hating O'Reilly/Hannity conservatives, neither of whom like Trump that much.

From ex convict to directing the top grossing documentary

God bless the U.S.A

>Those aren't real conservatives

That's a fallacy if I've ever heard one. Those "fake" conservatives are the one directing a good chunk of the current election.

Robot signal was hijacked. Trump jacked into the anger and hate that the establishment republicucks used, told those chumps what they wanted to hear, and then got where he is.

Like how the beastie boys crashed the swarm in STB.

He'll be ruined after a week of ads showing off atlantic city,

>T- this'll be the end of Trump's campaign for sure!

Meanwhile he's polling ahead of Hillary.

Before the DNC leaks.

Most of those tickets were probably sold to The Heritage Foundation senpai.

You fucking retard, Trumps whole point is that he's so great and is the only person to fix America. He thinks he's the most important person in the world.

>top grossing documentary
so it made dozens, if not hundreds of dollars?

yeah, everyone likes their echo chambers

You should get a bullet in "the left" of your head

And after the RNC, which always bumps the polls. Use your fucking brain and CONTEXT.

And the context currently is that the DNC has been a disaster like one not seen in years.

The party wanted "unity", but they're more divided than ever.

Hillary's numbers are going to drop further.


Those aren't true Scotsman

You can want to fix America and not think you're the most important person ever. What ever did he say to suggest he thought as much?

>experienced journalist/writer
>college kid in his sophomore year



wow, an actual college kid? sick



>two most loved living former presidents supporting, former rival supporting

You're in denial, which is typical

Bill Clinton's speech was drowned out in the media by a few words spoken by Trump. It's all they've been talking about.

And of course the leaks, which caused mass protests at the convention, with the party have to replace its chairman not once, but twice in the span of a day.

They fucked up.

>And among 2016 docs, Hillary's America easily trumps the $4.1 million grossed by Imax documentary A Beautiful Planet and the $3.8 million grossed by Michael Moore's Where to Invade Next.
> trumps
Hey. Cut it out.

dinesh is great. king obama should be ashamed of himself for what he did to this guy.

>My argument was destroyed; the post

Back to tumblr, dear

I remember he debated with Christopher Hitchens once, since he's a Christfag.

>This lack of self-awareness

When Michael Moore was doing well were you saying the same thing about Liberals?

If you think the DNC was a complete total disaster you are living in fantasy land. I don't know how people like you exist.

Why was it a disaster? I didn't watch


>I've never heard of this guy until then.

Did you not go through the edgy atheist phase as a teen, or are you still a teen right now?

I can't believe they invited Lena "I raped my sister" Dunham to endorse Hillary.

One of the highlights.

To summarize though, Wikileaks leaked information that showed the DNC chairperson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz was colluding with Hillary to get her the nomination.

Schultz, just before the convention, had to step down, then they replaced her with another person, who was also found out to be colluding with the same plan, so they had to replace her.

The whole convention was filled with boos and antagonism against the party from Bernie people, and several protests were held (ironically) up against the wall put around the building.

Things are going terribly right now.

>it's a Christopher Hitchens refers to Turkey as "Anatolia" episode
>it's a Christopher is still dead episode

Yeah, and Trump gets attacked by fucking every media outlet and millionaire celebrity in the country, while all of them are lining up to suck Hillary's dick.

Bernie supporters (god bless them) were actually causing a fuss. The scandals and leaks have also been dominating the attention, with people being fired and quitting.

Because they had to kick out so many Bernie supporters, they've had to hire actors to fill the seats.

They had illegals immigrants (read: criminals) on stage giving speeches. Bills speech was a total mess, even the news media wasn't buying it. Obamas big speech was mainly about himself and barely about Hillary.

It goes on and on. A total mess.

Schultz was put into power as a plant to make Hillary's chance at the nom a shoe-in, but do you wanna know who was the chairperson before her?

Tim Kaine.

Basically, there's rampant corruption with the Dems, and it's all spilling out into the forefront.

based POO IN LOO

And Hillary is still coming out of it more hated than she was going in.

>The head of a political party supported their strongest candidate during a primary season

Why is this corruption

>Hillary hating
so most liberals and all conservatives
>O'Reilly/Hannity conservatives
oh, you mean Neocons. Yeah Neocons are old and busted. Trump nationalists are new hotness.

Kaine stepped down as chairperson, and ended up being Hillary's running mate, while Schultz was put into power, and was found colluding with Hillary and giving favoritism towards her.

Basically they've been running a long con to give themselves more power, but it's falling out from under themselves thanks to that beautiful man, Julian Assange.

And he promises more leaks to come.


He's been on the receiving end of a Hitchslap.

>Kaine stepped down as chairperson
>ended up being Hillary's running mate
>Schultz was put into power

Real conspiracy, huh jk it's literally nothing

You can't Correct The Record this time, shill.

Schultz already stepped down, and so did her replacement just as quickly.

People are banging at the gates in rage at the sheer amount of corruption rampant in the organization. Trump's now leading Hillary.

And Assange promises a killing blow soon enough.

Highlight of the convention so far

>woman discraced as chair of DNC
>steps down in shame over corruption
>Hillary hires her immediately for her campaign.
Is she really this fucking stupid?

I'm glad Trump is destroying her in the polls.

He sounds like he has some kind of neurological disease.

I see Correct the Record is sending their shills to Sup Forums to catch up on the hottest new memes.

Do me a favor and try to bring seagalposting back. I miss that one.

Holy fuck, the Rotten Tomatoes reviews for this movie are so bad - 5%, to be exact.

Fucking shills, man.

>Is she really this fucking stupid?
>not even making a half-assed effort to win Sanduhs supporters over
>literally having her supporters tell them to shut the fuck up because what are they gonna do, vote Trump? lmao

>its an alt-right shill thread

The only conservative documentaries you're allowed to like if you're a movie critic are directed by Leni Reifenstahl.

stop using terms you don't understand

There's fucking nothing alt-right about Dinesh.

or regular right
or regular left
or green party
or Sanders supporters

>what kind of haircut you want?
>just make me like michael moore but more conservative and clinically retarded
>I have just the thing

Love it or hate it, Hilldog is going to win the election.
I personally look forward to watching the shitshow.

Well, guess I'll go and see Ghostbusters tomorrow instead.

Can't win an election when you're polling lower than the other girl.

>TFW big guy got a big guy stuck in his ass that night

or guy. I'd vote for Trump if he were a girl too.

"Six bags of popcorn and all the sodas in the world" - Tim Heidecker

>Debbie Wasserman Schultz was colluding with Hillary
Please show me this email.



now post the most recent one



>A poo in loo saves America

Trump's apologize when

>not 538's Polls+

Anything else is literally useless.

FiveThirtyEight, you mean the site that has been consistently wrong about Trump for over a year?

Remember when Nate Silver kept claiming Trump's campaign would crash and burn every week of the Republican primary season?

>W.L. Patty likes the film


btw The Exorcist III was good

Nate Silver's souls has been crushed repeatedly by the reality of Trump's campaign, and how he keeps guessing wrong.

Try again


Get ready for Hillary's post-convention bump to hit hard.

You think after every single stumble and show of corruption, Hillary is going to come out ahead with this convention?

The party is more divided than ever.

>post-convention bump

LEL. She will actually GO DOWN for the first time in history buddy. Im laughing at you :)

>actually getting a bump from her shitshow of a convention that alienated everyone who liked Bernie

Sure thing guys, we'll know when the polls come out next week :^)

>Polls plus Nate Silvers butthurt bias

no thanks. Ill take the straight numbers please.

We will.

Until then, you have nothing to be smug about. You're losing right now.