Hey I'm gonna have my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow, can you tell me some horror stories about that?

Hey I'm gonna have my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow, can you tell me some horror stories about that?

make sure you take your painkillers on time after the procedure. I fucked up and experienced the most excruciating pain in my life.

I became less wise after I had mine removed.

>Be 16
>Never took pain pills before
>Take like 5
>High as fuck
>Wake up naked in the living room (had a blanket on)
>Parents sit next to me

Not too bad

that because you're either a pussy or went to the wrong dentist...

Seriously, I had 3 of mine at the same time - 5 minutes each (and that included the local anesthesia) - was laid up in bed for 24 hours with cotton / gauze / bloody shit in my mouth. Took only Advil for the pain.

OP - it's a common enough procedure nowadays that there's really nothing to worry about

I had mine out a few weeks back, well one of them out. Its was a piece of piss. Nothing to worry about. The procedure took less than a minute and I was out of the dental surgery in like 10 mins. Just make sure to let the clot form and don't chew anything too hard for a few days. Also use salt rinses often for the first week.

I knew a guy who had his pulled. They busted off a tiny piece of his jaw and didnt notice. His jaw got more and more swollen day by day. I think it was about a month later he went to the doctor, they took an xray, the majority of his jaw starting from the side where the bone had broke got infected and some of it rotted. I think he had about 40% of his jawbone removed
Have fun!

oh damn, that sounds good

found out I was allergic to the stuff they gave me for pain afterwards. felt bad man

poorfag here - got all four of mine out at once at a dental school...
the gave me laughing gas but i could hear and feel them hammering and chiseling the broken tooth pieces out - i honestly thought it was hilarious...
took about 20 minutes i think b/c dental students...
after i regained lucidity they packed my mouth full of cotton and sent me on my way...
only person available to drive me that day was country ass aunt who promptly got lost in the big ole city - despite my best efforts to give her directions...

All the horror stories are from idiots that don't follow the after care instructions. Don't be a pleb and you will be fine.

No joke, a friend of mine died 2 weeks after removing her wisdom teeth. She got an infection and it spread out so badly which caused brain bleeding.
It was all over the news. You'll probably die too.

Get them removed all at once.
The worst thing about is having to eat some for the next two days or so.

few weeks ago i got all 4 removed.
Got versed which should make me sleepy, but it didnt work for me. In the end it was just a local anesthesia, and the OP was not that good, hearing all that cracking and shit, but the time after that was ok, hurts a bit, but with a good pain killer it's ok. A week later I could already eat whatever I wanted.

I got all 4 of mine removed at once. The worst thing I remember was the huge holes it left in my gums for months but it eventually healed over

Had one removed in the moring, been playing CSGO the rest of the day, 0 pain, just blood taste.
That night I went to the bar and had a few beers, 0 problems. Idk if Im lucky or if everyone else is overreacting.

enjoy pooping blood for the next day or so.

How can I get some nice strong Painkillers?


anaesthesia is a bit weird. it gets your month numb and you don't actually feel pain, but you can still feel the area. I mean, the cracks and someone removing the teeth etc…
pain depends on how bad your teeth are and how much digging they will need to do.

Heres my experience getting all 4 removed

> sit in chair
> get put to sleep
> wake up without wisdom teeth and a sore jaw
> receive vicodin

Dont be a pussy, its not that big a deal... just dont smoke or use a straw as dry socket is a world of agony.

You're gonna be bleeding for a few days. The holes will also hurt after but not too much. Don't touch them and they'll heal. Eat soft/liquid stuff cuz rough things can give you a lot of pain. Taking them out takes ~1-2 min per tooth and is painless if anesthesia is applied. After healing food will get stuck occasionally which is annoying but can't be helped.

When I had mine removed, they hit me with a numbing agent, ripped the bitch out and sent me home. No need for anything but aleve or tylenol. My tooth had fractured though, so yours might be a more painful experience

Why would you need to be put to sleep? Must be an American thing, I just get a local and was given no pain killers. The toothache I had before having them removed was 1000 times worse than the slightly sore feeling after.

There is more horror in keeping them sometimes.
If I hadn't had mine removed, the wisdom teeth in my jaw would have grown directly into the other teeth, applying pressure that would eventually kill all of my teeth and have my jaw rotting in my mouth.

Your mouth is already rotting

Floss more

exactly. Americans are very retarded with their medical procedures.

It is a local procedure. You should get a local anesthetic and be awake through the whole process. It is a pain in the ass, but there's much worse, you're gonna survive OP.

I had all four done at once. My advice:
>Have ice packs waiting in the car, use immediately
>take your antibiotics religiously
>don't smoke until they're healed

It isn't too bad. Are you going to be going under or just getting numbed?

I floss every day and brush my teeth every morning and evening.
I was encouraging op to get them removed if they were at risk of hurting him.
Why are you antagonizing me?

Depends if they're impacted or not. Mine weren't impacted. Didn't even have to be put under. 15 minutes choking on my tongue and spit because I couldn't feel SHIT and 5 minutes for the actual procedure and I was done. No pain at all.